Survival [End Times]

39, Disaster Doomsday 26

They rowed over and joined the queue to board the ship.

The family that Yu Heng had asked about first was no longer there.

They boarded the ship smoothly and handed over 8 kilograms of food. The man who weighed them smiled at them and glanced at the other supplies they brought with them: "You can find a place on the deck. We have pulled a plastic canvas, so we are not afraid even if it rains."

This is a large cargo ship with a wide deck. Everyone on the ship stayed here in the morning. Of course, some people who looked wealthy would be recommended by the crew to give them an extra 10 kilograms of food each, so that they could be allocated a bed in the crew dormitory in the cabin.

"Excuse me, when will the ship leave?"

The man looked around: "If the weather doesn't change, at least we have to wait until all the people on the ship are full, and at most we will have to wait for another two or three days!"

You have to make a profit after coming here.

Yu Heng nodded and took Zhang Tao and the others inside. According to what he had just said, there would be more people coming, so they chose a corner and put the two plastic boats on the shelf next to them.

The two women and the child sat inside, while Zhang Tao and Yu Heng sat outside and surrounded them.

There was a lot of chattering nearby, and Wu Pingan woke up, pouted and was about to cry. Wu Changxin quickly coaxed him: "Ping'an, don't cry, uncle is taking you on a boat ride, look..."

Is anyone moving? The boat is shaking a little. Wu Pingan stared with wide eyes and slowly grinned.

Wu Changxin fed him milk.

People kept coming up one after another, some were asked to leave because they didn't have enough money for the boat fare, and some were making trouble, but a few big men on the boat stood there and threw them down without saying anything.

Someone whispered nearby: "They are too cruel. They are all poor people. What's wrong with putting them up?"

The voice belonged to a young girl. An older woman scolded her: "You are the only one who talks too much!"

"That's right!" The girl became even louder: "Each of us collected two kilograms of food, but we were made to sleep on the deck?"

"Shut up!"

The man who had been patrolling on the deck laughed: "Young girl, you have a lot of ideas! How about I return the rice scale to you, and you take it off the ship?"

They didn't need her two kilograms of rice, but they were annoyed by such nagging that affected management.

The girl stopped talking, and the older woman quickly smiled and apologized: "She is ignorant! You big brothers have come all the way here and it's hard. Don't bother with her. I will discipline her well!"

Yu Heng lowered his head: "Let's stay here safely. If we want to go anywhere, we will go together. Call me and Brother Zhang." He mainly said this to the two women.

"Well, I know."

In the evening, a woman came over and said she wanted to exchange milk powder with them. The woman stared at the milk bottle at Wu Ping'an's mouth and said, "Our child is not big. It's been a long time since he had something good to eat. Can you change some?"

Yu Heng thought for a while and said, "One can for two kilograms of food."

"So expensive! One kilogram for one can!"

A can of 900 milliliters is almost one kilogram or nearly two kilograms. Forget it, milk powder and rice are not equal in value.

"Forget it then." Yu Heng would rather not eat for several adults and drink milk powder, which is more nutritious.

He had prepared 25 cans of milk powder before, and Chen Qiao stole one can. Later, when the child was born, Wu Changxin had too little milk, and the child mostly drank milk powder. Later, Li Li said that Wu Changxin was weak after giving birth and there was no condition to give her tonic, so she let her drink milk powder with the child as a nutritional supplement.

In this way, the milk powder is consumed faster. Now Wu Ping'an is only more than a month old, and almost half of the milk powder has been used up.

Wu Changxin is now unwilling to drink it, saying that her body is already good and she will leave all the milk powder for the child to drink. After all, it is hard to find milk powder now, and the child is still too young, so there is still a long way to go in the future.

He saw that they had no food now, and it would be good if he could exchange some milk powder for it. He was not a fool and would not do some loss-making business.

The woman frowned: "Are you really not going to exchange?"

Yu Heng turned her head away.

The woman left with a dark face, and soon there was a cry of a child over there. Zhang Tao stretched his neck to see, and said with a pout: "Do you know how old the child of that woman is? I think he is six or seven years old!"

Li Li also frowned: "Six or seven years old, you still have the nerve to compete with a little kid for milk." And a pound of food for a can?

Zhang Tao took another look: "I think the child is too spoiled."

"That's right." Li Li nodded, and the boy howled loudly, shouting for milk, and she also heard it.

"We must make friends well in the future when Ping An is safe, and we can't let him be so bad." Zhang Tao concluded.

Yu Heng laughed when he heard it.

After a while, two men came over and asked to exchange milk powder.

"Are you from the same family?" Yu Heng asked the woman just now.

"That's my sister." "My wife."

Yu Heng laughed: "What do you mean by this? Are you buying it up?"

"Hey, brother, how can this be called buying up?" The man who claimed to be the woman's brother said with a grin: "We are exchanging things! One pound of rice for a can of milk powder, how economical! You see your can is so small, we are still losing money."

Yu Heng still rarely sees such a shameless person.

He simply said: "If you want to exchange, bring two pounds of food, otherwise forget it."

"Two pounds! Why don't you go and rob?"

"It's up to you to exchange or not."

The woman's husband was about to take action, and Zhang Tao wanted to stand up. Yu Heng held him down and shouted: "Boss, someone is going to make trouble here, are you going to do anything?"

The patrolling man turned his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Tao suddenly realized something and pointed at the man in front of him and said, "They! They want to hit someone!"

The man's fist had not yet been retracted.

The patrolling man came over and said, "What's your relationship? Don't move around and disturb others."

"We don't know each other." Zhang Tao said.

The two men laughed, "It's okay, it's okay..." and ran away quickly.

"Thank you, boss!" Zhang Tao smiled apologetically.

The patrolling man smiled and walked away.

The management on the boat was good and there were few disputes. Everyone waited patiently for another four days. The boat was really full of people. Only then did they put away the rope ladder and asked everyone not to move around at will. The boat was about to sail.

The boat moved slowly, and soon it was like a fish in water, moving at a steady speed.

Yu Heng also breathed a sigh of relief.

In the following days, they first entered the Lujiang River and then turned into the Ting River. The further north they went, the fewer areas with accumulated water he saw, until there were none at all.

But there were almost no residents or people walking by the river. Even the houses looked dilapidated from a distance.

Yu Heng found an opportunity to inquire with the crew members and asked them where it would be better to settle down. The crew collected their things and said that the management in Bishang City was better.

"It is a famous planting base. Now they are focusing on production. I heard that electricity will be available soon."

Bishang Ten Yu Heng remembered that a lot of the rice they ate was Bishang rice.

They decided to go to Bishang City first.

After sailing for six days, the ship passed Bishang City. Yu Heng and his friends got off the ship, registered with their ID cards and household registration books, and got temporary residence permits, which was considered a successful settlement.

Many houses here are abandoned. The owners had fled south to escape drought. There are many such houses, which have been temporarily collected by the government to accommodate the current refugees.

After registering, Yu Heng and his friends were also assigned a three-bedroom and one-living room. Fortunately, the furniture was all there, and they could move in with peace of mind after repairing the doors and windows.

They had run out of ammunition and food. After settling down, except for Wu Changxin, the other three people immediately went out to find jobs.

Bishang City is now being rebuilt. Cleaning the streets is a big job. You get two meals a day, sweet potato porridge and corn cakes, and the pay is relatively fair, four corn cakes.

At first, the three of them did this. Later, they gradually became familiar with the situation here, and Zhang Tao found a job as an electrician. Now he is rebuilding the circuit and power grid. There is a great demand for such workers, and the pay is also very good.

Li Li used to be a salesperson. She is very eloquent and smart. She quickly got a job registering foreign population and allocating houses. She was very successful and lived a very comfortable life.

Yu Heng did not look for a new job because of some thoughts in his mind. When he was cleaning the streets, he saw bookstores and the like and went in. However, because of the flood, most of the books were destroyed. Not to mention that there was a period of cold before, and one bookstore was even completely empty. Yu Heng guessed that it was moved away to burn firewood.

It was a pity. But later he gained a lot in the city library. The city library was built on a high ground and has 7 floors. Because it was closed a long time ago, the things inside were not damaged much.

Yu Heng scouted the place during the day and sneaked in at night.

After turning on the scanner gun and pointing it at the bookshelf, the books scattered into light spots and were compressed one by one and absorbed by the muzzle of the gun.

This picture was undoubtedly shocking, but what Yu Heng cared more about was the harvest this time!

He watched in amazement as the number of collections soared from 0 to 4,209,110.

The repeated parts were also settled as usual.

Yu Heng thoroughly felt the taste of getting rich overnight and couldn't help but howl.

He checked it again and again with shaking hands, and immediately bought the gene repair fluid after confirming it.

The gene repair fluid was blue ice color, which was particularly beautiful. He looked at it with joy for a few times, and then he was reluctant to put the things into the storage grid. This is the grid for storing purchased goods that comes with the sub-exchange system, which can be stored permanently. The books that Yu Heng bought before have been returned, and the gun and the unused [Universal Cleaner] are placed in it.

He took a small step home.

He was so happy that he couldn't stop smiling. He didn't want to go home and be questioned, so he just sat cross-legged to study the sub-exchange system.

He now had a huge sum of money, so he would have more things to choose from in the future.

He looked directly at the system products that he hadn't looked at carefully.

The items in the system product category were not as numerous as the self-created products, but the quantity was also considerable. Yu Heng looked at the first product, called [All Plant Encyclopedia Knowledge], with very detailed descriptions:

It covers all the plants that have been discovered and can be discovered in the known planes, including habits, growth patterns, practical applications (medicinal, edible and other), etc.

Updated every fifty years. Directly loaded into the soul body, never forgotten.

The price is 1.13 billion Xinhuo points.

Very practical, but a sky-high price.

Yu Heng's heart, which was excited because he got more than three million Xinhuo points, suddenly calmed down.

He remembered the appearance of his hometown where plants were densely covered and covered the sky overnight... and put this product into the shopping cart.

Thinking of the full plant encyclopedia, he thought there should be a full animal encyclopedia, and he found it. The introduction was similar to the [Full Plant Encyclopedia Knowledge], and the price was 1.39 billion Xinhuo Points.

Following this pattern, Yu Heng also saw [Full Refining Encyclopedia Knowledge], [Full Architecture Encyclopedia Knowledge], and [Full Cultivation Encyclopedia Knowledge]. He?? Mi Di Jing? [Full Cultivation Encyclopedia Knowledge], and saw the details:

It covers all the known planes of immortal cultivation, and all the contents about immortal cultivation, including basic entry techniques, low, medium and high-level secret books, ancient codes... There is always one suitable for you.

The asking price is 2.46 billion Xinhuo points.

There are many other things, such as [Recipe Collection], [Song Awards], [Dance Awards], [Thousands of Weather]... It's too much to take in. But if someone can really buy all of them, they will definitely become a learned and talented person.

Yu Heng put [All Animal Encyclopedia Knowledge] into the shopping cart and breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought that he had to save enough Xinhuo points to buy all plants and all animal encyclopedias, and also buy some common medicines - such as the fitness pills he saw before, which can be taken by his parents, and he and Cui Nan can also take them. Good health is the most important thing.

Only in this way can he have the capital and meaning to go home once.

Hundreds of millions of Xinhuo points... It's just a matter of a thought to go from rich to poor. He had just experienced the joy of getting rich, but was suddenly hit by expensive goods.

He planned to visit the nearby schools tomorrow. When he settled down in the future, he could go to other places to collect books.

Slowly save, he will definitely be able to collect them all.

The days passed by so uneventfully.

They stayed in Bishang City for three years. During this period, Bishang City's agricultural reconstruction was successful. The autumn harvest in the second year was successfully completed. Yu Heng and his friends ate the first batch of rice, which was called new rice.

After that, news of the successful autumn harvest came from all over the country.

During these three years, the temperature gradually returned to normal, with the temperature of spring, summer, autumn and winter. The power circuit in Bishang City was fully unblocked half a year after they arrived. After that, the power grid carried hope to all directions, and the light was lit up in various places one after another.

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