[47th day, 05:48:32, cloudy, 14 °C ~ 18 °C, north wind level 4]

is another day, Ye Qian, who got up in the morning, still checked the time and weather first.

Today’s temperature is a little lower.

I talked to the master before, guessing that the end of this month will not bring trouble to the planting players, but now this temperature change is really worrying.

Whether you use it or not, it’s time to build a warm shed planting….

[Mission: 1, reclaim the wasteland and farm; 2. Construction of manors; 3. Collection; 4, Explore]

Today’s daily tasks are all simple tasks, Ye Qian took the little tanuki out the door, went out of the gate, circled around the outer wall, and the task was completed.

Of course, the benefits of simple tasks are also rudimentary.

“The water level has dropped again…” Standing

on the large rock halfway up the mountain, Ye Qian looked at the tips of the grass exposed on the water surface diagonally ahead, and once again determined that the water level continued to decrease.

When I came to look for the Soul Eater Rose yesterday evening, the water surface was five or six centimeters higher than it is now….


The little tanuki lay on Ye Qian’s shoulder, tilted her head to look around, and re-familiarized herself with the current environment.

“The water level dropped, and I don’t know where so much water flowed, maybe how it came, so let’s go…”

Ye Qian raised his hand and rubbed the head of the little tanuki, looking at the water that was obviously flowing rapidly, but the surface was very silky and calm, and suddenly thought of another possibility.

Perhaps, the end of the month is not necessarily a cooling, after all, this world has not shown a killing of players, and when most of the cultivation players are still at level 1, they will not open the catastrophic state of freezing and freezing.


There is a catastrophe that has a lot to do with the planting system, but it is possible.


Last month’s high temperature and thunderstorm flooding, after the rain stopped, the water level did not change much for a long time, and it remained for half a month before it began to drop….

[0997-Ye Qian: Master, how do I feel, the water of this mountain and river may leak out within half a month…]

Ye Qian now has any conjectures, just talk to his own master.

After all, he didn’t understand these things very well, just looking at the overly calm water in front of him, a little strange thought suddenly appeared.

[0001-Luo Shan: Maybe, I’m heading east, according to some previous information, go east for another six or seven days, and you can see the sea without accident, you don’t have to worry about this first, I’ll ask who understands this, you can do some investigation, if there is a possibility in this regard, you can also make people prepare early…] Luo

Shan replied with a message, so that Ye Qian didn’t have to worry anymore.

The rapid drop in the water level is something that only appeared in the past two days, and it is natural that someone will investigate.

“Ye Xiaoqian, you don’t farm well at home, why are you coming to the river, are you addicted to fishing?”

Xi Qi got up in the morning, went out for a walk, picked up some prey and sold it for money, and then carried a cow leg and ran to Ye Qian’s house to prepare breakfast.

As a result, as soon as I climbed over the top of the mountain, I saw Ye Qian, who was suspected of being in a daze at the water’s edge.

“I was watching the water level drop, the workers were hurrying to cook, and I was going home to study the variety of seeds.”

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Ye Qian glanced at Xi Qi, where did this guy go to slaughter, this level 3 mutant beef leg, the meat quality is quite good.

“Isn’t it normal for the water level to drop?”

Xi Qi looked at the water in the river, what was so strange about this.

Although the weather is getting cooler, but without the continuous pouring of heavy rain, this water will definitely become less and less.

The weather in this world is very accurate, it rains all if it rains, it doesn’t rain at all, even if it is the upper reaches of the river, there is no water level to fill this side!

“Cook and go, you are a violent mutant fire, less care about the water system!”

Ye Qian was too lazy to explain to him, walked into his own door, urged Xi Qi to cook, and he came to the warehouse with the cat in his arms.

The return of the current is the ocean far to the east….

But the water around his house was flowing from east to west, presumably somewhere in the west, and turned around to the east….

Without a map, it’s really a very tangled thing!


The little tanuki rolled twice on Ye Qian’s shoulder, curiously looking at the grass roots synthesized in Ye Qian’s hand.

“Tanuki, you said that this mutant plant, what is the probability of a more advanced evolution…” Although

Ye Qian needs experience, it is not bad for this time.

It also suddenly occurred to him that he had some other directional synthesis.

For example, the grass roots synthesized, the grass roots synthesized ginseng again, what if the ginseng is synthesized again?

Not sure so he tried it, 9 blue quality ginseng, gave Ye Qian a blue quality ginseng, but showed 300 years of ginseng.

This was definitely not what Ye Qian wanted, so he continued to synthesize.

The green light kept flashing, and the grass roots were synthesized one by one, feeling a lot, and then synthesized ginseng again.

Ginseng is resynthesized, sometimes 150 years old ginseng, sometimes 200 years, sometimes 300 years old….

In addition to a few occasional ginseng supplementation pills, Ye Li synthesized 27 parts of blue quality ginseng in half an hour.

The year has high and low, the highest one is 450 years, and it is still blue quality….

These 27 parts of blue quality ginseng were synthesized by Ye Qian again.

【Synthesis successful】

【Grade 2 mutant ginseng seedlings: blue quality, can be bred, and the seeds produced can be picked for planting; For many years, the breeding of ginseng needs to be planted in the medicinal field, and the soil fertility needs to reach level 2 and above]

Finally, seedlings have emerged, but it is still level 2….

Although it is quite tangled, it is finally a reproducible type, and it is still a perennial breeding and breeding, and Ye Qian can be regarded as having achieved the first goal.

As long as it is not dug up, this ginseng will bloom and bear fruit again and again after it grows up, and he is responsible for harvesting the seeds.

But this quality of ginseng, the premise required for planting is a grade 2 medicinal field!

But Ye Qian doesn’t even have a Grade 1 medicinal field now…

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