Survival [End Times]

477, The Journey Home

Yu Heng first rescued the cultivators who asked him for help. He practiced the sword path, and just now he was just testing it, so he didn't draw his sword. At this time, he pointed his finger at his forehead and summoned his natal sword from the spiritual platform cave. He swung the sword, and the extreme killing intent wrapped in the sword intent slashed out sharply. The space monster was shocked. It turned out to be a sword cultivator! The sword intent was so awe-inspiring that it felt scared. It seemed that he practiced the justice path, which made it feel that the demon body trembled and feared instinctively.

Forget about sword cultivators. Even if they practiced the killing path or the ruthless path, it would not be afraid! But the justice path is just like its name, which makes people sick at the first sound. It is an innate monster born and raised in the ancient demon realm. The so-called "justice path" is its mortal enemy at the first sound.

When it saw that the sword energy was cultivated towards those people, it knew that the sword cultivator wanted to save people. It reluctantly withdrew the domain and threw out the prey that had not been completely devoured. The next moment, the sword energy disappeared, and it was even more frightened. It was so easy to control. How could the sword energy that was powerful enough to split mountains and rivers be retracted?

The fear in the space monster's heart deepened, and it was ready to escape. However, just now, in order to play with its prey, it almost spread its body throughout the Ten Thousand Bones Cave. The sky and the ground were piled with fragments of its domain. It would take time to collect them.

Yu Heng had just thrown the man into the flying armor and sent him out of the magic realm. After the strong space vibration in the void, it gradually condensed into a strange monster in the void. The monster raised its head and roared, and countless spaces retreated quickly and flew into the monster's body. The monster's body quickly took shape, and only a string of small domains that had not yet been integrated were still dragged at the tail.

Seeing the monster trying to run, he slashed at it with his sword. Seeing the fierce sword energy, the monster dodged very quickly, but before it could completely close its body, the string of space domains dragged by its tail swung in the air as it moved urgently, and the sword energy slashed the shadow.

The sword energy of the righteous way was like a thorn in the bone. While slashing the shadow, it seemed to pursue its demonic body, making it scream in pain. The beast shape it had just gathered and formed suddenly collapsed, and the unstable and broken space turbulence and lightning jumped around its body.

The space monster was so angry that it didn't want to escape. No matter how powerful the sword cultivator was, what did it matter? He was just suddenly scared by the sword energy. If he really fought, he would not lose! So he tried his best to spit out infinite layers of irregular space, determined to swallow the human power and teach him what it meant to mind his own business!

Yu Heng resisted and struggled for a while, and then was trapped in the monster's domain. His consciousness spread everywhere, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea. No matter where he probed, he could not find the edge. Instead, he became more decadent with every inch he advanced. It was not normal for such a weak consciousness to appear in a great man in the Crossing Tribulation Period, but Yu Heng accepted it quickly. He was now in someone else's domain, and was naturally suppressed by the other party's domain.

He sat cross-legged and looked around slowly. Dozens of escape plans flashed through his mind. Which one is better? He had to think about it.

Space monster... Space monster was about to cry with anger! It had never seen such a shameless person! If you want to fight, just fight, why bother? It was preparing to use its most powerful space law [mirror] to deal with the sword cultivator if he used the sword in its space domain. As a result, the cultivator did not move at all, and seemed to be quite interested in looking at his own domain.

It could not help it and took the lead in launching an attack. But soon it found that it couldn't do anything to the monk. No matter it was blasting space, colliding and cutting multiple spaces, the monk was not hurt at all. He just took the treasures as grass, and took them out one by one, forming a ball of protective treasure light on his body to resist all its attacks.

Not only that, the sword cultivator not only did not fight back, but also chatted with him with great interest, asking questions:

"Can you only manipulate your own domain? If there are two connected spaces in front of you at this time, do you have the idea to peel them apart?"

"Your space fragments don't seem to be stable? I advise you not to always pursue the number of spaces and want to win by quantity. You can consider strengthening the quality of a single space."

"You are the master of these spaces. When you control them, do you use your spiritual consciousness or directly control them through the soul? I forgot that you are born monsters without souls, and it seems that you are a demon body?"


Damn it!

The space monster was so angry that he cursed, but the man asked in surprise: "Hey, you can even use these street curses? You are really knowledgeable."

Listen? Listen! How infuriating! The space monster was so angry at the monk who spoke in a light tone but choked people.

Then it really exploded.

Countless spaces exploded one after another, and the space power swept the dry bones in the Ten Thousand Bones Cave into powder. The void continued to burst with cracks. Whether it was the space field controlled by the monster or the Ten Thousand Bones Cave, space explosions were happening. There were space turbulence everywhere. No matter where the monk fled, he could not avoid it.

Yu Heng was still unwilling to go out. Seeing that the defensive treasure on his body was about to break, he immediately activated a new one. He was motionless in the space cage, so naturally he didn't care about the traps set outside.

After this big move, the space monster was exhausted and immediately gnashed its teeth. "Where did that cultivator come from? He doesn't fight or run away, and he doesn't look like he wants to catch me. The treasures used by a cultivator with that kind of aura must be treasures, but he kept taking them out without blinking to resist my attacks. He looks like a wealthy man." It was not afraid of the other party. When it came to the ability to escape, if it admitted that it was second, no other monster would dare to admit that it was first. But seeing that the dead pig was not afraid of boiling water and seemed to want to rely on its human cultivator, it felt something was wrong.

Unable to eat the other party, the space monster thought of abandoning it and running away. It was already a little tired and could not entangle with it any longer. Just when the big explosion just happened, it must have confused the sight of the sword cultivator. It made up its mind to abandon the area that trapped the sword cultivator and ran away directly.

Yu Heng understood it all at once, but how could he let the space monster run away like this after finally encountering it. He immediately chased after it. The two sides chased each other, and the monster kept spitting out space to make roadblocks, but this was exactly what Yu Heng wanted, so he chased it relentlessly, breaking through the wall and chasing it relentlessly.

The space monster made four space shuttles, but each time Yu Heng found the next landing position and chased it again. When the monster was forced into a corner, it would stop and really fight with the other party -

No fight!

I never thought that there would be such a shameless person!

You! You! You! You don’t fight with me, why are you chasing me? Are you going to hatch eggs in my space domain? !

Soon, the space monster found that it was going to die. Continuously swallowing and spitting out the space domain consumed a lot of it, and the fourth space shuttle exhausted its strength. Seeing that it was about to enter the forbidden area, it didn’t want to go in with such a weak appearance, and it would definitely be eaten by other old monsters. It stopped angrily and planned to fight to the death.

As long as there is a trace of spatial power, it can gather strength again, no matter if it is hiding in the mud, a pile of bones or in the magic fog. It sneered in its heart. It is a natural monster, born in the magic realm. To be honest, the magic realm is it, it is the magic realm.

Yu Heng finally smiled. The monster seemed to have finally woken up. He did not use the overlapping space domains to fool him. He only condensed a space domain to trap him, and then there was a shocking explosion.

The explosion exploded in the domain. He felt the terrifying power of the world being torn apart coming from all directions, and such a terrifying force pressed towards him alone. He saw that the monster had exposed himself. How could he not guess where the monster's confidence in daring to do such an extreme behavior was, but it was a natural monster with its own rules. It had no soul but only a demon body, so it was not as cautious as human cultivators when it exploded.

He closed his eyes, and his consciousness was as majestic as the tide, instantly sweeping all the areas within a thousand miles nearby.

During this period of fighting, he has solved the puzzle of why his spiritual sense cannot be used in the monster realm.

In a cave somewhere, a monster pricked up its ears vigilantly. In the dry sea swamp, a monster in the form of a giant crocodile stopped chewing, and its eyes, which were squinting in intoxication with the food, widened, and both eyes were bloodshot. The companion monster next to a certain heavenly spiritual treasure turned into smoke and drilled into the ground, and a psychedelic barrier rose around it...

At that moment, many monsters in the magic realm felt a danger of being spied on, and an atmosphere of restlessness, fear and oppression spread from the depths of the silent magic realm.

After locking the position of the fragments of the space monster's body that had escaped, Yu Heng opened his eyes.

He retracted his spiritual sense and looked at the scene in front of him. In fact, the spiritual sense search just now took less than a breath of time. At this time, the power of the space explosion was traceable in his eyes, and it was approaching him at a slow speed.

Yu Heng closed his eyes again. His spiritual sense spread out again, entangled with those space turbulence cracks. For the space monster, this was a fatal blow, but for him, it was an opportunity.


The depths of the Demon Realm of Zhenmiao Continent attracted rolling thunder one day. Whether it was the cultivators who were training there or the monsters who had developed spiritual intelligence, they were all frightened by the terrifying thunder. To be honest, after the Demon Realm appeared, there were too many cultivators who came to train. Some of them had sudden enlightenment or advanced naturally during the training. Even the monsters living there were accustomed to the thunder from the outer world that came from time to time. As long as they stayed away, the thunder would not strike them.

But this time the noise was too loud, and the human cultivators were shocked. One Taoist cultivator counted with his fingers and murmured in fear: "It's like eighty-one ascension thunder tribulations? Is there a great Mahayana who is about to transcend the tribulation and ascend? God, this is the Demon Realm!"

Wherever the cultivator is, the thunder tribulation will follow him, no matter if he hides in the secret realm of the cave or the small world of Xumi, he cannot escape. This demonic realm is a relic of ancient times and is rare in this world. Although the Heavenly Dao gives all living beings a chance to survive, it is still biased. Although the demons are born innocent, they are cruel and bloodthirsty by nature. The Heavenly Dao prefers to follow the right path, so it is more strict with the [demons], fearing that they will spread and run rampant, so it imposes more restrictions.

If the thunder calamity enters the demonic realm, the aftermath will not only shake the ground, but may also affect the demons, causing demon riots. These may cause the demonic realm to become unstable, and a large amount of demonic energy and demons will leak out, which is very likely to be pressed into the town outside again, destroying a thousand miles of land.

The monk was really panicking. He was still in the demonic realm, and he would not benefit if the demonic realm was shaken. He gave up fighting for his prey and ran away, hoping to escape from the demonic realm as soon as possible. Suddenly, Lei Jie made a big turn and exited the demonic realm. The monk covered his chest in fear: "It seems that the powerful one has left. Fortunately."

At the same moment, thunderclouds gathered in the depths of the Endless Sea, and purple-red lightning flashed among them, brewing with terrifying power. Then the first thunderstorm struck, the endless sea surged and the mist filled the sky.

The monster that fled far away turned around in horror, and saw a huge sword shadow suddenly cut out of the void. The sword shadow and the thunder and lightning collided and then disappeared, leaving only the invisible momentum behind. The sea water rolled and surged, and the heat hit. people. The monster's expression changed drastically and it didn't care to look any further. It quickly swung its tail and continued swimming.

Mom, if you don’t leave, you’ll be roasted!

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