“It’s time to eat! Ye Xiaoqian, you are a little bit, our black crow boss is surrounded by those players, very hard, must be very hungry…” Xi

Qi went to re-process the mushroom soup base that he had not eaten much, and then cut several plates of meat, served it and laid it out, before calling out to a certain greasy and crooked person, a little more convergent.

I know you have a good relationship, but don’t you want to be so slimy!

Ye is two years old, you simply don’t go back to the room to rest, go to the bird’s nest every night, and let the black crow hold you to sleep!

“Crow, eat first, after eating, I still have to treat this sickness.”

Ye Qian rubbed his face again, and then walked to the table with the black crow, ready to eat.

The little tanuki also came out of Ye Qian’s arms, obediently lying on the side, looking at Ye Qian for a while, black crow for a while, and occasionally at the willow leaf on Ye Qian’s wrist.

“Seventh brother’s cooking skills are really good… Crow, you taste this… Beaver, you eat more meat…”

Ye Qian, who was in a good mood, fed this one moment and that one while when eating.

When he was full of food and drink, it was almost midnight, but he still treated Xi Qi for an hour before letting people go back to rest.

“Brother, I’ll go to rest first!”

After Xi Qi left, Fan Liyao also took the time to wave his hand, took Xiao Hei back to the house, and went to sleep honestly.

“Crow, you also go to rest, I will cultivate under the tree for a while, and I will go back when the rain falls heavily.”

Ye Qian patted the black crow beside him, raised his head to look at the branches of the Fuso tree, just enough to build a shelter from the wind and rain above the bird’s nest.

Moreover, this height will not affect the entry and exit of the black crow at all, as long as it is not flying in a straight line, it cannot be touched….

I usually don’t like to chat, but at this time, Fuso Shu is still very diligent!

“Dive, rest early.”

The black crow was indeed a little tired, and after raising its wings and patting Ye Qian’s shoulder, it returned to the nest and slept on its stomach.

Sitting under the tree, holding the little tanuki cat in his arms, he started his immersive cultivation in this drizzle.

Until, after three o’clock in the morning.

Boom –

Rolling thunder, dull with a sense of irascibility, woke up almost all players.

[Day 51, 03:11:23, thunderstorm, 12 °C ~ 5 °C, southwest wind level 8]

[Mission: 1, reclamation and farming; 2. Construction of manors; 3, drainage; 4. Harvest]

New day, the current temperature is 12°C, but this rolling thunder is coming rainstorm, will reduce the temperature to single digits.

Thunderstorms, high winds, cooling….

This sudden change, accompanied by rolling thunder, made the chat channel lively.

In fact, after 0 o’clock, it starts to lively.

But at that time, Ye Qian was busy treating Xi Qi, and then cultivating + feeding the tree, so he didn’t pay attention.

[18088-Fang Feng: It’s too much, why is it always aimed at our planting system, we finally grow some experience points, we are easy…

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] [33303-Su Man-2: The same planting system, can’t build a warm shed, feel that the ordinary plants at home can’t bear it] [

11151-Luoxin: Planting system +1, how to do it now, this thunderstorm is too cold, my family just planted corn, the seedlings are only a little, As soon as the rain is poured

] [0032-Qin Jian: Among the materials of secondary processing, there are those that can prevent wind and rain, and if there are conditions, try to prepare, it is really unconditional, get some grass leaves, grass mats, build a shed to carry this wave of thunderstorms first, and then think of other ways when the rain stops

] [35513-Li Yufei-3: Just make that work, just get some bugs, those materials will be destroyed] [

0012- Zhang Wei: Bugs will come out and run around because there is a lack of water sources, and now there are thunderstorms, those bugs in the water should be able to go back directly, right? 】

【0633-Zhang Wei-3: Back to the yarn, the walls outside my house are full of bugs, stones and mud-piled walls, all of which are almost half gnawed for me, and the rain does not delay them to come out to destroy]

In the chat channel, there are players who have been mixed here for a long time, so that Ye Qian is familiar with them, and there are also players who have not been impressed before.

One by one, some players are complaining, and some are looking for ways to save themselves as soon as possible.

Rich players have bought as many low-priced fusion materials, especially those that are waterproof and windproof.

Some people who can’t afford to buy materials go to buy low-priced grass, or straw mats that someone has made, semi-finished products and the like are also remembered….

Ye Qian looked at the chat channel, he himself was not idle, so he adjusted the warm sun-type greenhouse that had not been expanded before at home to cover all the fields that had been planted at present.

As for the breeding area, there is no need to worry, less than 0 ° C does not need to be adjusted.

It was this time that the materials needed for the adjustment were all emptied, so that the materials below level 3 stored in Ye Qianjia’s warehouse were all emptied.

Food and feed are excluded, after all, these two items are not used when converting construction materials.

[0001-Luo Shan: Silly boy, how is your home? Luo

Shan only chatted with Ye Qian yesterday evening, and now he slept until midnight and saw some messages sent by someone, so he first came to talk to his apprentice.

[0997-Ye Qian: It’s okay, how is your side Master, if there is danger, you should run and run]

Ye Qian’s own side, did not find any danger, but this sudden weather change, he was not sure what would happen on Master’s side.

It is not far from the sea, and if the water level rises rapidly again, more high-level creatures may appear.

[0001-Luo Shan: We don’t need to worry here, if there is danger, just let that sick seedling take it to your house, now you are going to have trouble there, just received a news, someone has found the location of your home, planning to engage in some insect retaliation on the mountain near your home]

Luo Shan looking for Ye Qian, mainly to say that someone wants to use the topic to play and engage in some bug attacks.

Although the current weather has suddenly become so bad, that is, this thunderstorm is a bit troublesome, and it will not really cause much impact.

Moreover, there is no such thing as some players say in the chat channel, the next step will be to freeze thousands of miles and carry out an extinction strike on cultivation players….

With this thunderstorm passing, players can basically enter a new period of détente.

So the weather problem is not important, especially on his stupid apprentice’s side, there is a manor and a greenhouse, there is no need to worry about these things at all.

[0997-Ye Qian: Insect introduction? That’s really thanks to that person, the flowers and plants on my side of the house have just been a little too boring recently, as long as they can’t attract insects above level 6]

Ye Qian raised his head, looked at the black crow who opened his eyes and looked at him, held the cat and ran to the tree.

Insect attack his home?

Those who hope to come, don’t be too bad.

His crow, this time out a little tired, just when there is a lack of nutrition….

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