Survival Game For All: I'm Playing A God

Chapter 674: Fate's Visit

In the large expanse of scorched earth, a few dark breaths fled away like maggots in rot!


"My lord, don't those evil forces get rid of them?"

Seeing Lucifer turning around with satisfaction, the head maid followed behind, and couldn't help but feel worried about the things His Majesty had deliberately reminded him of.

"They took the initiative to attack the Huaer family, we are just here... to help."

Coincidentally, it just happened to catch up with the conflict between the families...

"Let them argue for themselves where the murderer came from."

The task requested by His Majesty has been completed.

The replacement of the Huaer family will be carried out in fluctuations. As for whether the two can complete their great cause...

Let them handle it themselves.


"The two heads of the Huaer family are dead."

Lilith leaned on her throne, a little surprised by Lucifer's quick movements.

"That guy really gave in."

The demon kings who used to be more stubborn than one another have now turned into their own annoying appearances one by one.

Rolling her eyes, Lilith couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Although I was influenced by that little guy, I am not qualified to talk about the problems of other demon kings.

"Shouldn't you tell His Majesty this information as soon as possible?"

The careful and prudent Mo Rui still wanted to hand everything over to the demon god she trusted for the first time, even though her king showed a look of indifference.

"No, there's nothing to say."

Lazily putting away the letter paper, Lilith knew that the one at the moment was busy with some mysterious things.

"He's busy now, but you..."

Playfully glanced at the succubus in front of her, Lilith covered her mouth:

"Since His Majesty came back, your mood has been very restless..."


"Huh? The little guy can't hold back anymore?"

The original "hunting" agreement was shattered due to the turmoil between the worlds, and it was precisely because of this that Lilith did not disturb the demon god who seemed to be preoccupied.


The little succubus who used to look 'indifferent'... now seems to be getting more and more nervous.

"Hmph, if you want to go, you can go by yourself."


In the gloomy room, Xuan Sheng, who had returned to Lilith's palace, was half lying on the side of the bed, his eyes slightly dignified.

"What's wrong?"

Holding her lover's hand, Yi Qing was a little surprised by his nervousness.

I had finished chatting with Satan in the abyss before about the timing of when to make a move.

But as soon as the topic was finished, Xuan Sheng looked preoccupied, and quickly left the abyss, returning to this relatively quiet palace.

"Well... there is a little problem."

"About Lone Star?"

"Do not..."

its about...

The affairs of the family members of the Xuan clan...

The golden eyes were slightly lost in thought, Xuan Sheng immersed his consciousness in another world... and his heart tightened because of the powerful visitor who came to the Xuan Clan.


Xuan family.

The sky above the City of Qi.

The long-haired man frowned and looked at the prosperous and prosperous city on the ground, and murmured softly:

"A strong believer."

In this place that he has never heard of, there are such powerful believers of God!

And in that eye-catching temple, there are several strong men who are faintly breaking through the barrier of strength.

If they do.

Then their strength... will be raised to the point where they are even at the same level as themselves!

"Where did this god and his followers come from?"

Following the order of the goddess of fate, he came to this strange land just to find out the reason why the goddess was nervous.

But in this land...

There are just too many weird places.

"Mysterious God? What kind of god is it?"

As a believer in the fate of one of the supreme gods, the man is very clear that the few remaining supreme gods today do not have such names.

But how could it be possible for an unknown person to cultivate such a powerful believer in such a remote place!

"Could it be the evil god?"

Thoughts could not help slipping in the worst direction, and the killing intent in the man's heart began to gradually increase...

"Forget it."

"Who? Your Majesty the Goddess!"

I was surprised to see a hazy figure appearing beside me, and when I came back to my senses, this devout believer who was sweating coldly realized that this was the god he believed in!

The Supreme Lord God - Destiny.

"That One has seen us coming."

Covering her face with a tulle, the goddess' voice, appearance, and figure all appear to be particularly flickering, making it impossible to understand her appearance.

Even those who stayed by her side could only hear the soft tone, playing like flowing water in a mountain stream.

Unable to see the way ahead, fate can only look at the people working in the city.

"There's a lot of great things in this city."

Moreover, the origin is very strange.

Not to mention the Dihun Spring, which they have to use carefully, is squandered like daily water in this place.

Just the holy stone placed in the temple... that holy object that can heal almost all wounds! It is the existence that fate has never seen.

As for the huge crystallization that continuously radiates spiritual power like substance...

It is even more so that fate can't even understand how to get this thing!

"You go back first."

Gently uttering such a sentence, the figure of fate floated like dust...straight to the most conspicuous temple in the city...


【Fate, one of the supreme gods】

The information detected by the eyes of God was just a few words, which made Xuan Sheng completely speechless.

What did the children of his Xuan clan do?

Looking into the reason behind that incomprehensible goddess, Xuan Sheng had to look at it for a long time before suddenly realizing——

All the problems came from the piece of 'Dragon Ball' he had dropped.

The tide of spiritual power that was too strong caused the entire Xuan clan to undergo earth-shaking changes!

It is precisely because of this that the goddess who is extremely sensitive to the movement of time and everything is alarmed.

"I didn't expect this day to come so soon..."

Xuan Sheng murmured in a low voice, but the incident this time came from himself, and had nothing to do with the followers of the Xuan clan!

This is really...

"Is something bad going on?"

"No, there is a strong guest coming to visit."

Taking two deep breaths, Xuan Sheng lay down peacefully on the head of the bed again.

The goddess acted extremely solemnly, she didn't even fly directly to the temple, but landed outside the city, apparently intending to come to the temple as a visitor for a meeting.

"I thought an existence of her level would be a little arrogant..."

Unexpectedly, this child who had never met before was quite polite and respectful.

Looking at the unassuming, queuing up to enter the city, thinking about the 'destiny' who couldn't see the arrogance of the goddess, Xuan Sheng nodded slightly.

If they were so sensible... then maybe it wouldn't have happened.


It sounds like these kids did exactly the same thing as their parents...


Thinking about it this way, can this kind of unreasonable affection be regarded as a kind of intergenerational relationship?

With a strange expression, Xuan Sheng simply stopped guessing and waited for the goddess' visit.


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