
The body root system of the little imperial willow has always grown in that part of the clearing, and the forest of imperial willow trees slowly eats the level 6 food buried in the ground.

It watched Ye dive back into the house to sleep, and a small sapling wanted to come to the window and guard it closely.

But just after it saw Ye Qian lying down, the surrounding moonlight suddenly disappeared, and a super large black shadow shrouded an entire area around here.

In the pitch-black environment, the branches of the little imperial willow were twisting and growing silently, trying to protect the entire manor.

‘What a cute little fellow, don’t be afraid…’ A

sudden connection made the branches of the little royal willow freeze, but in the next moment they grew rapidly, following the wall, protecting their family under the branches and leaves.

After doing this, a small bud emerged from one of the branches, which grew into a small sapling half a meter high, broke away from the branch and jumped onto the fence.

It knew who was coming, but it didn’t know what the guy was here to do.

“My little highness, you protect him so much, but the old body is going to feel sorry for my lord!”

The girl descended from the sky, floated to a stop outside the courtyard wall of Ye Qian’s house, and stretched out her hand to the small sapling with a smile.

She didn’t want to come, but some guys who suddenly got in the mood had to bring her to say hello.

It’s true, obviously I just care a lot, what to pretend with her before, once everyone was one, who doesn’t know who!


Huangliu shook the wicker, and he didn’t want to touch the guy in front of him who was not a human being.

“It’s really troublesome, how to say that it is also your senior, you can’t just treat me as a similar person because I put on my personal identity, right?”

Falling Rain knew that she was abandoned, but it didn’t prevent her from wanting to touch this little guy more.

Really, so cute!

When he sees it, he thinks that we can all replace humans, that our family is fine, and that we don’t want to be guarded by him.” When

Xiaohuangliu saw the falling rain’s fingers and was about to touch the protection of the courtyard wall, he helplessly ‘walked’ out of the protective layer.

It didn’t want Ye Qian to worry, whether it was worried that something would happen to it or that it would come back one day.

I just came to see you and find out how you were born, and I’ve always been pretty sure I didn’t have the ability to breed the same kind.” ‘

The Imperial Willow that covered the sky and the moon, the location where the body appeared, was still thousands of meters away from Ye Qian’s family.

But its branches, with a slight stretch, can envelop the entire area.

One by one, the wicker fell from the air, touched the little imperial willow, and gently patted on the branch of the little imperial willow.

It has no malice, just curiosity.

Originally, I didn’t have much thought, but suddenly received a gift, and a sense of anticipation emerged, and it wanted to come, so it came.

‘The latent vitality, the spiritual power of the crow, and the willow leaves of your body, created my existence…’

Little Huangliu was very clear about how he was born from the beginning.

And, the point is on these three essential presences.

Those messy attribute cores can only make it less fragile after birth.

Of course, there is also the meaning of integration, which is related to the speed of growth.

‘How to calculate now, tripartite cooperation cultivation? ‘

The Great Emperor Willow is a little dazed, what the hell is going to be calculated?

‘What is it? Xiao

Huangliu was curious, what was this guy doing awkwardly.

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Doesn’t it say, come and see how you appeared?

Now it’s all said so clearly, it still doesn’t understand?

“It’s a bit of a mess… But it is undeniable that this is your descendant, just added by that person and that crow, with a little information that belongs to them. ”

Although Falling Rain is not a real human being, she is integrated into the shell of this human being, replacing this person, and she also receives some information from the human world.

Now look at the little imperial willow in front of her, and then raise her head to look at the branches of her family’s sacred tree covering the sky and the moon, laughing silently, and the laughing willow waist twists around….

‘That is, count me and theirs?’ ‘

Huang Liu is still a little unreasonable, but Falling Rain is right, this little Huang Willow is its only kind at present.

Moreover, it is indeed a newborn small seedling that has been bred through his leaves.

‘Raven, that excessive crow, it sleeps so quietly, I want to beat him.’

Huangliu, who was a little awkward, planned to give up this tangled thinking, but when it searched around and found that the crow was hiding and sleeping, he was immediately unhappy.

That guy, still refuses to advance, is still so annoying!

“Don’t disturb it, I burned 2 feathers before, I pulled several leaves of you, if you disturb its absorption and transformation, be careful to eat you bald!”

Falling Rain reached out and grabbed the wicker that was trying to move closer.

Play and play, but don’t die!

That guy doesn’t need the transformation of promotion, but you can only reincarnate, you can’t play it!

‘It is intentional, the vermilion bird in the south is going to be angry with it, the golden crow in the east also wants to beat it, the peacock in the west also looks at it unpleasantly, the ice phoenix in the north also wants to talk to it, the Xuanjiao wandering around also says that it wants to smoke it, it…’

Huangliu flicked the wicker irritably, and the same attitude was the same for the behavior of the crow just transforming, that is, not qualifying.

Like those who can fly, they all want to beat this guy!

“You can rest, don’t scare my little highness, if there is really someone running to beat it, in case the other party is stronger, you still have to protect it, after all, you have cultivated offspring together…” The

falling rain is not a big deal to see the excitement, at first it sounds like it is persuading the imperial willow, but in fact it is adding fuel and fire, I am afraid that the imperial willow will forget this stubble.

‘Can’t fight, lurk likes to be quiet, and when the crow wakes up, I tell it that it can go to you to fight if it wants to go out.’ The

leaves of the little emperor willow shook, and clearly told this person, no matter what thoughts he had, he would rest.

Now, no one can do it, you can’t break the peace at home!

“Your Royal Highness is so cute, then let’s do this first, my divine tree, my tree god, my lord, it’s time for you to go home now, there are some people near our house who are not afraid of death, thinking of stealing all kinds of medicinal herbs!”

A wicker grew in Falling Rain’s hand, pulled it out and handed it to Little Huangliu, and then turned around and dragged the wicker of the Great Imperial Willow, urging it to hurry back.

The mountain where the royal willow grows is in the center of this entire continent.

At the center of that mountain range is the highest mountain on the continent, where there are no animals, no mutated plants that hurt people, only various medicinal herbs that have been growing rapidly from the past to the present.

The medicinal herbs are the food grown by the imperial willow, but since some players appeared, they began to steal and rob them.

Especially during the period of the reincarnation of the imperial willow, those players moved to the mountains to live, got up every day to eat something, and then began to search and dig everywhere….

‘I’ll go back, I’ll let Ye Qian send you to me when I’m bored, there is a lot to eat over there, and… Don’t go into the sea in the future, the sea is very dangerous, some are temporarily hidden, but you may want to gnaw your nasty bugs…’

Before leaving, Huangliu did not forget to explain more things to this little one who didn’t know anything.

Especially, in the sea, you can’t go!

After Xiaohuangliu promised that he would not go to the sea again in the short term, obediently put away the piece of wicker, and then stretched out his humanoid arm to hug the big imperial willow, the imperial willow who came specially came was finally in a good mood to go back.

Just like when it appeared, it left without leaving the slightest trace, saying that it was gone.

When Xiao Huangliu collected his mood, put away all the branches, and returned to Ye Qian’s window, the wicker froze again.

Ye Qian, who was standing in the room, stared at it through the window frame…

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