[0015-Falling Rain: You take this bottle of nutrient solution first, give it a drink every day, drink it and then find me, from last night to now, sleepy and uncomfortable, go to rest first, if something happens to it, you remember to come to me]

After chatting for half an hour, Falling Rain made sure that there was nothing else to explain, so he took a bottle of Huangliu leaf purified nutrient solution and traded it to Ye Qian.

This bottle of nutrient solution was determined to be able to feed Xiaohuangliu to the primary stage after her communication with Huangliu.

At least the root system must be strong, the branches can be stretched, and there must be basic strength….

[0997-Ye Qian: Okay, I’ll feed it first, if there is any abnormality, I will definitely consult you as soon as possible]

Ye Qian accepted the nutrient solution, first fed two drops to the little imperial willow, and then put up this small bottle of grade 7 imperial willow special nutrient solution.

As for whether the other party went to rest after ending the chat, or whether there were other things, that is not important.

After putting the nutrient solution away, Ye Qian came back and sat at the table, watching the little tanuki and the little imperial willow continue to play.

It is obviously a very strong little imperial willow, after the little tanuki flower patted with a paw, the root system opened its teeth and danced its claws, but it was like it had no strength, and it never hurt a cat hair of the little tanuki…

“Tanuki, he’s very well-behaved, isn’t it?”

Ye Qian is not the first time to synthesize mutant plants, and the previous snake misty grass is also the result of his synthesis.

But from the beginning, the snake misty grass is relatively mature, and it will coax the little tanuki to play….

Thinking about the stage when the snake misty grass had just grown, Ye Qian suddenly felt that the little imperial willow might also be so soft because he was afraid of hurting the little tanuki flower?


The little tanuki was having fun, and the previous troubles were temporarily abandoned.

By the time Xi Qi had finished lunch and called Ye Qian to serve the dishes, Little Tanuki was still getting together with Little Huangliu, playing hide-and-seek around the chair…

“Brother, I saw that person, on the mountain to the north, wearing a black cloak, like a thief…”

Fan Liyao suddenly stood up while eating, jumped to the top of the Fuso tree, and stared at the mountain in the north.

“Yaoyao, come back to eat first, don’t scare people, let people do more preparation.”

Ye Qian jumped to the tree and took a look, and he also saw the black figure shining in the rainstorm on a mountain in the north.

This thunderstorm weather, black shiny leather coat, is still quite conspicuous in the heavy rain….

“Poor people in this thunderstorm weather, they have to take great risks to come here to set some traps, but they will be disgusted because they wear a raincoat, which is very miserable…” Xi

Qi ate and complained about how excessive the Ye Qian brothers were.

It’s just that he occasionally turned his head to look at the mountains to the north, and a trace of killing intent occasionally appeared in his eyes, revealing his true mood now.

“It’s raining so much, it’s not good to take a break, such a diligent player, always give people a little chance to perform, Seventh Brother, your family is not targeted, right?”

Ye Qian was eating and suddenly remembered the situation of Xi Qi’s family.

Although it is only two mountains apart, it is also a manor, and if Xi Qi is in his house, it will not be very beautiful.

“It’s okay, I brought the wall, it’s piled up outside your house, and when things on your side are fine, I’ll go back…”

Xi Qi was stunned for a moment, and then pointed to the direction of the gate south of Ye Qian’s house with a smile.

His manor is the last thing to worry about.

“Brother, the seventh brother only has those few walls, you don’t have to worry about his house, even if he is knocked on the door, he can tear down the courtyard wall, carry it and run away…”

Fan Liyao ate his meal, and did not forget to complain that some family disciples are really too convenient.

“Yes, the courtyard wall can also be used as a shield, it’s terrible…” Ye

Qian glanced at Xi Qi with a smile, and then continued to eat very seriously, as if what he said just now was not what he said.

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For the words of these two brothers, Xi Qi snorted twice, not wanting to deal with them.

After eating and drinking, and putting away the umbrellas held up in the yard, the three stood on the Fuso tree and continued to observe the mountain to the north.

The black crow was lying in the nest, with the little imperial willow crawling everywhere hooked on its paws, and a small tanuki cat, running around after the little imperial willow…


The Soul Eater Rose quietly climbed up the tree and stuck to Ye Qian’s side, conveying some information.

It is confused with snakes and wants to go north to see it.

There are enemies appearing, and the two of them think that the hiding method is better, so they want to go and see it up close.

“Go, don’t get too close, and… Come back early. Ye

Qian jumped under the tree, snake grass in one hand, soul devouring rose in the other, and after communicating with them, he let them out.

At this time, on a hilltop in the north, a tall man dressed in gray clothes and a long black hooded trench coat was carefully putting down a bottle of potion.

The potion bottle is glass, and you can see it closer and there are many fragments of crustacean

limbs…. “Ye Qian, Ye Qian, let’s see how you escape this time!”

The muscular man, who was nearly two meters tall, after putting the potion bottles away, stared at Ye Qianjia again with fierce eyes, and looked at it a few more times before turning and running away.

In the center of this formation, an egg is trembling, a sign that it is about to hatch.

As long as the eggs hatch, it will trigger a small explosion around it, and those potion bottles can be shattered.

Then, the drugs are mixed together to kill the newly hatched larvae, which will attract all the zergs in a certain range of the surrounding area….


The snake misty grass didn’t know what it was, but it quickly followed the person at the prompt of the Soul Eater Rose.

When he reached the bottom of the mountain, the man crossed the river, looked back at the top of the mountain, and smiled sadly.

At the same time, he also sent a message to some people that the operation had been completed.

However, just as he was laughing, there was an inexplicable tingling pain under his feet, and he fell to the ground washed by the rainstorm as soon as he saw it.

But he didn’t land, and as he approached the ground, layers of snake-like leaves twisted, rolling him up and dragging him under the ground.

“I got a level 5 larval egg, just to pit me, these people are also willing to pay for it…” Ye

Qian stood at the gate to the north of his house, receiving the information transmitted to him by the Soul Devouring Rose, and for the arrangement of these people, it can only be said that the enemy is quite powerful.

For now, Master and Uncle Cheap haven’t caught a level 5 larvae or cubs…

“So, how hateful you are!”

Xi Qi stood by the side, looked at Ye Qian, and shook his head to express sadness.

He felt that he was already quite hateful.

In the past world, because of his special mutation, many rumors were about to make him a nightmare for the water system power.

In this world, the manor can run around on his back, and many players are worried about his specialness.

And he knows that his temper is quite hateful.

But now, he felt that he was not bad, at least he didn’t let people use level 5 worm eggs to calculate.

Level 5 worm eggs!

It’s worth at least five million, right?

Luxury, what a luxury!

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