Under trees, next to medicinal fields, pastures….

In the morning, Ye Qian only changed a few places and spent it in a quiet cultivation.

In the morning, because of Xi Qi’s irritability, Sister Mu and Little Girl Su Man sent a message to Ye Qian to care about it, because he didn’t reply, so he didn’t bother anymore.

It wasn’t until after eleven o’clock at noon that Ye Qian finally used the water mist rich in life elements to ripen the surrounding 6 grasses while cultivating.

【One-click harvesting of crops planted in the field

】【Planting experience value +4300

, level 3 wood energy +1 part, level 3 soil energy +1 part, level 3 fire energy +3 parts, level 3 wood energy core +1 copy】【Purple quality: Tianxin forage (purple)/6 bushes】

In 6 plots, a level 3 forage planted separately, when it quickly grows to harvest, one-click harvest gets experience, as well as energy and energy cores.

However, planting plants in other fields will have to wait.

This morning’s harvest, in addition to the grade 3 pasture, and in the medicinal field, the 20 breeding ginseng trees finally grew a flower.

The medicinal value of ginseng flowers is also very high, and the current price is tens of thousands of survival points, but Ye Qian does not want flowers, but seeds that will bear next.

Flowering and seeding, when the seeds are harvested, they can be directly sown and planted.

Although level 2 ginseng has no energy output, this seed has a small probability of being promoted….

What Ye Qian wants is the small probability of leapfrogging fruits among these seeds.

But it’s noon, and even if you water it, you still need to give ginseng slow fertilizer absorption time.

Letting go of the little tanuki who had been in his arms for the morning, Ye Qian went to wash his hands, cleaned up and sat on the chair, returned two messages, and then waited for lunch.

The little tanuki ran out to move around, and then when the seven-colored flower condensed the energy ball, it rubbed and ate an animal line, and then ran back to wait with Ye Qian.

Fan Liyao tied Ye Qian’s hair several times in the morning, and did not stop until he was very satisfied, and then went out to search and hunt around.

Xi Qi also went out together, but he still had to maintain the state in which he said that he was not in good condition, so no matter whether or not he was watching, he came back early to cook.

By the time Xi Qi had finished lunch, Ye Qian had already chatted with Sister Mu and the little girl Su Man for a while.

The message says that they just need a quiet recovery period, really not angry, let them not worry.

Lunch was packed, and Fan Liyao also went home.

This morning’s harvest was very good, all kinds of materials were placed in backpacks, and some prey carcasses that were not of high quality were directly auctioned by children for money.

“Brother, our family now has more than ten million survival points…”

After lunch, the child came to Ye Qian’s side, saying that he had cleaned up things in the past two days and hung them for auction, and the sum of the income from selling them.

“More than ten million, it should be possible to build a fertilizer manufacturing machine.”

Ye Qian sat by the pool, opened his own construction project, and determined that this was only partially completed.

“Fertilizer making machine, need more than ten million?”

Xi Qi suddenly felt that something was wrong, and this material consumption was too much.

Is the fertilizer hanging on the consignment all opened by the player?

“There are several options, the lowest grade can only make grade 1 fertilizer, the one I want to build now can make grade 1~3 fertilizer, and the material is naturally much more expensive.”

Ye Qian glanced at Xi Qi and told him why it was so expensive.

Because he needed grade 3 fertilizer, grade 1 and 2 fertilizer making machines, which had never been on his radar.

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Of course, there are also those that can make up to grade 4 fertilizer, and there are also those that can reach level 5 fertilizer, but those materials make Ye Qian dare not worry about it in the short term after just seeing it.

Those materials, those prices….

Let’s meet your current needs first, and talk about the rest later!

“This is level 3 after the upper limit…” Xi

Qi was surprised for a moment, and then he didn’t want to talk about this topic anymore.

He still didn’t come up to find abuse, and the players of this plantation department wanted to get some extra benefits, all of which were smashed by money!

“Our planting department relies on money to smash, you hunting department, take your life to pile it…” Ye

Qian is in good spirits now, and he is also in the mood to continue to complain to Xi Qi.

Anyway, it’s not easy!

If you don’t throw money and don’t gamble your life, then you can only slowly upgrade.

It’s just that the premise of slowly leveling up is that it takes a lot of time, but I don’t know if this world will leave so much time for players….

“It’s really… What about the collection department, they want both money and life? Thinking

of the players of another series, Xi Qi suddenly wanted to smile.

Gathering players!

Before, he saw someone say that some gathering players found mineral-rich areas, moved directly to the vicinity, and opened mountains and burrows every day, just to dig into the pit for excavation and collection.

Some players encounter certain woods in the wild, or some growing grain and vegetables, because they are not ripe and cannot be harvested, so they have to wait for ripe before picking.

It is even necessary to build some protection around to prevent birds and beasts in the wild from destroying and scrambling….

Thinking about it this way, it seems to be quite miserable.

“They want both money and life, but in the same way, people collect is an additional bonus, the same pit, we can only get iron ore and copper ore when we dig, people may have more quantities of the same type, and even additional drops, associated mines are basically obtained this way.”

Ye Qian sighed a few words, although it is not easy, but each has its own hard work, each has its own gains.

Turning his head to look at the child next to him, Ye Qian said what materials were needed, and Fan Liyao came back directly from the consignment to find cheap ones and piled them on the open space.

After buying stacks of materials next to each other, Ye Qian consumed the 1.2 million survival points on his own account and started the construction of his own grade 3 fertilizer manufacturing machine.

Construction began, and the materials turned into a gray mist, shrouding a clearing within the third floor of his home.

It covers an area of 50×50 and takes 24 hours to build, and it can be completed at noon tomorrow.

“Ye Xiaoqian, the construction of this, why do you still need to wait for time, shouldn’t you give the materials, spend money, and then appear directly?”

Xi Qi looked at the large foggy area, and always felt that something was a little wrong.

The previous irrigation machine appeared directly, how to get to the fertilizer making machine can’t work?

“The money is not enough, if you want to complete it directly, you need 1.2 million survival points, which is not worse than this day, and 1.2 million survival points can still be saved.”

After looking at it again, Ye Qian was quite emotional about his poverty, so he had to carry out slow construction this time.

Poor, he has now submitted the fertilizer machine manufacturing, and then there are only more than 50,000 survival points left.

“I still have more than eight million here, how much does that warehouse cost?”

Xi Qi has also sold a lot of things recently, and now seeing Ye Qian saying that he is poor, he inexplicably has a tangled feeling that he has money to hide and does not pay back to the creditor.

Although he originally wanted to buy the materials he needed, Ye Qian did not give him the material list, and there were many things in the past two days, so he delayed….

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