“What’s wrong, little diving, are you too leisurely, and you’re actually in a daze?”

Xi Qi was enjoying himself in a good mood because he finally didn’t have to be pricked by needles, but suddenly looked back and found that Ye was soaking in the water, leisurely as if he was asleep.

Although he felt that this treatment was very comfortable and good, but looking at Ye Qian’s state, he felt that his previous treatment was actually okay.

Although it hurts a little when he is pricked by needles, Ye Qian’s current completely responsible state will really make people’s hearts stuffy and angry!

“I’m thinking about what seeds to do tomorrow morning, and although the focus is now on harvesting energy cores, this experience point still has to be piled up.”

Ye Qian opened his eyes, looked at Xi Qi, and lazily casually found a topic.

Qin Jian is a fanatic fan of Luo Shan, and not only Qin Jian, but also other players of the same kind, which is really interesting.

That cheap uncle probably also knew these things, so at the beginning, he would open his mind and think that Ye Qian was also a fanatical fan of Boss Luo….

However, although Master and his old man are setting up a persona, he is also doing this very seriously by sharing information and drawing maps with those players with the same purpose.

But these things, there is no need to tell Xi Qi in too much detail, the less you know, the less troubles you will have….

He better think about what he will synthesize tomorrow morning!

“How the hell did you get those seeds… Forget it, don’t say it, I’m afraid my mood will be even more sad…” Xi

Qi remembered that when he was before, Ye Qian went to the warehouse for a while, and then he came out to plant with the seeds that could be bred very weakly.

Curious about what kind of operation it was, but thinking about it, he didn’t need to know, after all, he couldn’t help if he knew.

“What are you sad about, and you don’t have to do anything, save some money, get those buildings out, you can save all the fast-acting fertilizer every day…”

Ye Qian glanced at Xi Qi in disgust, this guy, ask half and don’t ask, it’s really….

However, he did not say exactly what it was.

After complaining, he continued to soak in the water, looking up at the black crow lying on the bird’s nest on the tree, and the child lying next to the black crow.

It is better to let him be stable for a few days, he really likes the days before, when no one comes to disturb him, and he can safely open up the wasteland and farm.

“Saving quick-acting fertilizer, do I have to earn money for those materials?”

Xi Qigang smiled, and then looked at Ye Qian with a shocked expression.

These days have been fast-acting fertilizer, and he has forgotten what the treatment fee was at the beginning!

Not only those buildings of level 2, but also level 3 construction, it is said that he will earn it….

Calculate it, level 2 greenhouse greenhouse, cold room, paddy field, medicine field….

Level 3 dedicated warehouse, irrigation machine, fertilizer making machine….

All of this is below level 3!

He said, why did Ye Xiaoqian suddenly change to a gentle treatment method, it turned out that there were so many money-swallowing projects waiting for him!

Terrible, terrible, it takes a lot of money….

“You don’t say that I have to forget, don’t worry, you earn slowly as a worker, I can also make money now.”

Ye Qian raised his hand and waved, expressing his appreciation for the consciousness of this beater.

Really a diligent worker, he was not in a hurry, people have already thought of these aspects.

“I’m tired…”

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Xi Qi muttered softly, and shut up before he finished speaking.

He stopped talking, stopped squeaking, didn’t remind that black-hearted guy!

The desperate workers, some of them are busy next, and they don’t know where they can brush some high-grade mutated animals and plants.

I hope to refresh a little more, let him collect some materials, earn some money to pay for medical expenses…


The little tanuki woke up and got out of the child’s arms, and a pair of round cat’s eyes directly locked the leaf dive in the water.

“Tanuki Flower, are you hungry, you go and get something to eat for Tanuki first.”

Ye Qian looked at the little tanuki cat who was staring at him all over his eyes, raised his hand and waved, and received a response from the little tanuki shaking his head.

It could be seen that he was treating Xi Qi, and the little tanuki was standing on the edge of the bird’s nest, clinging to the black crow feathers, staring at Ye Qian.

“I’ll go get some jerky and another piece of fish…” Fan

Liyao jumped under the tree, ran to the kitchen to get something to eat, put it on a plate and ran back to the tree.

Sitting on the edge of the bird’s nest, feeding the little tanuki little by little, waiting for Ye Qian’s treatment of Xi Qi to end.

This time, the treatment lasted two hours.

After the treatment, Xi Qi said to go home and rest and ran away, of course, he has now learned to walk through the gate.

Ye Qian also held the kitten, said hello to the child and the black crow, and went back to the room to sleep.

[Domestic war beast: cat (cub, level 2 mutation, insight, alert, speed, claw, combat power 190~350]

lying on the bed, Ye Qian looked at the information label about the little tanuki in the personal information.

The labels are still those before, but the combat effectiveness of the little tanuki has quietly improved.

It’s that this combat power span is a little big….


The little tanuki flower slept for a long time, and now it was not sleepy at all, and when Ye Qian stared at it, it coquettishly responded.

“Eating energy grows fast, but what you ate before is fire energy, and I haven’t seen you increase the attributes of the ignition system, you won’t be able to eat anything, right?”

Ye Qian felt curious, touched the head of the little tanuki, opened the energy mall, 10,000 survival points can buy a level 3 energy, and buy a copy of the five element energies separately.


Little Tanuki looked at the small energy balls in Ye Qian’s palm, one by one, and came forward to eat them all.

1 part of level 3 energy, calculated according to the energy points, is 100 points, so these 5 parts are about the same part as the part produced by the Fuso tree before.

But now the little tanuki ate these five portions, but there was no sign of sleeping, just yawned, continued to turn over and pull a few times in Ye Qian’s arms, and turned over to rub twice to play.

“Don’t worry, take your time in the future…” Ye

Qian smoothed the little tanuki, held the cat and closed his eyes and planned to sleep.

Before falling asleep, he suddenly remembered that he had to feed 10,000 energy points to the Fuso tree every day, which translates to at least 1 million survival points.

In this way, he can still make a lot of money.

But unfortunately, although the water resources he created can replace energy to feed trees, this energy cannot be extracted.

However, it is good to save at least a lot of money….

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