Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 262 ~ Gentle Daily (Immediate) ~

It's been a week since we set up this base. At first, the base, which had been a garang, was gradually becoming more active. Harpy and the others came first - some flew the day after the base was set up - but then people began to gather from Metocerium and now from the surrounding towns.

"Mr. Koske, are you going for a walk?

"Yeah, it's not good for these kids if they just pull it off."

Walking through the base will give voice to the people who work. Most of them are young sub-women, some of whom are hungry. Now they smile, but when they visited this base about three days ago, they were physically and mentally worn out.

It stinks, but why do Adolese bishops prefer to make young women of subordinates a condescending source of desire, rather than discriminate against them as being born sinners?

Don't you say? Excuse me. I'll take more responsibility than I did, and I'll treat you in good faith. Well, either way, I... yeah, let's not think about this any more. My heart is damaged.

Anyway, all I can do is provide work for their peace of mind, and make sure they have a warm bed, enough food, a full medical system, and so on. I'm not here because I'm in training right now, but I've got a bunch of subordinate men here who are recruiting. For my part, I just wish them a warm home.

Now, as you may have noticed, most of the people who have gathered at this base are subordinates. Well, the reason is simple: the treatment of subhuman slaves in the Kingdom of Merinard, which was removed from the control of the Holy King, has been greatly reviewed. These people who used to make money in Akao were driven out, eliminated, and freed from harsh slave labor - and this would be a beautiful ending for children, but the reality is not going to be that way.

Rowing slavers and slavers were cut to pieces, but that's never how freed Asian slaves would be happy. Even humans have to work to eat subhumans. The former slaves gained their freedom by being freed, but instead lost their jobs.

Measures to employ former slaves who have lost their jobs are the Kingdom's biggest concern. Well, in other words, this installation also serves as a kind of employment measure. The work vents created by this base are extremely limited. This is a small stack of steps.

"Ah! N-chan! Let's play hounds! Houndhound shit!"

"We'll have to take a closer look around the base. Gather everyone in the square."

"I did it! Damn it!

There are children at the base. They are, well, the children of the young sub-daughters earlier, the siblings, or the siblings of the apprentices who are now going to training. I've been here for a day or two, but I invited Harpy and the girls for a walk, and soon afterwards I got along.

By the way, hound pee is a trick. The trick of targeting talented subhuman children is quite difficult... it feels like being chased by a real hound. My feet are too fast, you guys.

Well, those kids aren't actually playing all day. Children are a fine workforce in this world. In the morning, they are busy collecting and circulating the laundry of soldiers and apprentices, helping with farmland made in the corner of the base, and babysitting children younger than themselves.

You can play only after working hard in the morning, eating a full meal, and taking a nap.

After breaking up with the running children, he turned to the field. Naturally, I built this field on a farmland block. Fast growing, tasty crops come out quickly. I planted the vegetables myself in the field, so it's time to harvest them. Can we harvest tomorrow? The harvest from this farmland is to be consumed on the base, and the personnel on the base are supposed to take care of it.

In the first place, I made it a nutritious tomato (Tomel) and cabbage (Gabezi) that can be used in a variety of dishes, but what will you do next time? I have a lot of kids, so why don't we use apples and other fruit trees that can be preserved somehow? Maybe grapes that can be processed into raisins or wine.

While considering such matters, check the pump for water spraying for defects, and check that foreign matter is not mixed up in the airway with a two-stage jump.

"Hey, why don't you just stay out of our reach?

"It's as disgusting as ever...."

"Shh, I hear you."

"I can hear you already!

Shall I sneak down on Bella's snacks today? No, you shouldn't imitate a grown-up. I'm afraid of grudges about food. When I finished the tour, I played with the children - and at some point the grande was intertwined - and had them eat snacks, and finished a quiet day today.

"Sake Bowl"

"You can hang out with me, right?

Well, let's think about it.

"Nothing good."

Shall we take turns in the bath that night after dinner and go to bed? When I thought about it, the demon daughters invited me to drink alcohol. Well, even though I was invited to serve alcohol and dishes,

Incidentally, a bartender has already been set up at this base, and operations have already begun, mainly by civilians and former merchant subordinates. In addition to domestic groceries, liquor and confectionery are also placed as a favorite.

Well, most of the people at this base aren't happy at the moment, so sales aren't up much. I am discussing with the base commander, Warg, and the civilians whether to pay the first salary as a weekly cash payment as soon as possible.

"I don't know how to applaud you. I was trying to escort us, so I was wondering if assassins who tried to kill us more often would come."

"Do you want to get killed so often? You've never been there before, if only in a time of need."

That's true, too. Well, it's a delicious job because we don't have to risk our lives for delicious liquor and rice, and we also get rewards. But that's why you're so distracted.

"Of course I will. If you screw up and something happens to your brother, it's going to be really hard."

"You mean me."

Exactly. Or would you prefer Milord?

"It doesn't matter either way... that kind of guy?

When they heard that, Schmel and Bella nodded face to face. Spiders? Spiders have been getting nervous and hardened since before the booze started. No, that's why I figured it out.

"Well, it's impossible to order an atmosphere for us."

So Shumel reached out to me, grabbed me and sat me on my lap. She still looks very rough today, so the back of her head feels great. Big.

Exactly. Especially I don't know that kind of thing. If I had a guy I liked, I'd take him to the bushes and fuck him. "

"What's that scary?"

"Ah, I've never actually fucked you while saying that. Brand new"

"Please wrap it in a little more oblate."

Oops, what is it?

That's right, oblates don't exist in this world. There was no way to get through.

"Are the sharks okay?"

You're nervous and your big eyes are twitching. Isn't that a bad one?

"Ah... maybe this won't work. Let's hold it down while we're still alive."

Exactly. Then I'll press my right hand and right foot. "

"Njaaa, I'll take the left side...."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. The content of the conversation makes the pictorial side criminal."

Standing in front of the hardened corn, I pushed the two of them to a stop. What an idea and conversation. I was mistaken for a bandit or something if I just heard the conversation.

Suddenly, my arms stretched out from behind and wrapped around my torso.

And my arms wrapped around my body attract me with awesome force.


The back of your head feels so soft again! We did it! It's not what I'm saying. My arms are too strong to breathe. It's held tight and can't even scratch the algae.

"Phew......! Phew......!


A rough, hot nose makes you tremble unexpectedly. Under the circumstances, there's only one person who can hold me from behind.

"Ahh... that's why I'm holding you down..."


"Hey, wait a minute, don't break your clothes!? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Turning around, my face was full of big eyes. I feel like I've seen a heart mark behind those big eyes. Yeah, this is a bad one. I understand.

"I won't give up."

"I can't. If I succeed, my brother's life will be in danger."

I sent my gaze to Schmel and Bella for help, but a merciless answer came back.

Yes, give up. Be gentle.

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