Shen Zhao stood in the corridor covered with zombie corpses, and put his arms around the girl who threw himself into his arms.

Caressing her black and bright hair, he comforted her softly: “It’s okay, I’m back.” ”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka hugged his waist tightly, her pretty face pressed to his chest.

After hugging for a while, he raised his head, raised his pretty face and stood on tiptoe, and kissed his pink lips on his lips.

Shen Zhao immediately responded enthusiastically.

2B stood quietly on the side, watching the two hugging and kissing.

After a lingering kiss, Shi Yu pushed him away a little embarrassed, took a step back and sorted out the dress that was a little messy by the big hand.

The mouth explained: “When I went out to throw garbage just now, I ran into a few zombies and chased them all the way. Being blocked from the door did not leave, but gathered more and more. ”

“If you hadn’t rushed back, I guess they would have knocked the door open right away.”

Shen Zhao recalled the scene in the lobby downstairs and guessed: “It may be that the zombies that flowed to the vicinity from other places last night were attracted by the corpses in the hotel and broke in.” ”

“Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up again layer by layer in a moment.”

Shi Yu snorted softly, feeling a sense of reassurance in her heart.

She knew that this psychology was abnormal.

The man in front of her possessed her with despicable means, and she should hate and reject the other party, instead of getting security from the other party.

But she couldn’t control her thoughts.

So much so that just now he made a move to give a hug and even take the initiative to kiss.

Reason and sensibility were intertwined, causing her to fall silent for a while.

Shen Zhao didn’t notice the strange appearance of this anime goddess in front of him.

He looked at the corpses on the ground and said, “Let’s go first.” ”

When Shiyu Kasumigaoka heard this, he silently turned around and returned to the room.

Shen Zhao followed behind with 2B.

The door closes.

Shen Zhao pointed to the black long straight beautiful girl who was in a trance and said to 2B: “2B, this is Shi Yu, from now on she will be the highest priority to protect.” ”

He himself has subhuman blood and does not need protection.

2B glanced at Kasumigaoka Shiyu and said calmly, “Obey the order, commander.” ”

Shi Yu, who was caught in a complicated situation, woke up, and only then noticed that there was a strange white-haired beautiful girl in the room.

Subconsciously asked: “Who is she?” ”

There was a hint of questioning in his tone.

Shen Zhao looked at her and smiled slightly: “This is 2B, intelligent robot.” ”

Shi Yu avoided his gaze a little inexplicably, and turned her head to look at the white-haired girl named “2B”.

Full of doubt, he repeated: “Robot? ”

It doesn’t look like it.

“That’s right.”

Shen Zhao didn’t explain much about the origin of 2B, and said instead: “Did you have lunch?” If you haven’t eaten, it’s just together. ”

Shi Yu had to hold back his doubts and walk to the corner where the supplies were placed: “I’ll cook noodles.” ”

Shen Zhao sat on the edge of the bed and summoned a black ghost to move the corpses outside downstairs.

Lest he attract a group of zombies to disturb him to eat and rest after a while.


Shen Zhao, who had eaten and drunk enough and slept for a nap, went out full of energy.

This time, he left the black ghost in the room to protect Shiyu.

Anyway, there is 2B in, less it is insignificant.

Shen Zhao took 2B to check the hotel building floor by floor.

I don’t know if most of them were attracted to the fifth floor just now, and only a few zombies were found on other floors.

All of them were taken as objects for him to practice, and they were killed one by one with a lightsaber.

After cleaning the interior of the hotel, the surrounding area began to be swept again.

I was busy until the evening.

After a hard day, the harvest is also quite rich.

Name: Shen Zhao

Item No.: 0125-**

Permission level: None (reserve player).

Survival points: 1870

Assimilated items: None

The point balance reached four figures again, which was barely enough to redeem two more sets of boosters.

I have to say that the efficiency of 2B killing zombies is much higher than that of black ghosts.

If it weren’t for Shen Zhao’s actual combat training in the morning, he spent a lot of time searching for zombies in the afternoon.

Brushing 3,000 points a day today is not a problem.

After checking the personal panel, Shen Zhao opened the points leaderboard again.

On the third day of the survival game, the leaderboard is no longer a large “none”.

Four new names appeared, but all of them were unknown people.

And there is no doubt that the first and second are still Shen Zhao and Poison Island Junzi.

Survival Points Leaderboard (0125).

Top of the list: Shen Zhao, survival points 2970

2nd place: Poison Island Tsuko, 630 survival points

Third place: Li Feng, survival points 210


10th place: None

Shen Zhao was a little surprised: “I killed 36 zombies alone in one day, which is more than the results accumulated by the third place in two days.” It is worthy of being a poison island. ”

Excluding him, Poison Island is the real number one player in this survival game!

“If I had met her in the first place…”

As soon as this thought arose, it was thrown away by Shen Zhao.

The goddess of kendo with a full score of strength is good, but it is easier for a weak literary girl to get started.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t wait to close the leaderboard and leave for the hotel.

I won’t give Shiyu another holiday tonight.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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