Survival [End Times]

476, The road ahead is long and difficult

For a cultivator with average talent like the Consul General, who has been cultivating for thousands of years, he is only in the early stage of the Golden Core. If he cannot advance in the next 500 years, his life will end. This is the norm in the world of immortal cultivation! There have been geniuses who have formed infants in 150 years in the world of immortal cultivation, such as Guangchuan Zhenjun, a friend of Lan Hai Patriarch, and geniuses who have successfully transformed into gods in 200 years. There have also been geniuses who have combined in 300 years, such as the Sunan Immortal who ascended 2,000 years ago.

But there has never been a brilliant person who has passed the tribulation in 300 years.

At present, the fastest immortal known in the history of cultivation is the one who ascended in 900 years (Sunan Immortal ascended in 1,600 years). That immortal is honored as Yuan? Fairy. It is said that she entered the tribulation period in 370 years. In comparison, Lan Hai Patriarch has a promising future and is likely to surpass the ascension record of Yuan? Fairy.

The path of immortal cultivation is extremely difficult, and there are many difficulties. Since entering the Cong Ying Sect, this Lanhai Patriarch has only been known for his diligence and good talent in the first few years. However, he was too involved in the secular world. Not only did his parents enter the sect with him, but he also spent a lot of energy on his parents in his daily life.

The family ties were too deep, and the persuasion was too deep. The peak masters and elders who wanted to take him as a disciple gave up the idea one by one and went to find another beloved disciple. It is said that Lanhai Patriarch’s friend Guangchuan Zhenjun was taken as a disciple by a peak master at that time.

After a brief appearance, Lanhai Patriarch fell silent again. As a result, when the sect competed every fifty years, Lanhai Patriarch appeared in the late Jindan stage. In the second sect competition every fifty years, he was directly in the Yuanying stage, which shocked the sect. The third sect competition... he was already in the Huashen stage.

For Lanhai Patriarch, advancement is like a routine breakthrough every fifty years, which is simply terrifying.

The Consul General was transferred to Zhenmiao Continent to run the office at that time, but he continued to inquire about the news of Lan Hai Patriarch. It was heard that Lan Hai Patriarch did not participate in the sect competition fifty years later, not because he was not free, but because the Patriarch had already reached the stage of fusion, and no disciple in the competition could compare with him.

No comparison.

How many fusion stage Patriarchs are there in a sect? As far as the Consul General knows, there are twenty-one, all of which are first-class precious resources in the sect, and can control a peak! Among the twenty-seven peaks of Yingzong, twenty-one are controlled by the ancestors of the fusion stage, and the other peak masters are only in the stage of transformation.

Lan Hai Patriarch did not have a disciple, no close brothers, and no one knew how he practiced. It seems that every time he retreated and returned from training, his cultivation level would be greatly improved, which was beyond the reach of others.

However, a hundred years later, Lan Hai Patriarch had actually reached the stage of crossing the tribulation, and it was said that he had already reached half a step of Mahayana, just one opportunity away. This time, the ancestor came to Zhenmiao Continent, probably for that little inspiration. After all, the Demon Realm is here, and every year countless cultivators come here to break through.

The Consul General respectfully told him all the new news, and Yu Heng nodded and gave him a gift and sent him away. After the Consul General returned to his yard, he couldn't wait to open the box and see that it was actually a Divine Pill, which was the best pill for the cultivation of Jindan-stage cultivators. It's not that he couldn't buy it, but he couldn't buy such a good Divine Pill even if he spent a lot of money. I heard that the ancestor Lanhai was generous and thoughtful, and this meeting really lived up to his reputation.

"It's great."

Yes, it's great. Such a powerful person is beyond our reach, and we can only look up to him, and we can't even get a little jealous. The Consul General put the box away and went out to continue giving orders, asking the people below to be smarter! Dengxianju must be served carefully! If there is something in the office, they will directly select it and send it to him. If there is nothing, they will go to buy it, etc.

Yu Heng received the care of the warm spring sun here. He was used to such thoughtful service. After he became famous in the sect competition, his treatment in the sect rose sharply. When he advanced to the God Transformation Stage, the sect gave him a better cave. Considering that his parents like to tend the spiritual fields, the new cave was larger in area. There were large spiritual fields with gentle terrain nearby, and a group of Taoist children came to serve him. He didn't have to worry about anything in life. He didn't have to worry about his parents when he went out to practice. The sect would take good care of them. When he was outside, he only had to find the shops, offices, branches, etc. belonging to the Yingzong sect. There were also people to worry about his various chores and supplies.

After a good rest for two days, Yu Heng left the office and came to the Demon Realm with sufficient preparation. There were no living creatures within a thousand miles of the Demon Realm. He flew all the way and passed through the barrier set up by the monks outside the Demon Realm - this barrier was useless. In Yu Heng's eyes, it was thin and fragile and could not withstand a single blow. Not only can the cultivators outside easily pass through the barrier and enter the magic realm, but the demonic energy of the monsters inside can also easily overflow due to the vibration caused by the cultivators' activities in the magic realm.

For more than two hundred years, the ownership of the magic realm has not been negotiated. Originally, if the magic realm has an owner, the sect that gains control of the magic realm will seal the magic realm with its own secret method, and the opening of the secret realm in the future will be decided by the sect. According to convention, the final ownership of the secret realm after it appears in the world does not mean that it belongs to that person privately, but only has the right to open it, and a larger share of the number of people entering the secret realm when it is opened in the future.

If there has been no agreement in these years, it means that the benefits brought by the magic realm are too great. In order to plunder it first, everyone can come in and out according to their own ability.

After entering the Demon Realm, Yu Heng explored some difficult places one by one according to the information recorded in the jade slips he got from the Consul General. The Demon Realm is very large. Yu Heng has not met any rivals with his Tribulation Stage cultivation, and he has picked many precious monsters recorded in the jade slips. There are too many people with business minds. After entering the Demon Realm, if there are some good things that cannot be taken away, they will record the location and sell the information. Most of the information the Consul General gave him came from this, and a small part was recorded from the experience of Yingzong's disciples, with a high accuracy rate.

The monsters that grow with the water of demonic energy actually have little effect on the cultivation of immortal cultivators. This is also normal. Ordinary cultivators cultivate with spiritual energy entering their bodies, and the general direction of cultivation is only spiritual energy. Therefore, these monsters are more useful in self-defense, such as some highly toxic elixir recipes, precious elixir recipes for using poison to fight poison and remove evil spirits, magic eyes specially added to attack arrays, and cultivators who practice killing to stop killing will also add some magic realm spiritual objects to act as corrosive enchantments when making attack weapons in order to pursue effects.

Therefore, although Yu Heng did not need these things for the time being, he also picked them up. In the future, exchanging them for spiritual stones would also be an income. Who would dislike having too much wealth?

Occasionally, he would meet other cultivators, and several times he saw the help signal from the Cong Yingzong sect and saved the disciples of the Cong Yingzong who were undergoing training. His cultivation was enough to allow him to continue to go deeper in the magic realm, and soon he came to the farthest detection point indicated in the jade slip. He turned on the recording function of the jade slip and continued to move forward.

His soul attribute [Uncrowned Demon King] played a significant role in the Demon Realm. He did not need to drive the treasure all the time to isolate the demonic energy from erosion, and some low-level demons would not attack him. It was not until he went deeper into the Demon Realm that he really encountered a more difficult enemy. In the process of fighting against the demons, he felt that his realm was constantly shaking, and it seemed that there was a possibility of advancement, but the vibration was like scratching an itch through a shoe, and it could not really scratch the itch.

Yu Heng stayed in the Demon Realm for four years, and the time when he really found a breakthrough was when he rescued a team of experienced monks again. The monk came from the local sect of Zhenmiao Continent, which had a good relationship with Cong Yingzong. The lowest cultivation level was the Nascent Soul Stage, and the highest cultivation level was the Fusion Stage. They almost died in an ancient Ten Thousand Bone Cave. Yu Heng saw the familiar distress signal and went to help.

Unexpectedly, there was a monster in the Ten Thousand Bone Cave. The attack power was not top-notch, but the space replacement technique was extremely powerful. Such a monster that controls the power of space is extremely rare. If it appears, it will attract monks and others. If it can be caught, it will be the best raw material for space treasures, which can be made into a small Xumi world or a space shuttle to escape, which is extremely precious.

Those monks were played by the monsters and gradually dispersed in the space cut into endless folds and crosses. They could not leave those fragmented spaces, and as the space continued to compress, some monks had been pressed into blood, and the blood was absorbed by the monsters, leaving only the Nascent Soul or the Primordial Spirit still colliding in the space to find a way out. The attack power of the monster is indeed not high, but it is extremely unsolvable.

When seeing that scene, Yu Heng had a vague feeling that this was the opportunity he had realized before. So he took action, and rushed towards the space monster with overwhelming force. The space monster is actually a dense and compressed space that folds and shrinks at will, and you can't see where its head and tail are. At first, the space monster was not afraid. Although it felt that the momentum of the person coming was very scary, it believed that it was not those ordinary monsters and was not restricted by those levels of cultivation.

It controls space, which can be as small as an ant, as large as a small secret realm or a small world, or even a world of immortal cultivation. It has no lower limit and no upper limit, and it is the most exquisite. And within space, it is the master. I heard that a cultivator has to reach the Mahayana stage to comprehend the power of space, but so what? Can it compare to its innate primate instinct? Trapped in its world, it can do whatever it wants, and any prey can't fly away!

Seeing that terrifying force flying towards the space fragments, it spit out piece after piece of space without panic, and instantly swallowed up all the attacking power. The power exploded in the layers of space, but the space that enclosed the power was extremely stacked, and there were many layers after one layer was exploded. When the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, the last layer of space was also shattered in the void. It couldn't hurt it at all.

All this happened in an instant, and the devastating blow from the six-percent power of the cultivator in the Tribulation Stage was destroyed so easily. The space monster laughed triumphantly, and the Ten Thousand Bone Cave kept vibrating with its laughter. A bone rolled to Yu Heng's feet. Yu Heng gently kicked the bone away and smiled: "Very good." This level of space monster is really rare, I should be able to play with it for a while.

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