“To be precise, my identity is very jealous…” Ye

Qian watched the dirt outside the gate tumble a few times, and the snake misty grass rolled a person and appeared.

Feeling that his hatred value was so high, he shook his head and stepped forward to check on this player’s situation.

This player is dead.

Although some things were really curious, Ye Qian did not keep the player’s interest in capturing it, interrogating or investigating.

Because in this world, it is not difficult to pretend to be unconscious to deliver news….

“Soul Eater, compare and see, does this have anything to do with me.”

Crouching down, Ye Qian reached out and knocked on the Soul Devouring Rose leaf next to him, allowing the Soul Devourer to swallow this person for comparison.

“…” The

Soul Devouring Rose compared this person after wrapping and devouring this person with the root system, and confirmed that there was no bloodline connection.

“Ye Xiaoqian, how do I feel, you have a very big guard against people close to your blood…” Xi

Qi stood next to him, watching Ye Qian start to worry about the bloodline relationship again, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong.

If it is six fire families, it is not surprising to think that people of similar blood are fighting each other.

But now Ye Qian, isn’t there only such a blood relative as Old Master Luo?

“Someone is replicating some of our family’s bloodline genes, so there may be some failures, and it is still possible to be thrown out as an unstable bomb.”

Ye Lian will still be cautious at some point.

Especially knowing that some people’s abilities can carry out bloodline traction, especially the killing curse class….

More than three generations of bloodline relationships should not lead to too troublesome bloodline curses, but sometimes, you have to be on guard.

“This is indeed a trouble, the old man and you, are so special, those people want to do some other experiments, it is not surprising.”

After staring at Ye Qian for a while, Xi Qi suddenly realized.

O controller!

Old man Luo is the controller of the fire system, and Ye Qian is the controller of the water system.

Their family has a strong bloodline!

So, it’s really normal to have a bit of a side bloodline and be found and studied!

“The eggs over there are dead.”

Ye Qian suddenly raised his head and looked at the top of the mountain to the north.

He saw it just now, some light flickered, worm eggs hatched, and then triggered the surrounding formation organs.

When the worm egg died, it emitted an aura that was spreading around.

There is still rumbling thunder overhead, the wind is still blowing, the rain is still falling, but it can’t stop this breath.

“Go home, there is nothing to worry about in your house anyway, now wait for the surrounding zerg to attack.”

Patting the leaves of the snake misty grass and the soul devouring rose, Ye dived two steps back and entered the gate of his courtyard wall.

Xi Qi also quickly followed, and when the flowers and plants also entered the door, the door closed.

[Manor random event: A large number of insect creatures are about to attack, please do a good job of manor protection]

Just after Ye sneaked into the door, before he returned to the house, he received a notice.

A large number of bugs are about to approach, and the random events of the manor are refreshed.

“I also brushed the random events of

the manor…” Xi Qi’s eyes dullly checked his manor information, he had already stacked the courtyard walls together, leaving only enough space for one person to stand in the middle, which could still brush random events?

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“Your manor courtyard wall, do you need to go out and stare?”

Ye Qian returned to the house, sat on the sofa to rest, looking at Xi Qi’s strange expression, not sure how to guard this person’s pile of courtyard walls.

Manor and manor have a little conflicting relationship.

Just like Xi Qi’s manor, he can run around with the courtyard wall behind his back and settle down anywhere, but there is a premise that he cannot overlap with other manors.

The courtyard wall can’t enter the gate of Ye Qian’s manor, nor can it surround Ye Qian’s family inside.

Therefore, if Xi Qi wants to go home and guard, he must first go out from Ye Qian’s house, otherwise his home is unguarded.

“It must be going out, there are random events, if you don’t go home to guard, the courtyard wall will be demolished quickly…”

Xi Qi looked sadly at the south, his courtyard wall must not be lost.

So ah, it’s time for him to go home!

“Go, the range is smaller, closer, Xiaohuangliu go over there to defend.”

Ye Qian patted the little seedling on his arm, although the little imperial willow was still very small, it took the initiative to tell Ye Qian to go out and guard the door.

Then, by the way, it would be good to put the seven families in the defensive range.

“Are you sure it won’t tear down my house?”

Xi Qi held his family’s little fire unicorn, looking at the little emperor liu wrapped around Ye Qian’s arm and going around extremely actively, not quite sure whether this little guy’s combat power was good or not.

There is also a bit of a more entangled, that is, when this Huangliu is protecting, will he directly throw his family as an obstructing existence.

“No, although it likes to play, it has a clear consciousness and knows what to destroy and what to protect…” Ye

Qian touched the roots of Xiaohuangliu everywhere, making trouble, playing and playing, but this little guy’s ability to understand is not bad at all.

How to say that it is also a level 6 mutant plant, and it is still in the wood system, and the level is relatively high.

“Then I’m welcome, Huangliu Guy, my family will ask you to protect it!”

Although he is not afraid of the incoming insects, he can’t fight well at home, Xi Qi still hopes that Xiaohuangliu can show him his home, and he goes out for a passionate hunt.

After Ye Qian passed Xi Qi’s meaning to Little Huangliu, the few roots of this little dot grew a little longer, and patted Xi Qi’s shoulder very angrily.

Isn’t it just looking at a small yard!

Leave it to you!

“It’s … What do you mean? Xi

Qi was patted on the shoulder by a small seedling, and the whole person was a little confused.

If the black crow patted him on the shoulder, or the little fire unicorn patted it, he could also understand.

But, plants….

I really, don’t understand this!

“Reassure you that it will show you your home and prevent bugs from hitting the walls of your yard.”

Ye Qian smiled and translated it.

In ten minutes, a large number of insect creatures will appear, and it is time for him to pack up and prepare for battle.

By the way, I have to tell Master.

Although the black crow needs nutritional supplements, there is also Little Huangliu who needs the first experience of a battle, and even the hunting experience of Fan Liyao and Xi Qi…

But whether you need it or not, these are the things that some players do with full malice.

As a person with parental care, Ye Qian believes that he wants to talk to his parents about the situation.

On the parents’ side, it is necessary to take revenge, and it is still necessary to settle the account


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