Survival in Another World With My Master

Chapter 261: Installation of the Base

The establishment of a temporary base progressed without delay. Fifty elite magic gunmen, Commander Warg, five civilians running the base, five Harpy bombers, one platoon, and me, Grande, and three demon daughters. Together, sixty-six are the detailed composition of our Northern Expedition.

In addition to our Northern Expeditionary Corps, we need a size sufficient to accommodate at least 300 volunteers and various personnel involved in the operation of the base. In addition, we also need facilities to train - such as an athletic field and a shooting training ground - so we need a site of considerable size.

Of course, we need workshops to make bullets, not just where we live, but also facilities to support the lives of hundreds of people. Soldiers are human beings, so they eat mess and wash things. Not only that, but we also need almost everything that exists in the city to lead a human life.

"This is more of a town than a base or a fortress."

Shumel murmurs as he looks at an empty base that still has no inhabitants.

"Isn't it advanced?

"I don't know if it's sophisticated..."

Same as always.

The day after I got to Metocerium, I was just following the demons and Grande to expand the base. Warg and the civilians are meeting with the auditor to meet with Heinrich to discuss recruitment and hiring people to work at the base, and elite magic gunmen are platooning to crush monsters and bandits around the base. Five members of the Harpy bomber squad went out to recruit around the Harpy settlement, which is around here. When asked why they were going to detonate it with an aerial bomb, they said it was because it was the fastest way to actually show what they were doing in the military.

Is that good...? No, I suppose it would be nice if Warg gave me permission.

"There are plenty of water and sewerage, heating, family accommodation, sturdy walls, and tough Royal Merinard soldiers to keep you safe, as well as regular airboard flights to Metocerium. It's a good property."

"Well, I guess so. At least you don't have to worry about being attacked by monsters or bandits."

"If we go to war, we'll be targeted."

"It's the same in every city, isn't it? Without this place, the metocerium wouldn't have been attacked."

This base is just 20 kilometers north of Metocerium on the street. Is it a half-day walk? I think the distance between the city and the city is quite close. No, if you move 20 kilometers in modern Japan, you move to another city or if you suck, you move to another prefecture, right? It's hard to judge.

"Anyway, we're all set up now. After that, you should listen to the voice of the user and refit it."

I've already built a number of hubs in our world, and there's been a lot of zoning in the city. Knowledge was also accumulated, so it would probably not be a major overhaul.

Dodd, dodd...!

I can hear a thunderbolt. This is it, the sound of a magic gun firing. A platoon of elite magic gunmen seems to be flashing. They are well equipped, albeit lightly dressed, with solid armor, and bayonets and regular swords, allowing them to perform melee combat to a certain standard. Successful monsters and bandits survived a bayonet attack from a powerful magic gun.

They're on an airboard, and they can communicate with each other using a Golem transmitter. I can still move the turret on the airboard and keep shooting magic guns. A dragon like Grande will not lose unless it appears.

"It's peaceful.... All right, let's get into tea time and fashion"

"That's nice. I was just getting hungry."

Sweet is good.

"I'm so fluent....."

Schmel looks at me with pity. Hahaha, you need to rest while you can. I don't know how many more bomber candidates Harpy and the others will bring.

"Hey hey hey, what are you doing?

"Bakuda? How about this?

"Son... eheheheheh"

A week later, I was working with Harpy and the others to develop a new weapon. All the newcomers who stick to me, wander around, stick to my back, sniff and trip at my smell are Harpy - or Harpy. Well, they're especially small and young among the newcomers.

"I'm making a new weapon... it's not a bomb, it's not powdered, so there's no danger, but don't touch it too sticky. Stay away from the girl that's stuck to your back."

They are the daughters and sisters who are new to the Royal Merinard Army and who are coming to work as Harpy bombers. They are too small to fly with bombs hanging. They cannot work as bombers on boulders. It is their job now to grow up slowly until their bodies are ready.

And for some reason, my workshop looks like a nursery.

Well, maybe it's because there's a verse where they say that you and your sister might be close uncles - perhaps you and your brother. As far as I'm concerned, I can't leave very dangerous things there, so I want you to do something about it.

"You don't need a guard, do you?

"If Harpy and the others are holding their ground, the suspects won't get anywhere near us."

"Well, this is also my job...."

Three of the guards' demon daughters are also popular with the little Harpy boys. They are big enough to be treated like a flight training launch pad. They climb up their bodies and glide over their shoulders and heads.

Sometimes I lay down and said, "Here!" But... well, they don't hate children either, so they take good care of me somehow. When I do a dangerous experiment, Harpy and the others will take care of it. Honestly, it's very helpful.

There are eight Harpy here right now. Twenty-seven new Harpy bombers. Thirty-five Harpy and Harpy joined the Royal Merinard Army.

Of course, it will take years for the Harpy and the others here to be able to work as bombers.

What's going on at night? It's quiet for now, for now. I also feel like it's a matter of time, but I'm having a very peaceful evening right now. I hope this peace continues.

I'm worried that the demon daughters were summoned by the Harpy girls in the middle of the night and something was blowing in at night. Nothing has changed between the three of them so far... but I'm worried.

"By the way, what are you making? Is that Teppoo again?

"No, I'm making mortars."

It's a posteriori.

"I don't know what your name is at all."

"Ah, yes... a weapon that attacks by flying an aerial bomb used by Mr. Harpy within an hour's walk of 100 meters."

"Isn't it more convenient to bomb Harpy at that distance?

"Not now. But you don't know what happens in a year, two years, three years?

Is that what this is about?

"That's what it is. We don't make these things when we need them, we make them with an eye to the future."

Nowadays, there is nothing to fly in the battlefield but the Herbies. But like I said, I don't know what's going to happen in two or three years. They may emerge to take control in some way and confront Harpy and the others. That's why I'm developing mortars.

In the meantime, I'm sure we'll need some equipment to reinforce Harpy and the others.

Mr. Harpy is simply grabbing the bomb with his legs and flying over the enemy, dropping the bomb. Harpy and the others can't fly with too much weight, so it's very difficult to equip them with heavy explosives, armor, and anti-aircraft weapons.

We need to figure out a way to raise, armor, and self-defense those Harpy's payloads. There are several ways to come up with a punch, but whether or not it can be achieved is another story. Harpy and the others are flying with their senses... no one can theoretically explain what kind of logic they're flying with.

It is very difficult to figure out the logic that not even the person can understand, and to think of equipment to strengthen it. Well, Isla and I are sort of making a hypothesis in the process of building a reactive propulsion system using wind magic used on the airboard.

To be honest, it seems difficult to do something with the application of my modern weapon knowledge, so I have to convey the general direction to the Israelis and have them develop it into a tunnel. It's going to be equipped with space to step foot into the SF rather than a modern weapon. Or rather, when it comes to Harpy's fortification equipment, it's a magical part of it. Anyway, it's not just the principle of flying, it's a fantasy from whatever it is.

I'm thinking about something.

"I think you're thinking of something else."


"You guys suck."

I wasn't wrong.

"All right, that's it for today! Let's go for a walk."

"Your penis!

"I'm going for a walk!


I decided to put all the mortar parts that were spreading there into the inventory and take Harpy and the others for a walk inside the base, where more people gradually grew. It's not good for Harpy and the others to keep them locked up.

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