Shen Zhao pushed the door and walked into the room.

He saw Kasumigaoka Shiyu walking towards him, first glanced at 2B behind him, and then bowed slightly.

“Hard work, welcome back. Dinner will be ready soon, Shen Jun, you should go and wash it first. ”

This anime goddess is becoming more and more active, which is a good sign.

Shen Zhao walked to the bathroom with a smile on his lips.

Eat first, then meat!

As night falls, the zombies in the city become more and more restless.

The furious roar became more and more dense and frequent.

However, this did not affect Shen Zhao’s motivation at all.

After holding back all day, he is now very angry.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka has a deep understanding of this.

She was kneeling by the bed at the moment, with a black fabric stuffed in her usually poisonous little mouth, and her burgundy eyes that were as beautiful as gems were lost in concentration.

Out of the corner of his eye, he met a pair of blue-gray eyes.

It was the white-haired beautiful girl named 2B, and the other party had been watching her.

Realizing this, Shi Yu puffed up what little strength he had left to struggle, but the next second he was turned over and lay on his back on the soft waterbed.

Her remaining strength disappeared in an instant.

The raging storm suddenly stopped.

Shen Zhao turned his head to look out the window, his brows furrowed slightly.

A loud roar is rapidly approaching here.

He increased his speed and said to the white-haired beautiful girl sitting quietly in the corner: “2B, go and see what’s going on outside.” ”

2B got up and walked to the window, wearing tactical eyepieces, his vision was completely unaffected by the night, and he had an unobstructed view of the scene outside.

After observing for a moment, she turned back and said, “About a hundred zombies are approaching, and they are expected to arrive downstairs in three minutes.” ”

This situation is the same as Shen Zhao expected.

He pulled back unpleasantly, picked up the protective clothing on the ground and put it on his body.

No matter why so many zombies rushed here, all you have to do now is kill them.

After dressing neatly, Shen Zhao ripped off the wad of fabric in Shi Yu’s mouth and patted her flushed face: “There are a large number of zombies coming, get up and get dressed and ready to evacuate at any time.” ”

More than a hundred zombies is nothing, but you must be prepared for more zombies to come in the future.

If you can’t resist it, you can only risk evacuating in the dark.

Shen Zhao did not personally go into battle.

I can’t see anything clearly in the big night, and I went to send meat to the zombies.

Therefore, he only sent 2B and the black ghost out to fend off the zombies.

This hotel has only one fire staircase, and it is not difficult to hold this passage with the combat power of 2B.

If there are no surprises.

Fortunately, Murphy’s Law did not take effect that night.

About half an hour after 2B and the black ghost went out, the noise outside gradually subsided.

Then the black ghost transmitted a message back through special electromagnetic waves, and the incoming zombies have all been killed by them.

Shen Zhao relaxed and smiled at the girl next to him: “It’s all over, it’s safe now.” ”

As soon as the words fell, there was a crackling sound of glass shattering behind him.

A black shadow came in from outside, carrying a strong wind towards the two.

The moment he heard the voice, Shen Zhao realized that something was wrong.

He jerked Shiwa Kasumigaoka to the side and turned to make a fighting stance.


Several blades chopped his head at once.

The attacker landed silently and then catapulted and pounced on the knife.



A red blade of light popped out, turned into a streak and swept out, slicing across its waist.


Two bodies fell to the ground.

After successfully completing the counter-killing with the combat skills initially cultivated by relying on the actual combat training during the day, Shen Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

Through the light released by the reinforced suit battery, he could roughly see the appearance of the attacker.

This is a slender zombie with claws on its hands.

Just now, it was the claw on the opponent’s right hand that chopped his head.

If it weren’t for the death reforging ability of subhuman blood, he would already be dead at this time.

Everything happened too quickly, and Shi Yu, who was pushed to the ground by Shen Zhao, did not see what was happening at all.

After she got up from the ground, she immediately ran over and asked eagerly, “Shen Jun, are you all right?” ”

Shen Zhao first closed the lightsaber to avoid accidental injury, and was about to answer when the door was slammed open.

2B rushed in with a knife: “Commander? ”

Shen Zhao said quickly: “I’m fine, the attacker has been killed by me.” ”

It’s all over, but this room is not going to stay.

He really likes this waterbed.

With a trace of regret, Shen Zhao took the two women out the door and went upstairs.

On the way, he checked the killing prompt just now.

“Kill mutant zombies and get 100 survival points.”

The attacker he killed was a high-level zombie of the same level as the day’s tyrant.

Shen Zhao felt that this was normal.

After all, it was the existence that successfully attacked and killed him once, and it was definitely not some miscellaneous soldier.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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