Survival Game For All: I'm Playing A God

Chapter 623: The Ending Nightmare

"Let go!"

Her face was flushed red, and Lilith wanted to struggle, but the guy inside her was eager to get closer to Xuan Sheng. The consciousness of struggling even made her weak all over, and she couldn't even generate the strength to resist in front of this man. !

The weak resistance from his hand made Xuan Sheng, who was ready to fight back at any time, lose his mind, and the girl's coquettish reaction in front of him was completely beyond his expectation.


"You let go! I'm not kidding!!!"

The other consciousness in her body stubbornly resisted her order, and even though Lilith tried her best, she couldn't mobilize even a sliver of strength.

"Are you scared?"

Xuan Sheng, who was puzzled by the bizarre imagination, thought for a while.

But after searching his brains, he could only find out this one reason.

Even if Lilith's soul is damaged and her strength is far less than before, she will definitely not have the power to resist at all.

But now the Lilith in front of me couldn't get rid of her even if she was so excited that her body trembled...

Could it be that Satan's violent beating before directly caused the sequelae to remain until now?

Moreover, it is still very violent.

"Who's scared?"

Subconsciously denied it, but Lilith stopped it for a while, and couldn't find a better excuse.

"Okay...drink the potion first, don't make trouble."

Although Lilith's wound comes from her past self... From this perspective, it may not be so easy to recover.

But after all, Lilith's own strength did not exceed the healing limit of the dragon's blood potion, and at the same time, Xuan Sheng did not leave any unhealable negative effects in the opponent's body while hurting Lilith.

Thinking about it this way, the effect of the dragon's blood potion should be able to produce an effect.

"You're the one making trouble!"

Completely manipulated by the other party, this unprecedented physical contact made Lilith's hair almost stand on end, mentally tense and another self making trouble, she is now cold all over, and the strength to even move is completely exhausted. lose.

Damn, hate, hate!

If it wasn't for the guy in the body making trouble! Anyone who actively touches her body will be tortured to death by her!

But it was the existence of that little guy that made her completely lose her resistance to this man.

Little Lilith's consciousness gradually gained the upper hand, and the charming woman's body was slightly younger. Without the charm before, she was a little more wronged and cute.

"Drink it, it's good for you."

"Don't drink!"

Originally, she wanted to take a good thing from this man, but now she was forced to drink the medicine instead. Lilith suddenly became rebellious, and she didn't touch the bottle at the beginning.

"...Then there is no way."

Gently holding Lilith's jaw, feeling the softness of the devil's cheek, Xuan Sheng picked up the medicine bottle with the other hand and poured out a translucent red liquid medicine.


He obviously wanted to keep his mouth shut to prevent that man from coming in, but his body seemed to be out of control, as if he was obedient to the man's every move, and he opened his mouth naturally.


After being forcibly given the healing potion, even though Lilith had tears in her eyes, she should have felt extremely disgusted with all of this, but in front of this man, she couldn't even bring up the emotion of hatred...

Little Lilith has long since left the level of weakness she once had... She has almost become the other half of her consciousness, and is no longer completely suppressed by her.

Under the influence of that one, now Lilith's mind is even filled with... the surprise of being pampered.

Damn guy... Get out of here early! ! !

"Okay, it's over."

Xuan Sheng looked at Lilith appreciatively. The child didn't block the bottle with her tongue, nor did she make too much resistance.

"Very obedient, very obedient~"

Rubbing Lilith's head, Xuan Sheng didn't even forget to monitor the state of the devil with the eyes of God.

[Lilith is mentally impaired Current strength: Lv.84]



The warmth coming from her mind made the aggrieved Lilith feel drowsy all of a sudden... But by this person's side, little Lilith let go of her guard almost instantly, and her spirit was also dragged into relaxation Among...

"Lilith, Lilith?"

The gentle body leaned into his arms completely, and the red-faced little guy could only breathe hotly, allowing the power of the potion to restore his spirit and soul...

Even though there is extreme shame in her eyes, Lilith can't resist now...

"It looks like Lady Lilith is very happy."

There was some soreness in his eyes, and Mo Rui murmured softly beside him.

"Ah... yeah."

Either throwing it or hugging it, Xuan Sheng froze his body, and could only let Lilith lean on him, while he sat on the seat blankly.

"Your Majesty, you decide to let us all evacuate? What about the abyss?"

Shaking her head, putting aside the ambiguity in her heart, Mo Rui straightened her expression and returned to her businesslike appearance.

"The abyss is managed by Satan...the stronghold of Repstead City has Lucifer in charge, so there will be no problem."

The only small question may be...if it is really necessary to remove the people from Lone Star, where should they go?

"The entire area around Lone Star is now in chaos, and only the city is still under the control of Lone Star."

The growing arrogance of the other main cities made Lone Star even half lose control of some suburbs.

Finally leaving the city where she had been undercover for several years, Mo Rui's expression seemed a little hesitant.

She has lived here for too long... Although the mental pressure is great, compared to the abyss, she thinks this place may be good.

Now that she was about to leave suddenly, she didn't know where Tian Ji could shelter.

" you have to evacuate us?"

Mo Rui was ready to sacrifice as early as the moment she was chosen by the clansmen.

No, perhaps it should be said, higher awareness than sacrifice.

She is willing to suffer from the never-ending torture of this succubus instinct, and she will never shake the firmness in her heart.

Until the day when the people of the same race are freed, if you can't do it, then keep going.

Even the appearance of the demon god.

Even the calm of the abyss.

Her spirit has never been relaxed for a moment, or in other words, she has long been prepared to endure this pain until death.

In fact, she also knew that maybe she could relax already.

But she is always worried that everything in front of her is just a dream, as long as she relaxes a little, disaster will happen.

There is really too little she can do for the people of the clan, so she can only do her best to her limit, no matter it is beneficial to the people of the clan or not.

"Yes, because I have a lot of accounts to settle..."

Everything that other main cities have done in the past, and the oppression of Lone Star in his absence...

He is the same as before, and he will never allow those scum to act recklessly.

The only difference is.

Once, he was just a weak outsider.


He has grown into a total demon...


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