[Level 6 insect wings: silver quality, material, can be processed, crafted, extracted]

After Ye Qian rested for a while, Xi Qi, who had jumped a few times, ran to pick up the materials.

Although I don’t have experience and there is no energy drop, just these four pairs of wings and 4 pincers are already very valuable.

It’s just that this thing can’t be used for the time being.

Whether it was Ye Qian’s synthesis or Fan Liyao and Xi Qi’s hunting equipment production, it was impossible to process the materials of level 6.

Put it away first, anyway, it’s not so short of money, three people and a cat, a flower, a grass and a tree, all returned to the pool to soak and rest.

As for the little black bear and the little fire unicorn, these two have not gone out at all, and their current combat power cannot deal with the swarms of insects before.


The little tanuki leaned into Ye Qian’s arms, and it felt that this time, it couldn’t help anything.

But it was not sad, because being sad now would only make Ye Qian worry about it after he noticed it.

Look up at the Fuso tree, in the bird’s nest on the tree, the black crow has fallen asleep.

Before it talked to the black crow, it wanted to become stronger, and the black crow gave it a way….

Hopefully, before the crow wakes up, it can make all the preliminary preparations, and then it can make the crow help it become stronger.

It also wants to protect the latent, even if its own bloodline is very weak, it will find a way to work hard for this goal.

“Tanuki flower, the crow is sleeping, wait for it to wake up, and then find it to play…” Ye

Qian’s fingers smoothed the little tanuki, leaned against the pool, and also looked at the bird’s nest in the tree.

The black crow slept, and the Fuso tree consciously set up a protective barrier to cover the existence of the black crow.

But this shield can’t stop these few at home, and it is estimated that he didn’t plan to stop them at all.

Snake Misty Grass and Soul Eater Rose, these two also worked hard for a long time when the previous zerg creatures attacked, and they ate quite full at the same time.

Especially the Soul Devouring Rose, it consciously ran to hug Xiao Huangliu’s thigh, and when Xiaohuangliu ate and drank, it also rubbed a lot by the way.

Probably, if you have the opportunity to prepare some high-level energy for it, you will have a chance to advance.

Now the flowers and plants are right by the pool, just a small clump of leaves and branches burrowing out of the ground, leaning behind Ye Qian and swaying.

However, Xiaohuangliu, who had previously blocked such a large defensive range, was now smaller again.

It has not changed back to its original state, its current appearance….

A tree about one meter tall, the root system twisted together to form a similar form of human legs, two branches imitating human arms and hands, and one ‘long hair’….

Wicker, willow leaves, about equal to hair….

Moreover, after twisting into this form, it happily swayed in front of Ye Qian, and then learned the state of Ye Qian’s bath, entered the pool and leaned on the edge, and soaked with everyone.

If its root system is not relaxed in the water and then spread out, it will poke Xi Qi’s shoulder for a while, pull Fan Liyao’s hand for a while, or else it will quietly come over and stick to Ye Qian’s shoulder…

If it’s a little quieter, maybe it’s still a bit like a ‘humanoid’….

“Ye Xiaoqian, you take care of it…” Xi

Qi’s eyes looked at the root of Xiaohuangliu with aggrieved eyes, this is also a big guy, he really dare not throw it out directly.

However, you can’t bully people so much, pat him on the arm for a while, poke him on the shoulder for a while….

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I was scared by the scarecrow of Ye Qian’s family before, but now this is obviously a tree, but I want to twist out of my personal shape, and I will come to tease him if I have nothing to do….

Workers are also people, and they can’t go too far!

“It’s okay, it’s quite well-behaved, and he massaged my shoulder…” Ye

Qian pointed to his shoulder, and the root system of the little imperial willow was on its shoulder, and it was hammered a few times for a while, and then pressed a few times later.

Of course, it wasn’t really to massage him, but Xiaohuangliu wanted to play, and it wouldn’t hurt people, so Ye Qian played with it.

On the contrary, the little tanuki, after stretching out his paws several times, but not catching them, jumped to the other shoulder very unpleasantly, and closed his eyes and ignored it.

“Forget it, the little emperor Liu also helped me guard the house, I tried my best to adapt… Hey, hey, don’t pull my pant leg!

Xi Qi saw that Ye Qian and Fan Liyao felt normal, and he also tried to try to play with Xiao Huangliu.

However, I don’t know if it was treated differently, Xiaohuangliu pulled his ankles under the water, and as a result, his pants were almost ripped off when he shrunk his legs.

After resting cleanly for less than half an hour, Xi Qi ran out of the pool helplessly under the destruction of Xiaohuangliu.

“Don’t hide, it won’t hurt you, just think the fire element on you is interesting, and want to try it closer.”

Ye Qian communicated with Xiaohuangliu and asked why he wanted to bully Xi Qi, and he got this response.

Looking at Xi Qi’s jumping feet, Ye Qian smiled and explained to him that Xiaohuangliu really did not deliberately target.

“The Fire Element… It is a tree, thinking about my ignition element, not afraid of hurting it?

Xi Qi was stunned for a moment, he really didn’t expect that his fire element would be remembered by the tree this day.

Before, he tried to get close to the Fusang tree to cultivate, but the Fusang tree thought him angry….

“Can’t hurt it, nine elemental cores, most of the elements it can touch.”

Ye Qian patted the mass of roots wrapped around his shoulder and explained to Xi Qi the attribute of the little emperor willow.

The original imperial willow did not show attributes, and when he synthesized, he used 9 different element cores, so after the birth of the little imperial willow, he was born with these 9.

As for the other ones that have not been absorbed, whether they can be obtained in the future, then they will have to wait until they grow up and study them.

“Which nine?”

Xi Qi squatted by the pool, reaching out and grabbing a tree root that came over, very curious about the attributes of Xiaohuangliu.

He always thought that a tree is wood….

“Gold, wood, water, fire and earth, wind, thunder, space, spirit, a total of nine kinds.”

Ye Qian also sighed in his heart for a long time that his master could get these 9 energy cores before.

In fact, there are many kinds of energy cores, such as ice, rock, flame, explosion, speed, force, soul, imperial …

There are very few high-level ones, but there are dozens of energy cores of level 3, and there are dozens of varieties.

It’s just that at that time, his master may have guessed what to cultivate, so the energy core prepared for it was a relatively pure type.

“A lot of money…”

Xi Qi didn’t even want to ask about the level after hearing these attributes.

Can cultivate a level 6 little emperor willow, even if he doesn’t know how Ye Qian did it, but at least it should be a level 5, or even a level 6 energy core.

Because he knew that Ye Qian was quite poor, he didn’t need to ask, he knew the source of these things.

Now I can only sigh in my heart, those two old people, you have such a junior who can toss, it is really hard!

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