"Hi, I wish to enter this city."

Everything went smoothly as expected, fate waited for her opportunity, and softly explained her request to the guards who checked her identity.

"Hmm...huh? But your identity..."

Under normal circumstances, Xuan clan's cities only entertain their own people and businessmen, and they usually need to pass special verification and obtain permission before they can enter.

This extremely mysterious looking lady doesn't look like a member of the Xuan clan who has her own aura... and she doesn't seem to be a businessman who goes back and forth.

After discovering this, the guards guarding the city suddenly became embarrassed.

This extremely gentle lady always gives people an easy-going atmosphere, and it is difficult to feel disgusted or suspicious of her.

But the rules of the Xuan Clan, of course, must not be broken.

"I'm not a businessman, but..."

Catching a few fleeting threads of fate, the goddess was slightly taken aback.

"I'm here to complete the commission."

Taking out a stone from her pocket, in fact, even the goddess of fate can't understand why this action can lead to a successful future.

But power told her so.

She naturally follows the laws of this world.

"This is..."

The moment he saw the 'stone', the guard's pupils shrank.

Although the breath is extremely weak!

But the keen guards still caught the familiar breath on the stone immediately!

This is the sacred stone that Master Xuanshen asked to collect many times! Can't go wrong!

"Please come in here, do you need us to guide you to the temple?"

Since they followed the commission and brought the items needed by the Xuanshen for the Xuanzu, the guards immediately let them go with a very sincere attitude.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Putting away this 'rock' that he couldn't understand, Fate nodded slightly, accepting all the help that came.

As the most powerful existences in this world.

She has a habit.

I like to think about things that power can't see through.

And often those items have a very interesting past or history.

As the supreme god, the power of fate allows her to see almost the vast majority of situations in the world.

But omniscience is often the beginning of boredom.

Therefore, she is often willing to spend a lot of time and energy on things that she can't figure out.

And today.

"This incomprehensible piece helped me."

Obediently following behind the guards, the goddess's every move does not reveal her identity at all.

She was like an ordinary passerby, following behind the guards.

Not even the strange temperament or dress could attract any special attention.


Before coming to the temple, the goddess in elegant clothes followed the guards and entered the temple without hindrance, but the silver wolf beside her raised her head in astonishment, as if smelling something strange at the tip of her nose...

The huge wolf's head was tilted, and after repeated judgments, there seemed to be no problem... The soothed giant wolf returned to its position and continued its duties.



God attendant.


Passing through these people without any problems, the existence of fate seems to have become extremely reasonable, without arousing anyone's suspicion.

She could have come directly to this temple without hindrance.


To show a little respect for that god.

"Is this your thing?"

In the hall, sitting cross-legged under the shimmering divine stone, fate took out the 'stone' that guided her to this place.


Not surprised at all that his followers would be deceived by the power of this goddess, Xuan Sheng restrained his slightly nervous mood, and chatted with the child in front of him with some emotion.

"I'll give it back to you, but, are you..."

"Evil God?"

There were a few rays of sharpness in his eyes, and the aura of fate changed slightly, making it look a little bit more fierce.

【Do not】

Putting away the fragments of the godhead, Xuan Sheng really didn't know how to talk to this...granddaughter for a while.


He has never really met the gods of the third generation.

Even knowing of their existence, it was only discovered some time after the establishment of the Xuan Clan...

The rules of the world have changed and are no longer what they used to be.

Everything in the Wanfa Tongdian has changed... At that moment, Xuan Sheng figured out something was wrong.

But facing the child in front of him now.

His emotions were different from those he had treated the former God of Beauty.

after all.

This god who controls the power of fate.

Undoubtedly, one of the most powerful 'children' today.


If she insisted on getting to the bottom of it... maybe she could really find out her identity.


How would she treat herself now?

Xuan Sheng didn't understand.

In terms of creating their own gods, the third generation of them seems to be no different from the second generation of children.


They are indeed more rational and sober than the children that Xuan Sheng once made with his own hands.

At least.

Their fighting stopped.

Instead of being like their parents, arguing until death, refusing to give up...


The authority that was once able to rely on is now unable to give any help. In front of this unknown god, fate felt 'uneasy' for the first time in his life.

Even in the face of other supreme gods who are as powerful as himself, fate has never had such unknowns and tensions.

But before this god, this emotion has always haunted her.

And... different from the violent fathers and mothers who used to be.

This tension does not carry any sense of crisis or fear. On the contrary, in front of this god, fate can always feel a little relaxed and relieved like never before.

"Did you move your hand when you were tired of fighting?"

Seeing a bit of the shadow of the past in Destiny, Xuan Sheng muttered softly, somewhat understanding the current situation.

"Are you... also one of the Supreme Gods?"

If the deity in front of him that can make him feel pressure is not one of the 'parents' who have become evil gods.


It should only be as powerful as himself, one of the other supreme gods who hold the main authority...


The god stone flashing on the top of the temple did not answer.

It's just that there is a gentle force, which brought the bewildered goddess to the holy stone.


He couldn't figure out how to get along with this child, so Xuan Sheng could only do what he wanted to do according to his own ideas.

He never met the gods of the third generation.

And now it seems.

They never seemed to know him, the god of 'death'...

Perhaps in the eyes of these children today.

The Father God and Mother God they have fallen into the abyss are already the first gods in this world.


The wounds on her body from the evil gods have never been told to anyone! There shouldn't be any gods who know about this!

The tense fate didn't make any moves, but was pressed down on the holy stone of aiding the world by a gentle force...

The warm and peaceful power dispelled her deepest wounds and scars, and all the pain in the past disappeared under the urging of this power...



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