“It’s a good thing, Yaoyao’s hand is still very good!”

Ye Qian looked at the blade of grass in the child’s hand, and was in a good mood to praise the child’s good hand.

“It’s a weapon…”

Fan Liyao raised his hand, and the blade of grass that he grabbed in the palm of his hand, after being infused and controlled by spiritual power, instantly turned into a handleless long knife with blades all over the edges.

[Quinoa Leaf Cutting Blade: Equipment/Weapon, Red Quality, Level 5 Control Blade, Cut +769, Strength +112, Repairable, 30 points per day self-repair, durability value 1000‰; Spiritual power 1000 or more available]

The use of this knife is limited, and it requires mental power, not combat power.

Of course, it is also because this knife is not meant to be held by hand to fight.

Controlling the imperial knife requires mental power to control, which can be near or far….

However, this must be Fan Liyao’s ability to use.

“Brother, this should be very valuable…”

Fan Liyao thought of the money aspect after being able to open such a weapon, and after determining that it was useful.

Now, the older brother needs money.

And he does not have to use weapons, so this weapon is sold for money, it should ….

“Don’t sell, keep it for you to play, money can be earned slowly, good weapons should be kept for their own use, sold weapons may be taken by others to attack us.”

Ye Qian casually said a reason, so that the child instantly lost the idea of selling knives for money.

If it is sold, it will be taken by the enemy to beat them….

“It’s 12 o’clock soon, it’s time to go back to the room to sleep, crow, we’re all going back to rest.”

Ye Qian looked at the time, it was already late.


The black crow came out of the water and jumped outside the pool to dangle.

It told Ye Qian to sleep, and when Ye Qian looked up again, the black crow was already lying in the nest.

Sure enough, it is worthy of a crow with a speed label, and this speed is completely imperceptible.

“Brother, good night!”

Fan Liyao put the knife that had been restored into soft blades of grass again to his arm, waved at Ye Qian, and then went to the pot of seven-colored flowers, dragged Xiao Hei’s ears and dragged him back to the house to sleep.

And Ye Qian, after watching Xiao Hei’s pitiful being dragged away, went to pat the lively seven-colored flowers and soul devouring roses, and then returned to the bedroom and lay on the bed.


Ye Qian glanced at the chat channel information, all 4,518 sweet potato seedlings consigned were sold.

A series of tips, items sold, survival points arrived….

After all the survival points were quickly arrived, Ye Qian looked at the existing 1329074 survival points and calculated that these sweet potato seedlings sold a total of more than 1.27 million survival points….

“Make money, it’s okay!”

Ye Qian looked at the survival point that had increased from five figures to seven figures again, and he was still quite satisfied with his speed of making money.

Of course, it was not comparable to Master, but it was enough to satisfy him.

After receiving the money, thinking about the scope of his expansion, and a stable and peaceful home, Ye Qian was happy in his dreams after falling asleep.

After he fell asleep, he hadn’t moved since yesterday, but Ye Qian had been busy, because the first colorful treasure gourd that he didn’t prompt or pay attention to suddenly flashed, and a small gourd queen bee came out of it.

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The big black head appeared outside the half-open window, and the round little eyes blinked, and the doubtful eyes stared at this little dot.


The wings of the colorful treasure gourd queen bee froze, and it felt that the whole bee was not good.


After determining what the situation of this little queen bee was, the black crow opened his mouth in a good mood, said hello to the gourd queen bee, praised the diligent little one, and then returned to its nest.

The queen gourd bee, who froze in place, took a while to slow down.

After flapping his wings a few times and making sure that he could fly, he quickly flew to the bedroom and lay on his stomach next to Ye Qian’s pillow.

It needs to calm down, be scared out of control emotions….

That terrible big fellow, even if he doesn’t eat bees, he can scare bees to death!

After staying by Ye Qian’s side for more than an hour, the little gourd queen finally eased up, flapped its wings and circled around Ye Qian twice, and then returned to the gourd.

Not long after that, small bees flew out of the gourd, which had not moved for two days, and resumed the diligent work of picking powder and honey day and night.

What happened after falling asleep, Ye Qian really didn’t know.

He slept comfortably, and at five o’clock in the morning, he was woken up by a private message.

[Received a private chat message from my friend {0002-Huo Yanyan}] [0002-Huo Yanyan

: Ye Qian, are you awake? 】

【0002-Huo Yanyan: Get up, do me a favor, the wooden house is demolished, she and Qi Xian temporarily run in your direction, not sure when they can arrive, when you take it in first, I’m on the way] Huo Yanyan’s

information, with some anxiety.

[0997-Ye Qian: Wake up, this prompt sound is the alarm clock, what is the situation of Fire Boss, why did Sister Mu suddenly have her home demolished, who demolished it? ]

Ye Qian woke up, but looking at the information, he was even more confused.

If you don’t go so far, can his family still have a little stable life!

I finally settled down, and now it’s okay, two more.

It is estimated that these six fires will also have to come, at least to pick up people back….

[0002-Huo Yanyan: Yesterday she tried to hunt level 5 wild creatures, but not only did she not kill, but she also provoked several, fortunately, those can’t fly, otherwise they can’t run…] Huo

Yanyan roughly explained the situation.

It was because he was not sure of the upgrade conditions of the hunting department, so Mu Muxiao and Qi Xian quietly thought of a plan, to kill all the level 1 to level 5 wild creatures in one day.

The front was easy to solve, but when it came to level 5, I struggled to find one for half a night.

Unexpectedly, this one was difficult to deal with, and after being injured, several more were brought out….

[0997-Ye Qian: Did they come over here, do they know the way? Ye

Qian didn’t plan to hide and leave it alone, but how the other party wanted to come over, he was still quite curious.

[0002-Huo Yanyan: Sumo flies fast, when those people went to find Xi Qi before, they had studied the route, and in about an hour, they would be able to reach your house] Huo Yanyan

actually knows the environment near Ye Qian very well.

The previous group of people, except for Xu Lu, who made trouble, the others did not all go to the vicinity of Xi Qi, but more explored and recorded the surrounding environment.

Regarding these things, although he did not say too clearly, he believed that Ye Qian would not be so stupid that he could not even see these things.

It’s just that he would never have imagined in advance that this recorded route and terrain would be used by wood first….

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