“Fuso tree, the safety of the crow is left to you to protect, you see that I am so weak… Hey, hey, don’t pat me on the head, my hair is messy…” At

eleven o’clock in the evening, Ye Qian fed the Fuso tree and leaned on the tree to chat with this big cold tree.

However, when he was suspected of being in a state of chatter, he was buckled on his head by a newly grown branch of the Fuso tree, and he couldn’t say anything with two shakes.

Originally, the hair had grown a little, but now it has reached the eye level.

Now he was rubbed a few times like this, and the mess was piled on his head, which directly made Ye Qianxin start to entangle the hairstyle problem.

“Brother, I’ll tie my hair.”

The child had not slept yet, seeing Ye Qian sitting under the tree, grabbing his hair a little tangled, he leaned over to show it.

In the past, his hair had always been quite long, and in their original world, there was no mainstream model in terms of hairstyle, it was all about their own hobbies.

Now without changing his body, although his hair only reaches to his shoulders, it does not prevent him from always being interested in long hair.

“I can’t tie my

hair up for the time being…” Ye Qian raised his hand and scratched his hair twice, his hair was still quite smooth, and after being messed up by the Fusang tree, it quickly returned to normal.

It’s just, this half is not long, can’t tie up, right?

“Yes, tomorrow morning, tie my brother’s hair!”

Fan Liyao’s small hand reached over and tried it on Ye Qian’s hair, and he was sure that he could do it well.

However, forget it tonight, it’s time for my brother to rest!


Little Tanuki just ate 500 points of fire energy, and then ate 800 points of wood energy opened by random treasure chests, lazily lying in Ye Qian’s arms to play.

Now seeing that the child’s hand scratched Ye Qian’s hair a few times, it also jumped to the shoulder, and the little paw stretched out to pull a few times.

“You really can’t…”

Ye Qian raised his hand and rubbed the little tanuki’s head a few times, and smiled and held the lively kitten in his arms.

It was not early, let the child go back to sleep first, Ye Qian looked at the big water ball soaked in his swimming pool, and once again sent a message to Qi Qi.

This time the message was sent, the other party still did not reply, he did not continue to entangle, said hello to Fusang Shu and went back to the room to sleep.

The house is still the same as before, only there are more and more things in the kitchen.

The level 2 gourd bee that was bred was put into the breeding area by Ye Qian, and under the care of the scarecrow in the breeding area, more honey could be harvested.

And the original nest of gourd bees that were synthesized and could be promoted was still in the window of Ye Qian’s house, but it was replaced with a larger shelf.

Back in the bedroom, Ye Qian held the cat and lay down, pulled over the blanket to cover it, and slept exceptionally sweetly.

By the time he woke up, the thunderstorm wind outside had long disappeared, the sun had just risen, and the sunlight brought a little warmth to the air.

[Day 52, 06:05:26, sunny, 6 °C ~ 11 °C, south wind level 2]

[Task: 1, reclamation and farming; 2. Construction of manors; 3. Production; 4, patrol]

Today is a sunny day, the temperature has risen again, but whether it can continue to rise, this will be seen tomorrow.

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Ye Qian got up, said hello to the little tanuki who woke up earlier than him, and let it go out to find flowers and plants to play.

He went to the bathroom and cleaned up before heading out to go on patrol.

Breakfast, that was not what he needed to think about, Xi Qi had already finished his daily tasks and rushed over with the newly harvested ingredients.

“Brother, tie your hair!”

Fan Liyao ran out of the house, holding two newly made hair bands in his hands, and ran to pull Ye Qian’s hand, wanting to tie his hair up first.

“Oh, three-year-old Yaoyao, if you want to tie Ye’s two-year-old hair, you can really play…” Xi

Qi was in a good mood today, so good that he jumped in directly from the courtyard wall, looked at Ye Qian and the child, and laughed and teased.

Although he didn’t feel bad about Ye Qian’s messy hairstyle, he also felt that it was good to transform it.

It’s just that he thought that it was either a matter of cutting short or a hairband to solve, but now he has to let the child clean up, making him very interested in Ye Qian’s next look.

“Leave it to Yaoyao.”

Ye Qian sat on the ground, gave Xi Qi a blank look, and then handed his hair to the child to clean up.

Anyway, whether it’s good or not, it’s just a kid to play.

He himself has let his hair grow naturally for almost two months, whether it is himself or Xi Qi, they all know that Ye Qian has no concept of image.

“Gee…” Xi

Qi squatted next to him, watching the child’s fingers scratch Ye Qian’s hair, and then twisted strands of hair around on his fingertips….

In less than half a minute, two headbands stuck on top of the head, and a delicate and capable crown was arranged.

“How did such short hair come up and then get stuck and not fall off…” Xi

Qi watched this hairstyle complete, but because he looked at the molding, he felt even more curious.

If it weren’t for the child’s bright eyes staring at his hand, his fingers would not have poked the crown twice, but directly opened and inspected.

“In my previous world, few people would keep their hair short all the time, but sometimes fighting can cause hair damage, so this kind of short hair bundle, almost always!”

Fan Liyao raised his little head and stared at Xi Qi with a pair of eyes, so that he didn’t need to suspect, this is a very simple way to braid.

As for the people of their world, will they all …

Anyway, he learned it since he was a child, his uncle will too, and everyone around him will too!

“Wouldn’t it be troublesome?”

Xi Qi himself has never braided his hair, but he once took over the task of protecting a certain eldest lady, and he saw the speed of that eldest lady’s hair.

Not a concept at all!

“Brother, you shake it and try it, see if it will be uncomfortable, if it is not suitable I am adjusting it, and when the hair grows a little longer, you can tie it up directly!”

Fan Liyao didn’t want to discuss this topic with Xi Qi, he was now staring at Ye Qian, and he wanted Ye Qian to try the effect.

Although it seemed very relaxed, he had actually tried it many times with his own hair before going to bed last night….

In short, an older brother must like the new look, and must show his brother’s handsomeness!

Even if no outsiders see it, his brother should be the best!

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