【One-click harvesting of crops planted in the field】【Planting

experience value +19958, level 3 wood energy +2 parts, level 3 fire energy +1 part, level 3 wood energy core +1 part】【

Blue quality: Tianxin forage (blue)/52 bushes, mutant grapes (blue)/4 bunches, purple melon

(blue)/5 pieces, burning mulberry (blue)/6 pieces, lotus root (blue)/4 pieces, lotus leaf (blue)/1 piece, lotus flower (blue)/1 flower, lotus peng (blue)/2 flowers]. 【Green quality: cherry (green) / 2 trees · 41.5 jin, (green quality

15 trees)】【Common crops: leeks / 4192 trees, grass / 180

trees】【Seeds: sweet potato seedlings / 3655 trees, peanut seeds / 513, leek seeds / 1522, coriander seeds / 5534】【

Additional output: grade 3 burning mulberry × 1, grade 3 purple melon× 1, grade 3 mutant grapes× 2, 1 mutant leek seedlings ×4,1 Mutated Cherry Sapling ×1]

In the evening, Ye Qian went to add fast-acting fertilizer again, and then carried out one-click harvesting.

Because yesterday afternoon and evening, I have been following the chat channel and waiting for the black crow to return, so there is no fertilization and harvesting, so after the scarecrow worked for one more day, this harvest is still very good.

A total of 4 Leapfrog Fruits were produced, Mulberry Crit 8 times experience, Purple Melon 6 times, and two bunches of mutant grapes 5 times and 10 times respectively.

Not only experience, but also level 3 energy, and another level 3 energy core.

After harvesting with one click, Ye Qian went to the leek field and planted the newly arrived 1522 seeds after germination.

Coriander and peanuts are also planted separately.

Mutate cherry seedlings and reclaim a plot of land for planting.

There were also 3,655 sweet potato seedlings, Ye Qian looked at his existing 700,000 survival points, or continued to hang them for sale.

The current planting experience is not difficult to get, but the energy core is still quite difficult.

Looking at his own medicinal field, as well as that level 3 Tianxin pasture, Ye Qian felt that he still needed to continue to work hard!

At the very least, synthesize a few more parts of Grade 3 Tianxin Pasture, even if there is no Grade 3 quick-acting fertilizer for the time being, his usual cultivation can speed up…

[Player: Area 8181-0997-Ye Qian

Career Direction: Planting System (Level 3 84714/1 million) / Level 3 Almighty Survivor

Upgraded to Level 4 Mission: Planting Field Harvesting Level 3 and Above Energy Core (3/10000)

Special Ability: Water System Element Control, Life System Element

Permanent State: Double Cultivation Speed, Water System Ability Strength Increased by 50% Divine

Skill: Floating Cloud Swim

Skills: Synthesis (Level 2/Support System), Plant Communication (Level 2 667/1000), Scarecrow (Level 2 122/1000), Crop Processing (Level 2 356/1000

) Side Skills: Hunting Material Processing/Manufacturing, Gathering Material Processing/Manufacturing

Combat Effectiveness: 219 (+507/Special Ability Bonus)

Survival Point: 718436]

Ye Potential saved up to 5.11 million before the time, Then I bought the materials for the irrigation machine and directly spent five million.

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Now I have sold something in bits and pieces, and with this achievement reward and random event reward, it has barely reached 700,000.

These 700,000 are pitiful compared to the various materials he currently needs.

Therefore, you still need diligent workers to continue to make money!

“Brother, I got a lot of materials for the previous defense…” Fan

Liyao ran over with small short legs, standing beside Ye Qian, counting how many good things he had stored in his bag.

In the middle of the afternoon, so many insects attacked, even if the value of a single one is not particularly high, but the number is many!

In addition to the part of the area guarded by the child himself, there was also the one left by Xiaohuangliu.

Whether it is flowers or grass, trees or birds, they are completely uninterested in those carapaces, wings, claws and other materials that are not weaker than metal, and they are too lazy to digest them after eating.

So these materials were all kept by Xiaohuangliu, and then took the children to play the treasure digging game….

“Wait for tomorrow to check next to each other, if there is nothing special, all of them will be transformed into construction materials, before being hit by level 6 insects, you need almost 20,000 construction materials to repair, and this defense is still not very good, save materials, or upgrade the courtyard wall…” Ye

Qian sat on the edge of the medicine field, creating a mist that shrouded the medicine field, and accelerated the ginseng inside while cultivating.

Tilting his head to look at the child who came over, Ye Qian reached out and rubbed his little head, postponing the handling of these materials until tomorrow.

Tonight, I really don’t have time!

Moreover, the child is also tired.

Although the afternoon battle lasted only more than three hours, the number of insects that came was still too much….

“Well, let’s save money, just now Seventh Brother told me that tomorrow morning have breakfast early, the two of us go out to find it, search all the flat land around, brother, you don’t go, you are cultivating at home, and you have to accompany the crow…”

Fan Liyao sat down, leaned on Ye Qian’s side in a small group, and said what he had just discussed with Xi Qi.

The surrounding mountains were bulldozed by crows, and the various outputs of these mountains were scattered everywhere.

This requires them to search one by one, at least to find everything that can be found on the surface, or in the shallow layers.

This is to go out and pick up materials for nothing, so you must not let it go!

“Tomorrow… After eating in a while, discuss with Seventh Brother and see how to clean up tomorrow…” Ye

Qian looked at the time, and then at the main channel of the manor, which had been much quieter recently, and felt that they still had to make more preparations.

Tomorrow morning, I can’t go out and search so normally, who knows if there are some eyes staring nearby.

Whether or not anyone is watching, certain information, should be made for people to see, or do it.

When it was time for dinner, Xi Qi made a lot of delicious food, and during the meal, several people looked at the bird’s nest in the tree many times, feeling very unaccustomed to the sleeping of crows.

After eating, Ye lurked in the water, and when he treated Xi Qi, he chatted with the two of them by the way, about some plans for tomorrow morning.

I hope that some onlookers, far and near, will not miss the information that should be conveyed.

Master said that when you don’t want people to explore the truth, you must interpret a character that seems true and not true, and seems false and not false.

You can not only protect yourself, but also at some point, try to plan some benefits for yourself….

He didn’t think about any good now, he just hoped that he could have a few days of stability and purity….

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