On the tidy ground, two succubi huddled together...

The white jade-like cheeks of the two hugging each other are close to each other... Under the laughing and fighting, the fragrant shoulders are half exposed, and the smooth and slender thighs clamp each other, making people's eyes full of snow-white and delicate skin and attractive pink.

Following the sound coming from the door, Mo Rui and Sui Qin put their heads together and stared blankly at the man who entered through the main door.

"Xuan Sheng?"

"His Majesty?!!"

The terrified expression and emotion disappeared instantly, replaced by the ecstasy like grabbing a life-saving straw in the whirlpool!

"Xuan Sheng, we just...uh..."

"Does Your Majesty want to come with you?"

Suiqin, with her eyes shining, covered her sister's mouth, if it wasn't for the remaining spirit that could hold back, she would have even exposed the tail of the succubus!

Your Majesty is so strong now! It is not at the same level as when he was sent to the abyss!

If His Majesty is already so powerful... then he can already feed the poor ones!

Facing the hungry Suiqin, the corner of Xuan Sheng's mouth twitched.

But before he could refuse, a soft tone sounded.

"A dark place."

The black and red eyes also lit up in the darkness, and Bell Finger's tall and slim figure emerged from Xuan Sheng's back...

When the demon kings were sealed...

Do the demons who sneaked into Tianji live in such a dark place?

"Lazy... my lord..."

"My lord Bellfinger!"

The two little succubi felt the pressure from their blood and instincts, their expressions tensed up instantly, and they lowered their heads respectfully.


Responding casually, Bellfinger squinted his eyes and hugged Xuan Sheng in front of him again under the shocked eyes of the two, the expression on his face instantly relaxed.

The powerful demon king instantly turned into a lazy lady, lying on Xuan Sheng's shoulder.

"Hey hey hey...do me some face in front of my old friends..."

Being entangled by Bell Finger's soft body again, Xuan Sheng didn't know what to say.

"It's time to rest..."

"Rest, rest, rest, why is your head full of rest... Mo Rui, quickly arrange a place for Bell Finger to sleep, go quickly."


The first Demon Lord who recognized His Majesty actually has such a good relationship with His Majesty...

With this in mind, Mo Rui acted resolutely and prepared the guest rooms extremely quickly.

As for Suiqin, who didn't dare to move, she didn't see the shivering sea anemone and the pouting Yalin until this moment.

"Sea anemone? Why don't you..."

The last time we met...was in the extremely distant past, they were all students trained in the abyss...

"Your Majesty picked me up..."

The mission of Hailian City has been taken over by the Mr. Banfasa, and Xuan Sheng is worried about the safety of the sea anemone, so he directly starts to run around with the succubus.

Poor Anemone once thought she had escaped the terrible city of Lone Star forever...but now she has come to this hopeless place after all.

If I had known this...she might as well continue to endure the painful life in Hailian and be her dancer!

"Haha...that's it. What about you? Little sister."

After confirming that the half-grown girl was not a member of the demon clan, Suiqin squatted down and looked at the little girl who was a head shorter than her.

"I am the master's maid..."

Looking angrily at the women in the room, Yalin became more and more worried about the master's condition...

No wonder the mistress will let herself protect the safety of the master... Why are the friends she makes are some succubus who only covet the master's body!

Too dangerous!

You have to stay by your master's side all the time!


After all, finally comforting Bell Finger to rest, Xuan Sheng broke free from her embrace and had a time of her own.

"Xuan Sheng...you..."

His Majesty the Demon God, who was once far weaker than him, has now grown to such an extent that he cannot be shaken. Mo Rui hesitates, not knowing how to face him now.

"Bell Finger also came out? It seems that the situation of the demons is getting better..."

No one cared about Lilith in the shadows, which made the already unhappy Demon Lord even more dissatisfied.


If I had known this earlier, maybe it would have been better not to destroy the body in the seal...

This man is still a little bit capable... He even released his laziness.

Although Lilith escaped from the seal early due to her clever operation, the price was heavy.

Now, not to mention the trauma of the soul, he is also forced to share a body with another weak self, and he can't even fully control his own body.

Forget it, let them reminisce about the old days... Now the weak self should recover first...

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

A blush rose on her face, and Lilith's heart suddenly began beating violently...

The image of that man became more and more handsome in her heart... It even made her feel a little bad.

"You can't go... what time is it? You're like this..."


"I'm fine, I'm here to pick you up."


"Because a large-scale war is about to break out soon."

With the end of the last internal competition... the barriers between empires will be completely broken, and from that moment on, the game is no longer just a game between players...

Once the competition among empires begins, the era of separatism will come.


It is also the best time for the demons to return.

"In order to prevent you from having problems at this time, we must first withdraw all the demons from other main cities."


Even Mo Rui has long been used to restraining her emotions, whenever possible, restraining her emotions as much as possible, so as not to let herself fall into the trap of impulsiveness.

But when facing this person...she still couldn't control the throbbing in her heart.

"Big brother!"

A soft body suddenly fell into his arms... This made Xuan Sheng helplessly smile in astonishment.

It's that familiar little guy...

"Little Lilith? How are you doing this time?"

The little girl with tears in the corners of her eyes is still the same as when she was separated. The youthful and beautiful body hanging on Xuan Sheng's body will not make him have any bad thoughts.

Watching this girl become conscious, although it is not as kind as watching the grown-up Yetis, but little Lilith is almost the same for Xuan Sheng.

"Is your head still hurting?"

"a little bit..."

Since being reprimanded by sister Ye, her attitude towards herself has improved a lot.

However, the existence of the wound still made the two consciousnesses in Lilith's body uncomfortable.

"Try this potion."

Taking out a bottle of dragon's blood potion, just as Xuan Sheng stretched out his hand, the little girl in front of her body trembled, and there was a hint of teasing in her eyes.

"Haha, idiot, you were fooled by me!"

The greenness between her eyebrows and eyes turned into a fox-like cunning, Lilith's face matured instantly, and even her normal body became plump and graceful.

Snatching the potion from Xuan Sheng's hand, the woman showed a nasty smile:

"She's just a means for me to get close to you, you're being fooled, Your Majesty..."

Before she had time to retreat, Lilith's bright wrist was already firmly held by Xuan Sheng.

The iron-like touch made Lilith unable to break free, her expression stiffened in an instant...

"What did you say?"

Lilith's smile shifted to Xuan Sheng's face, he smiled and looked at the demon king he had caught, teasing him like a cat that had caught a mouse.

Before, he thought he couldn't beat all the demon kings... It was indeed his mistake.

At the very least, Lilith was traumatized and only had 20-30% of her strength left.

Not his opponent.

"You let me go!"

The Nizi's sense of resistance in her head became stronger and stronger, Lilith struggled uncomfortably, and became more and more nervous because of the man's approaching...

As a soul tyrant, how had she ever been teased like this!


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