“Crow, someone is going to release insects to destroy our house…” Ye

Qian leaned against the edge of the bird’s nest, his fingers gently smoothing the wing feathers of the crow, saying the information he had just learned from Master.

Although he is not afraid, the appearance of that kind of person will still be very annoying.

“Dive, don’t be afraid, bugs can eat.”

The black crow nodded, it was still thinking about whether to go out to find some dragons and eat to fill its stomach.

Now, it seems that there is no need to go.

In terms of eating, it is not particularly picky, especially the one that is sent on its own initiative.

“Well, don’t worry, let’s leave some time for people to prepare more

, this willow leaf…” Ye dived to the crow’s side, attached it to the crow’s feathers, and took this thin-looking and useful willow leaf from his wrist.

It can be used as a weapon, as a defense, and as a material….

However, Ye Qian really couldn’t use it.

To control this thing to attack, Ye Qian does not have this ability.

So he thought, do a favor with the crows.

“Dive, don’t like it?”

The black crow tilted his head and watched Ye Qian hand it the willow leaf, and a pair of round little eyes blinked, bringing a bit of a sense of grievance.

Did it bring back this gift?

“I like it, but I can’t use it now, crow, do it a favor, divide it into 9 segments, just a small segment…”

Ye Qian smiled and gestured with his finger a few times, he wanted to cut this willow leaf that he couldn’t cut at all, and let the crow help divide it into several parts.


The black crow understood.

Lowered his head and held the willow leaf, raised his paw and grabbed the leaf twice, and then put it in Ye Qian’s hand.

A slender willow leaf, torn by it vertically, tore into 9 small slender strips.

“Raven, you are amazing, thank you Raven!”

Ye Qian looked at the 9 willow leaf strips in the palm of his hand, which were already fragments, rubbed them with the black crow, and then began to work.

With his current spiritual power, even if he smoked it all, he would not be able to synthesize gold-quality items.

However, Ye Qian also thought in the afternoon that there was a skill consumption loophole.

[0997-Ye Qian: Master, borrow some money]

Ye Qian saw that this material was already available, and began to worry about another one.

This other….

It probably takes a few million….

[0001-Luo Shan: Take money with your ancestors here and borrow it, let’s talk about it, if you want something, buy it for you] Luo

Shan just quarreled with No. 2 Zhang Wei, which is about Ye Qian, a heavy grandson.

Now I saw that Ye Qian rested for a while, and then he wanted to borrow money, and he instantly felt that the fire was big.

This stinky boy, didn’t he obediently come to sponsor last time, how come he started to politely borrow money again this time.

What, when he was so stingy, he had to make that kid pay back?

[0997-Ye Qian: Master, since your old man is so generous, then I will not be polite to you, that is, now you need 9 elemental cores, the level must be the same, you buy a set? ]

Ye Qian looked at his master’s sudden way of calling himself, stunned for a moment, and then climbed the pole very happily, and very seriously asked for the ancestor’s funding.

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[0001-Luo Shan: Stinky boy, you don’t tell Lao Tzu about the level, just let Lao Tzu get you the current level, right! ] 【

0001-Luo Shan: Wait! Looking

at the information, Luo Shan was happy.

It’s too bad, really go into this kid’s pit.

However, he knew what the situation of this child was, and since he did not say the level, the higher the better.

But his current survival point is barely able to buy a set of level 4, level 5 is very difficult….

Hard, doesn’t mean it can’t work!

Didn’t this guy who was snuggling just now still tell him that he had a lot of good things in his hand….

Anyway, for his child, since this sick man claims to be an elder, when he should give his child some gifts, he will not cut the door, right?

“Raven, do me a favor later, my master will prepare some energy cores, and then, you help me pass on a little spiritual power, let’s synthesize this…” Ye

Qian stuck to the black crow, let it do a favor, and another is waiting.

This shameless state, he himself complained in his heart, fortunately Xi Qi went home early, otherwise, he would have to complain about him for many days.

However, he really couldn’t do it himself.

He didn’t want to save this golden leaf for when he could synthesize it….

“Dive, synthesize, use mine.”

The black crow not only did not feel that Ye Qian was excessive, but also blinked happily and lowered his head to touch his head on Ye Qian’s shoulder.

It was very happy to be able to help Ye Qian.

Wait, wait, wait more than an hour later.

The thunder and lightning in the air flickered, the rainstorm and the wind became more and more fierce, and Ye Qian also received an exchange application from his master.

[0997-Ye Qian: Master, your old man is no longer just rich to describe! ]

Ye Qian looked at the 9 energy cores that were placed on the exchange interface, blinked and confirmed again, and sent a message to his family master first.

His initial expectation was that Master would be able to pay a little more and be arrogant, and prepare a complete set of Level 4 energy cores for him….

Of course, level 3 can also be used, as long as it is a set.

However, he never thought that it would be a complete set of level 5 energy cores!

This is not something that money can buy, because over there in the energy mall, the level 5 energy cores that players hang up can’t even get together the five elements, let alone a 9-piece set!

[0001-Luo Shan: If you can’t even take this little thing, wouldn’t it be a toss in vain, busy with your going, pay attention to safety] Luo

Shan saw that Ye Qian was not in a hurry to accept it, urging him to hurry up and take it.

As for next to him, the expression is disgusted, awkward, and with a bit of irascible sickness, just ignore it for the time being.

There is a saying how to say, don’t show off your wealth, show off your show, it’s gone….

[0997-Ye Qian: Okay, Master, you are busy, I’ll try the effect first! ]

Ye Qian accepted these 9 energy cores.

Although I don’t know how Master got it, since it took more than an hour, it was definitely not saved by Master before.

After getting the energy core, 9 energy cores with rich elements formed a circle under Ye Qian’s control.

Then placing nine split willow leaf strips in it, Ye Qian tilted his head with a smile and looked at the black crow.

“Crow, help me…” One

of Ye Qian’s hands touched the black crow’s wings.

He now needs a lot of spiritual power infusion to support this extraction….

So, Raven, please!

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