Survival [End Times]

478, Riding the East Wind

Yu Heng survived eighty-one thunder tribulations and successfully entered the Mahayana stage. He looked at the land under his feet. The reef island of about 100 square meters was now only this small area under his feet. He pinched a cleansing spell, and the precious light flashed on his body and changed into a set of clothes. The strong wind and waves on the sea blew his hair into a mess. He tied his hair up again and inserted a wooden hairpin. The wooden hairpin was activated by the immortal essence, and the warm light wrapped around his whole body. The strong wind on the sea was isolated outside, and the flying hair fell on his back.

After taking care of himself, Yu Heng raised his hand again and made a stroke. The surging waves calmed down instantly, and the deep sea restricted area returned to silence. Finally, he summoned a flying treasure and went directly to Dongzhou by sea. The destination was naturally Xuanyang Sect.

Xuanyang Sect, which was a huge sect in his mind when he first heard about it hundreds of years ago, was now just an ordinary second-rate sect in his eyes.

Over the years, he occasionally inquired about the news of Xuanyang Sect. Some previously unknown information was also available to him after he embarked on the path of cultivating immortals and gradually gained status. For example, Xuanyang Sect was originally one of the second-tier sects of cultivating immortals, and it was well-known in Dongzhou. Three hundred years ago, an incident broke out, which caused the sect's reputation to plummet.

That was the incident that was jokingly called the "Witch Looking for Husband". From this joking name, we can see that the world was watching the show and laughing at it. The "witch" is the fairy Chang Mi. Since Chang Mi is called a fairy, it is definitely not called by the world to mock her. A female demon cultivator, no matter what, can't get the honorific title of "fairy". Calling her "witch" is considered polite, not to mention the more crude titles such as "demon woman" and "female devil head". The reason why she is called a fairy is only because when Chang Mi emerged in the world of cultivating immortals, she did appear as a disciple of the Yuelong Immortal Sect.

Chang Mi was born with a beautiful face, a beautiful appearance, excellent qualifications and a gentle temperament. In the Yuelong Immortal Sect, which only accepts female disciples, she also stands out among many female disciples. This shows how outstanding she is.

Fairies should be matched with talented people. Fairy Chang Mi fell in love with a cultivator named Master Shudao in Xuanyang Sect, and was infatuated with him and vowed to follow him until death. Normally, it is a good story for a hero to be called a beauty, provided that the hero is single. Unfortunately, Master Shudao already has a Taoist partner, who is the youngest daughter of the master of a peak in Xuanyang Sect. The two are very affectionate, and Fairy Chang Mi's sincerity must be misplaced.

Later, Fairy Chang Mi gave up. It happened that Master Shudao's Taoist partner's birthday, so she went to congratulate him. She behaved gracefully at the banquet, which attracted everyone to praise her for being able to take it or leave it. Unexpectedly, Master Shudao and his Taoist partner fell to the ground one after another in a blink of an eye. Not only did they die suddenly, but black mist also surged from their bodies.

At that time, Fairy Changmi laughed loudly and clapped her hands. She said that she was the original wife of Master Shudao who was betrothed by three matchmakers and six betrothals when he was in the mortal world. When Master Shudao went out to seek the truth, she served her parents-in-law and raised her sister-in-law. As a result, seven years later, Master Shudao brought another woman home and wanted to divorce her in the name of the difference between immortals and mortals.

"I have endured for a hundred years just to kill this adulterer and adulteress at this moment!" Fairy Changmi laughed wildly, and a thick black aura overflowed from her body. The guests present were shocked. Only then did they know that Fairy Changmi had been possessed by a demon. Looking at Master Shudao and his wife lying on the ground, some monks who knew about it were horrified: "It's a corpse cage!" The fossil cage is a poison pill. Those who eat it will turn into water from the inside out and die, and the soul cannot escape. It is very vicious and rare.

Fairy Changmi's attack was sudden. After loudly explaining the cause and effect, she fled directly, making Xuanyang Sect lose face and become a laughing stock. It turns out that Chang Mi was not really in love with Master Shudao, but was just thinking of revenge. Seeing that Master Shudao was unmoved, he resented that he was really affectionate with his wife, so he simply killed her.

That's why Fairy Chang Mi fled to Xizhou when she was being hunted down, slaughtered dozens of cities to absorb blood, and Yu Heng passed by Chang Mi when he was a mortal, and was almost implicated and killed.

Xuanyang Sect had a very bad reputation after that. The immortal sects in the same echelon laughed at it, and the small sects in the lower echelons were also ready to help spread the scandal of Xuanyang Sect throughout the Zhenwei Continent for their own selfish reasons.

To be honest, in the world of immortal cultivation where strength is respected, Master Shudao's behavior of abandoning his mortal wife and being with a female cultivator with a good family background who could help him in the process of cultivation is not a rare thing. If he was more ruthless and cut off the earthly relationship and killed his original wife, no one would blame him.

After all, if it is none of your business, you should just ignore it. If Master Shudao dares to kill, he will have to bear the consequences and the inner demons in his future practice. Heaven is fair, and everything is recorded. But who would have thought that the original wife did not die, but fell into the devil's way, and in just a hundred years, she had profound magic power, and could change her name and sneak into the Yuelong Xianzong, and change her identity to get close to Master Shudao? The most important thing is that she succeeded in revenge.

Xuanyang Sect was really embarrassed.

This scandal spread throughout Dongzhou, and Xuanyang Sect had to send people to hunt down Chang Mi in order to remedy it. As a result, Chang Mi burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of evil along the way, and Xuanyang Sect was scolded even more miserably.

When Yu Heng inquired about the news of Xuanyang Sect, he heard that Xuanyang Sect was getting worse year by year. Although it was slow, it was really going downhill. No matter how much money and manpower the Xuanyang Sect spends every year to recruit new disciples from all over the place, no matter how it relaxes the requirements to increase the number of admissions, the number of students it recruits is getting smaller and smaller, and their qualifications are getting worse and worse. The most talented seedlings seem to be at the rival sect.

Not only that, when several secret realms in Dongzhou were opened, Xuanyang Sect still had a good share of disciples' training due to its previous status as a sect. However, it was not known whether it was due to bad luck or someone deliberately targeted them. Those secret realms that had been explored for countless years and times, whose training guides had been updated for countless generations, and whose disciples' loss rate was not high, turned out to be like cannibals, and they specifically preyed on Xuanyang Sect's disciples. Time and time again, the conventional training did not produce much results, the spiritual objects harvested were not high, and many disciples died, which was the second blow to Xuanyang Sect.

Moreover, when Xuanyang Sect competed for the newly-born secret realms, treasures, etc., it was always unable to take the lead. Other sects kept training a new generation and bringing in new resources. In contrast, Xuanyang Sect was somewhat stagnant. In the world of cultivating immortals, stagnation is essentially a retreat.

Logically speaking, Xuanyang Sect did a good job in handling the series of major accidents caused by the incident of Fairy Changmi. Although Master Shudao was dead, the cause and effect of the subsequent accidents caused by him were attributed to his sect, but Xuanyang Sect did a good job on the surface at that time. They spared no expense to make up for the situation. It was unknown what conditions they promised to other immortal sects. Together, they spent two years to capture Chang Mi.

Normally, the rest only needed time to smooth things over. Unexpectedly, the development of Xuanyang Sect in the past three hundred years has been getting worse and worse. Outsiders were not without murmurs in their hearts. A great man who was good at deduction was invited to help calculate the fortune of Xuanyang Sect. After calculating, he also felt strange: What did Xuanyang Sect do to get involved in such a cause and effect? ​​The cause and effect was too heavy, and it was entangled in a dense and tangled way. One of the weights was constantly increasing, implicating those already dim causes and effects that could not be dissipated.

The great man who calculated was frightened and dared not look any more. He carefully watched the dark clouds in the sky retreat and the thunder disappeared, and was glad that he stopped in time. He said to his disciples: "Send the things back, and just say that I am in seclusion and cannot help."

The great man thought that Xuanyang Sect had secretly done something evil that was intolerable to heaven, and seeing that Xuanyang Sect's fortune was declining, it was like a ship about to sink, so he didn't want to associate with it.

Xuanyang Sect... The leader of Xuanyang Sect was also confused!

Yu Heng knew what was going on, and it was all because of him. At that time, Xuanyang Sect was prosperous, and its luck must have overwhelmed the small world. Moreover, after the Yin-Yang Mirror hit the Lanhai small world and overlapped it, the consciousness of this world could not resist the rules of heaven and earth in the higher plane of the Xiuxian world, and it was nothing more than an egg hitting a stone. Under heavy oppression, the survivors of the small world lost their original memories. No one hated or complained. No one came to ask for the karma that Xuanyang Sect was involved in. It was just the karma brought by the most ordinary mortals. Mortals have short lifespans. As long as Xuanyang Sect treats those people better in the future, takes more care of them, and captures more demon cultivators and breaks more demon sects, the accumulated merits will be enough to compensate for the karma that is coming. There is nothing to be afraid of.

The law of the jungle is fair, but its fairness is relative, not absolute.

But Yu Heng is a variable. With the help of the system, he retained his memory and became the only one who remembered the cause and effect. Hundreds of years ago, he was just a mortal. In the days that followed, as his cultivation continued to increase, the karma was not offset by him as a variable, but became heavier.

Until today, a cultivator in the Mahayana period, with his every move, affects the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and the rules of this world can no longer restrain him-a half-step immortal, already half belongs to the immortal world.

When Xuanyang Sect was unaware, a half-step immortal was concerned about the hatred of the annihilation of the inheritance of his birthplace. How could Xuanyang Sect repay it! If this cause and effect is not resolved, the luck of Xuanyang Sect will definitely be completely crushed.

Yu Heng's existence and his progress towards the path of strength are the greatest suffering of Xuanyang Sect.

Before arriving at Xuanyang Sect, Yu Heng now found an inn in Dongzhou to rest for a while. This time he came here for private matters, so he did not want to attract the attention of the local office of the Yingzong Sect. This time he came here for only one purpose. After resting, he immediately set off and sneaked into Xuanyang Sect as if he was in an empty space, and went straight to all the mineral veins and spiritual veins in their sect territory.

However, he successfully completed the task in one day. He flew away from Xuanyang Sect, stood in the void and looked back. The Xuanyang Sect territory surrounded by fairy air changed significantly, as if pearls became fish eyes, and the beauty was instantly old. He took away the core of Xuanyang Sect's breeding ground, took away the core of all the mineral veins and the essence of the spiritual veins, and used these to offset the wealth obtained from the Yin-Yang Mirror.

The Lanhai small world must have been greatly damaged in the past few hundred years, and it can be used to nourish the land again and breed vitality.

When Xuanyang Sect discovered that their territory, which was full of spiritual energy, suddenly lost all its spiritual energy, and was looking for the reason in shock and anger, Yu Heng had already left Dongzhou and crossed the sea to Xizhou.

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