The World of Dependents, the Study Room of Letters...

"Patriarch, the envoy of the original bear tribe came to send a message again... Said that he must join us..."

It's been five or six years since the previous war...

Unlike them who were unscathed, the Xiong tribe suffered a lot of damage, and because they somehow buried the envoy of the Feiying tribe, they were under pressure from Feiying.

However, having lost the ability to protect itself, it is unable to defend itself against many threats...

As a result, Xiong had to ask them for help many times...even at the cost of joining the clan.

However, after so many years, the patriarch has never let go.

"As I said before, they are not worthy of being one of us. Let them first understand the way of being a human being taught by Master Xuanshen, and then talk about other things."

Today's letter is at the prime of his twenties and eighties, firmly sitting on the position of patriarch, and at the same time deeply trusted by his fellow clansmen.


The orderly who was also impatient with the bear tribe's stalking nodded in response, turned around and went to reply to the bear tribe...

"If you ask me, why can't I help them?"

Having completely separated from the position of successor to the leader, the married 'Yi' walked into the room and made a sound of dissatisfaction.

Today, Yi is dressed in fancy clothes, whether it is a plump figure or the tenderness of the eyebrows, she reveals the unique charm of a mature woman everywhere... Fascinating.

She came to report on the work she was in charge of, but when she heard the patriarch's attitude about the last decision, she couldn't help but began to express her opinion.

"Those people's ideas have long been ingrained and cannot be easily changed... Including such a guy into the clan will only bring about bad atmosphere and concepts...affecting the noble qualities of the clansmen."

Shaking his head helplessly, I believe I began to feel that they are probably the most incomprehensible group on this land...

Other races or tribes usually kill all the males of the hostile tribes after victory, and then occupy their females to expand the population.

But when it comes to them, not only is the 'clearance of men' not thorough, but they also dismiss the 'trophy' in the eyes of other tribes, and even avoid it...

Well, what does it matter what the rest of the tribes think.

After sorting out the many reports at hand, Xin looked at the woman who entered the room and began to ask himself about the last task of the day.

"What is the state of the women who have no place to go before?"

After rescuing those people from the Bear Tribe, Shin handed them over to Yi.

"They are all receiving education with the children at the teacher's place now. If the progress is... it's still good. There are already quite a few women who can already be called companions."

Today, Ti is nearly forty in physical condition...

However, that woman is as elegant and beautiful as ever...

"That's it... that's good."

Xin nodded, and it was considered as the end of the day's work.

Those women's hands were marked with ordinary indelible mark that they were receiving education and ideological transformation.

When they can deeply understand and accept the various morals and etiquette that people should have like the tribe, they can be regarded as their own people with the same culture... and the imprint will naturally be cleared.

"However, Lord Patriarch, I protest!"

When he came to the letter, he put on a straight face.

"I think the Bear Clan should be properly accepted."

"So I say..."



He glanced at the woman in front of him with a strange expression, Xin stopped answering, but hugged her and began to slowly press her head...


"I'm the mother of two children, and I'm still acting like this..."


With a flushed face, Yi was unable to answer, but closed her eyes, trembling slightly...

Feeling that his beloved wife's emotion was unusually fiery and obsessive...Xin raised his eyebrows. ,

Although, whenever the wife is extremely stubborn and contradicts everywhere, it is often because she wants to be...

However, today seems a little different?

"You want kids again?"



I'm going to see Lord Xuanshen again...

Looking back suddenly in twenty-four years, I found that it was only in a trance...

Wearing the most formal attire, Rong respectfully waited beside the sacred stone.

However, when she counted her achievements in detail, she found that she seemed to be the worst one since she served as the coach...

Of course, that's not to say that she actually made any mistakes in her position or anything.

The main reason is that...the previous coaches have accomplished incredible achievements...

Qi: The old patriarch, needless to say, just informing the clansmen of the existence of Lord Xuanshen, and allowing the clan to bathe in the light of Lord Xuanshen, is a supreme contribution.

What's more, the old patriarch not only did this, but also led the tribe through the most difficult stage... completely solved the food problem...

Follow-up: In the second term, at the request of Lord Xuanshen, he swept away the barbaric habits of the clansmen, began to restrain himself with morality and etiquette, and let the disheartened Lord Xuanshen lower his glory again. ..

Ti: The third term, can be said to be the most favored leader of the Xuanshen Lord, who will come to guide various tasks during a certain period of time or even once a year...

As the first head teacher after the clan people's thinking changed, Ti had the heaviest workload, but he was still the one who completed it most perfectly. He greatly improved the clan people's living environment, and even after retirement, he returned to full-time education. The best teacher for each generation of newborns in the group...

And when it comes to her, the fourth... seems to have done nothing...

Even resisting foreigners, arranging work, etc., are mostly done by the patriarch 'Xin'...

Obviously according to the rules of the old patriarch 'Qi', she should be responsible for all these!

Now... the status in the hearts of the clan people, let alone Ti, who used to be the leader of the clan... Even the clan leader Xin who is good at war and responsible for managing various diplomatic affairs in the clan is better than her high...

In terms of being respected and loved, she is far inferior to those two.

Obviously Master Xuanshen came so many times for Teacher Ti...but when he was in office, there was no news...

Even seeing the arrival of Lord Xuanshen in person, there were only two times when he was appointed and resigned!

It's so unfair!

It is because of this... that she refuses to accept it!


【Well... I have roughly understood the deeds of you all these years】

At the advent meeting held every 24 years, the patriarch 'Xin' and the leader 'Rong' both stood quietly in front of the sacred stone, waiting for the explanation from Lord Xuanshen.

[In terms of warfare... I don't like to take the initiative to provoke wars, but I believe that I did a good job. The bear tribe ended up like this, but it's their own fault]

Today's family members, the population has reached 2,566...

At this rate, it will soon reach three thousand.

Although... most of them are children, or young adults who have just grown up.

But because of the existence of brotherhood, education and other things are handled very well...

Well, it's in good shape!

What should be said is over, what to do next?

Li Xuansheng scratched his head, thinking for a while...

Ah, yes.

God first.


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