“Brother, Xiaohuangliu is really powerful, you can go home directly if you go so far…” Fan

Liyao lay on the outstretched branch of Xiaohuangliu, looking at Ye Qian who sorted out the fish bones and fish bones, he still felt that Xiaohuangliu’s abilities were too happy.

Single-wooded, super-large restrains, attacks, these are all already known before.

However, it could be teleported home directly from the sea, carrying such a large half a fish, which shocked and envied him.

“Although it is a very useful ability, if it is not someone who can be relieved, do not dare to send it over, if someone sets some traps, it is not possible to return in any situation…” Ye

Qian touched the leaves of the little imperial willow, this little guy is quite stunned, really think that all places, you can let it jump?

Level 6 is very strong, but it also has prerequisites.

If it is not necessary, it is better to go out and hang around, only at home is safer.

Of course, the master’s side is okay, although in some ways, he and the master have a slight difference in thinking, but they will not force interference with the decisions made by the other party.


The little tanuki was lying next to him, eating a small piece of fish meat cut by Ye Qian, and when he saw them chatting, he raised his head and waved his claws, making a lively brush of existence.

This meat is delicious!

“You, eat less, eat slowly…” Ye

Qian removed the minced meat from the fish bone and put it on the plate again.

The fish meat cut just now, except for the majority of the little emperor willow dragged into the ground piece by piece and wrapped with the root system, there were still more than two thousand catties left.

This is only the light tail part, and it is no wonder that Master will say that this fish is a little difficult to control.

These meats, according to Xiao Huangliu’s expectations, left five hundred catties, waiting for the crow to eat after waking up.

More than three hundred catties were cut and fed to the Fuso tree, which had no high cold fan at all.

He also cut two hundred catties, and after chopping, he kept it for the seven-colored flowers as flower fertilizer.

The remaining more than a thousand catties, half of which were for snake grass and soul devouring roses, and they only had to eat when they woke up.

Therefore, in fact, there are only six hundred catties, which are reserved for Ye Qian, Yaoyao, and Xi Qi, who they make to eat.

“Ye Xiaoqian, you hand over this kind of rough work to your brother to do, you are a planting department, the ability to decompose prey is only level 2, brother is a level 3 fine decomposition…”

Xi Qi made dinner, came out and looked at the fish bones that were being carefully removed by Ye Qian, and only felt that his head hurt.

This kind of thing, why not call him, he just wrapped some dumplings in the kitchen and steamed a little snack….

Professional things, trouble you to leave to the professionals to do!

“Can you use your skill to break down a level 6 prey corpse?”

Ye Qian looked at Xi Qi’s twitching expression and said the point very unceremoniously.

If a level 3 hunting player can use skills to deal with the corpses of level 6 prey, he would have already let the child do it.

It’s not because it can’t be decomposed!

So he took the distant level 5 weapon, and after Xiao Huangliu made a large split, he began to slowly pick these minced meat…

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“Level 6… It doesn’t seem to be very good, level 5 can barely be broken down, level 6 consumption is too big…” Xi

Qi turned directly to the kitchen, muttering softly as he walked, level 6 is really too bullying.

At least, bullying him this kind of hunting level has not yet been raised.

From the time he began to cook, Ye Qian sent Xiaohuangliu to the master’s side, and now the meat and bones have basically been processed separately, and it has only been an hour.

After dinner, Ye Qian once again carried out a one-click harvest, and first collected a wave of experience.

I don’t know if it was too good luck yesterday, today there were no leapfrog fruits at all, only more than 13,000 experience points, and some level 1 and 2 planting output.

After eating and drinking, and the land was also collected, Ye Qian began to treat Xi Qi.

Although it is said to the outside world that his current healing technique is restricted, Xi Qi’s current situation is focused on maintenance, and whether it is treated or not is not obvious to outsiders.

Soaked in the pool, as before, sent a message to Qi Qi again, but still did not get any reply.

In this regard, Ye Qian was not in a hurry.

Just leaning on the branch that Xiaohuangliu came over, holding the little tanuki cat, eating the fruit plate prepared by the child, and completing Xi Qi’s daily treatment.

“Ye Xiaoqian, are you sure not to participate, they are in the manor master’s chat channel, discussing whether you are a spiritual guy or a decadent teenager…”

Xi Qi couldn’t move during the treatment, lying on the recliner, and began to check the information of the chat channel.

After watching the chat channel about the topic of whether to cool down or not, and then switched to the main channel of the manor, this watch made him happy.

No. 1 Zhang Wei set off to the east, currently saying that he was pausing in a cave to rest, and then discussed Ye Qian’s image with Mu Muxi.

Mu Muxi’s statement is that Ye Qian’s good-looking, lazy and casual style is a gentle, harmless and calm and indifferent well-behaved young man.

And what No. 1 Zhang Wei said is capable and neat, although the atmosphere is peaceful, but it is definitely an elite youth.

The two quarreled on this topic, Huo Yanyan and Qi Xian, these two had seen Ye Qian, and occasionally made a scene.

Others, just in a state of eating melons, asked Ye Qian how tall he was, what equipment he was wearing, and some people asked Ye Qian’s figure to be good….

“Don’t forget, we are all more or less traumatized because of yesterday’s Zerg attack, our mental power is exhausted, and we have no time to chat…”

Ye Qian lay in the branches and leaves stretched out by Xiaohuangliu, holding the fruit plate and eating slowly, chatting with Xi Qi lazily in his eyes.

Those who are injured can just practice at home.

Chatting this kind of thing, when no one comes to remind him, is regarded as being in the recovery of cultivation.

“I’ll talk to them a few words, and then I’ll rest early!”

Xi Qi glanced at Ye Qian, and he really disliked this guy for enjoying considerate care and selling sick and weak people.

But he still studied it very seriously.

There was a bubble in the main channel of the manor, complaining that Ye Qian’s image was cleaned up by children, and then when others asked, he said that he went home to rest.

For him to bubble and run, Mu Muxiao chatted privately alone, asking if the two of them were seriously injured, and then did not bother anymore.

And Ye Qian, soaked in the pool to treat Xi Qi, and after the treatment, he soaked in the water and cultivated until more than eleven o’clock at night.

At this late hour, he should also go back to the bedroom and lie in bed and get a good night’s sleep.

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