“Ye Xiaoqian, how long will this treatment method of seeing stitches last?”

Xi Qi’s treatment today ended in just over half an hour.

After putting on the battle armor and looking at Ye Qian soaking in the pool, I wanted to ask myself how long I needed to hold out before I could enter a more relaxed healing mode.

Although the pain of the needle prick is not unbearable, it is definitely better to be able to not hurt.

“I’m not sure, the penetration of the fire element has been continuing, now it is relying on this conservative treatment to balance your own mutated fire element, if you can’t hurry, you, just continue to work for me!”

Ye Qian waved his hand, so that Xi Qi could continue to work with confidence.

The days of this worker will not end too soon!

“I’ll go home and clean up first, and then go to Old Master Luo’s side tomorrow morning, you pay attention to your own safety at home, Raven, Yaoyao, I’ll go first!”

Xi Qi said his arrangements for tomorrow and waved his hand with Ye Qian.

Of course, he didn’t forget to say hello to the black crow and the child, so he turned around and jumped out of the courtyard wall surrounded by snakes and grass and ran towards the east.

However, today is not for him to run casually, there is an outer wall outside.

Ye Qian looked at the manor simulation map, and the villain representing Xi Qi ran to the vicinity of the outer wall, paused for a few seconds in amazement, and then turned his head and ran to the east gate.

When Xi Qi arrived near the gate, Ye Qian controlled the gate to open, and then watched Xi Qi run out.

After going out, Ye Qian couldn’t see it, and his manor simulation map was originally just a variety of information within the scope of his own manor.

“Yaoyao, take the tanuki flower to find the snake misty grass to play for a while, I should work seriously, this is a real big project!”

After Ye Qi left, he resumed cultivation in the water for half an hour before coming out.

Touching the head of the little tanuki and handing the kitten to the child to take to play, he walked under the Fuso tree.

[Level 5 mutant Fuso saplings: red quality, special mutant plants, today’s energy feeding (530/10000), today’s output (none)]

Fusang trees need 10,000 energy points, the water produced by Ye Qian, after adjustment, try to increase the proportion of life energy, continue to irrigate the tree.

The process was slow, and Ye Lian sat cross-kneeled, while cultivating to penetrate the water mist created towards the root system.

That numerical increase, Ye Qian didn’t have the heart to look at it now, he needed to spend all his mind and energy on cultivation recovery and energy manufacturing…

[The level 5 Fuso tree feeding energy is full today, the Fuso tree produces 500 fire energy points, and the Fuso tree produces 1 daily treasure chest]

At about eleven o’clock in the evening, Ye Qian finally heard this information announcement.

After feeding the Fuso tree, he also received feedback from the Fuso tree.

However, the fire system energy is 500 points, which is a bit troublesome.

Because of him, he can’t take it!

The flame that appeared in front of him was warm and not aggressive.

But he couldn’t see the information of this fire energy, as long as he reached out to touch it, it would indicate that a class level was insufficient, and the collection and storage of such items had not been opened for the time being.


The little tanuki was carried over, jumped in front of Ye Qian after approaching, stared at the ball of energy in front of him, and stretched out his little paws curiously.

Before it touched it, first look at Ye Qian’s reaction, make sure that it didn’t stop it, and pull it a few times with its small paws.

And then….

[Domestic War Beast Cat Absorbs Fire Energy 500 Points]

“…” Ye

Qian looked at the little tanuki cat who opened his mouth to swallow that lump of energy, and felt that his identity as a player seemed to be discriminated against.

The little tanuki flower can be eaten and absorbed, but he can’t even touch it because of his insufficient professional level.


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The little tanuki ate the fire energy, and did not have any adverse reactions, as if he had taken a breath of air, and then continued to coquette on Ye Qian’s shoulder.

“It seems that you can only come to eat in a short time.”

Ye Qian touched the head of the little tanuki and looked back at the black crow bathing in the water with his eyes closed, making sure that he understood.

This ignition energy, the black crow is not able to look at it at all, and it can’t raise the slightest interest.

And their family, whether it is him, Fan Liyao, or Xi Qi, the occupational level has not reached level 3….

As for the snake grass and the soul eater rose, the seven-colored flower, and the chameleon….

None of them show anything, and it feels uninteresting.


The little tanuki rolled into Ye Qian’s arms, pulled the collar and got in, rolled happily twice, and then fell asleep in a ball.

“It seems that it still takes a time to absorb…” Ye

Qian looked down at the small blob in his arms, although there was no label information, but the reaction of the little tanuki had already explained a lot of information.

After absorbing 500 points of fire energy, I don’t know if the little tanuki flower can completely absorb it when he gets up tomorrow morning.

“It’s okay, it’s just asleep, let’s open the box!”

Ye Qian looked at the child with worried eyes, reached out and held the treasure chest produced by the Fusang tree, and came to sit by the pool.

He is quite weak now, but he doesn’t have to soak in the water, just go back to the bedroom to sleep after opening the box in a while.

“Dive, you open.”

The black crow saw Ye Qian holding the box over, stood up from the water, and stared at Ye Qian with a pair of round little eyes, letting him open.

It opened a lot of boxes today, and it also had to leave some for Ye Qian.

“Let it be far away, I also drove a lot today.”

Ye Qian looked at the box in his hand, but he still didn’t want to open it.

Turning to look at the child next to him, he pushed the treasure chest to the side.

Although the Fuso tree and the seven-colored flower are not the same nature, the items given for the first time may be of a relatively higher rank.

“I’m unlucky…”

Fan Liyao shook his head a little nervously, his luck had always been particularly bad.

Probably, the only good luck in recent years is to meet my brother.

“Try it, there may be something you can use.”

Ye Qian put a hand on the child’s head, rubbed it a few times, and continued to let him turn it on.

“That… I’ll try…” The

child was a little nervous, but under Ye Qian’s expectant gaze, he still stretched out two small hands and took the treasure chest that did not show the quality level.


The black crow raised its wings on one side and learned the movement of Ye Qian touching the child’s head, and the feathers at the tip of the wings touched the top of Ye Qian’s head.

After touching it, when Ye Qian looked back, it changed places again and placed it on the child’s head.

When the eyes of the big and the small changed from doubtful to happy, the black crow continued to lie down contentedly, soaking in the water and watching this big and the small.

“Brother, red!”

After receiving two comforts, Fan Liyao relaxed and pushed open the lid of the treasure chest with his little hand.

When he saw the red shimmer, he happily grabbed the opened items, turned his head and threw himself into Ye Qian’s arms.

By his brother’s side, his luck has also changed!

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