
Xi Qi looked at the small willow tree that shook the roots of the tree at him, suspected to have just budded, and couldn’t react for a while.

This is the reason why Ye Qian was so tired that he fell into a coma and did not go back to the house to sleep?

“Yes, the little imperial willow that has just been cultivated, don’t look at it so sticky, in fact, it is very strong…” Ye

Qian looked at the small sapling that flicked the root, and then quickly wrapped around his arm, and said with a slight embarrassment, this is really a combat mutant plant.

That is, maybe because it was just born, it is a little clingy….

“Yes, yes, I’m sorry you’re so tired if it’s not strong, hurry up and eat, you don’t eat, and don’t let our black crow boss eat, you’re also quite sticky…” Xi

Qi didn’t want to entangle how strong this imperial willow was.

He wants to ask now, your family still can’t eat!”

I came to cook in the morning, but I was hungry now, too much!

“Eat and eat! Crows, tanuki, pack up and get ready for lunch!

Ye Qian looked at the black crow beside him, as well as the little tanuki who was staring at him in his arms, said hello and jumped under the tree.

When Xi Qi quickly went to prepare lunch, Ye Qian said hello to the children at home, as well as flowers and plants, and then went back to the house to wash.

While cleaning up his personal hygiene, he opened his friend’s private chat interface and checked the previous private chat messages.

At that time, the private chat sent by those people at the same time, he was really curious.

[11111-Qin Heng: Ye Qian, player No. 15 fell rain, saying that there is an urgent matter to find you]

This is a private chat sent by Qin Heng, although the time is similar, he sent it first.

Ye Qian didn’t hurry to reply, and went to see the other few first.

[0012-Zhang Wei: Ye Qian, do you recognize the falling

rain, she said let you add a friend] [0032-Qin Jian: Brother Ye, player 0015 fell into the rain, said that there is something fatal to find you, ask me if I have your friends] [0987-Mu

Muxi: Xiao Yezi, the No. 15 player called Falling Rain, seems to have something to ask you for help, she said that she sent you a friend application, you see if you want to add, I talked a few times before, It seems to be a plant-based ability player who likes to collect medicine and medicine]

The four private chat messages are all at about the same time, and the content is almost the same.

It’s all about player 0015….

[0997-Ye Qian: I was addicted to cultivation last night, and I didn’t wake up until now, I’ll ask her what she is looking for me to do now]

Ye Qian replied to the four people with a message, and then opened the friend addition application.

A dense list of applications to add friends.

In these many messages added by friends, Ye Qian saw that it was sent once in ten minutes, and each time it was only 0015-falling rain with the word ‘Huangliu’

“Crow, Huangliu, is there another person?”

Ye Qian did not hurry to add, but first asked the black crow if there was any information in this regard.

That person, why did he add his friends, and also found a bunch of people to pass on the message on his behalf.

Especially, stuck in that time period….

“The old body of the imperial willow, guarding, possessing humans.”

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The black crow tilted his head and thought about it, the possession target of the old body of the imperial willow was indeed a person.

However, it was really unclear now why Ye Qian suddenly asked about this.

That ‘man’, did something happen?

“That person came looking for me, I don’t know what she wants to do, I’ll ask.”

Ye Qian just made sure that he knew what the situation of that ‘person’ was, and passed the other party’s friend application.

[0015-Falling Rain: You can be regarded as adding me, the leaves of the imperial willow, how do you deal with it? After

Falling Rain agreed on Ye Qian’s side, he immediately sent a message, feeling that the other party might have been waiting.

That’s what the message says….

There is really no need to turn a corner at all, just get to the point!

[0997-Ye Qian: The leaves are gone, and they have become new imperial willow seedlings]

When Ye Qian knew what the identity of the other party was, he didn’t feel the need to hide it, so he said it directly.

【0015-Falling Rain: Saplings? I’ll take a look at it for an exchange, if what you say is true, send you some fertilizer that Huangliu needs]

For Ye Qian’s statement, the other party obviously did not believe it.

She could only know who the leaves of the imperial willow were in and whether they still existed.

Last night, I noticed that the leaves of the imperial willow were broken, so I was anxious to talk to Ye Qian, but as a result, I waited until now….

[0997-Ye Qian: I really don’t know what it needs now, you look at its current situation, tell me how to raise it, I just don’t have to get entangled…]

Ye Qian replied to the message very frankly, and then accepted the exchange application sent by the other party, and temporarily put his own sapling in the exchange column.

Put it up, the other party can see it, but as long as your own side does not exchange confirmation, it will not be taken away.

After he put it on for the other party to check so unreservedly, the falling rain side was silent for ten minutes.

[0015-Falling Rain: Ye Qian… We don’t ask you how to make it appear, but please trouble you to raise it well, if you need anything, you can find me, what is the growth progress, and trouble you to tell me when you have time]

Falling rain went to chat with the level 7 Huangliu for a while, and finally very sad, and also accepted this result with some expectation.

Level 6 little royal willow seedlings, it is impossible for them to snatch it back, or even buy it back.

The growth conflict of the same species may cause the seedlings to not survive, but it is impossible to put them in a wild environment and let them grow freely….

A level 7 seedling, or a way of reincarnation, may not be able to resist the player’s siege now, let alone this level 6 sapling now.

As long as it is in the wild, it will become the player’s prey sooner or later.

Therefore, after ten minutes of entanglement, they could only hope that Ye Qian would raise the newborn level 6 little royal willow seedlings well.

At least, this player is not weak.

Moreover, the person who can make the crow specially bring gifts should not be too bad….

[0997-Ye Qian: I will take care of it, there may be some bugs to make trouble recently, can it eat the corpse of the bug? ] Ye

Qian retrieved the little imperial willow, turned off the exchange interface, and continued to chat with Falling Rain.

Although he is a friend of Caijia, his attitude of complete trust makes the old ‘girl’ sitting on the top of the mountain complain while replying messages….

This person should not be bad, but he probably doesn’t have many brains.

At this time, I don’t even know, take the opportunity to point out the benefits….

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