As Ye Qing guessed, Furney was a pirate.

In fact, it should be said that her father was a pirate, and rightfully she became a pirate.

Not long ago, her father, the great Redbeard, snatched a treasure map from a nobleman’s hand.

The map points to an island surrounded by storms, where stones are said to be made of gold, and there is a mysterious treasure hidden in the island.

No one knows what this treasure is, but legend has it that if you get it, you can become the king of Shanghai Island.

Redbeard immediately gathered his people, and dozens of people followed the instructions on the treasure map, sailed for a day and two nights, and finally saw the island.

The island is shrouded in dark clouds, and indeed surrounded by hurricanes.

The hurricane is so strong that it can still blow people away tens of miles apart.

Some people retreated, and as a result, they were beheaded by Redbeard, and the rest of the crew had to bite the bullet and rush into the hurricane.

After passing through the hurricane, the hull of the ship was shattered and the number of people was badly damaged, but after all, it landed, and the excited Blackbeard completely ignored this, leaving a few people to repair the boat, and then took the remaining large army to explore the island.

Furney was in the middle of this group, full of thorns along the way, and there were all kinds of powerful mosquitoes on the island, which tortured the group extremely badly.

The imaginary situation of being able to pick up gold by bending down casually did not appear, but the deeper into the large army, the fewer the number of people.

Finally, Redbeard pointed to a cave on the mountain and laughed, saying that this is the place where the treasure is hidden.

None of the group had ever looked at the map, and when they heard Redbeard say this, they believed it and breathed a sigh of relief.

After a little rectification, with a wave of Redbeard’s big hand, the pirates swarmed in.

But the cave is not a treasure hiding place, but it is terrifying, all kinds of secret weapons can not be prevented, just entered not long ago, and lost half of the people.

In the process of dodging the dark weapon, Furni accidentally rolled into a secret room, and the heavy stone door could not be opened by more than a dozen islands.

Redbeard told her to wait inside first, and she took someone back to the ship to bring explosives to blow the stone door open.

Furney fell asleep in a daze while waiting, and woke up to the stone door that had broken into several pieces, covered with thick moss.

And Redbeard and the others did not know where they went.

Only a few skeleton skeletons remained outside the secret room, and when she went in, the situation was urgent, and she didn’t pay attention to the situation outside the stone gate, so Furny thought that it was there and ignored it.

All she wanted to do was go outside, join Redbeard, and never come here again to look for any treasure.

But when she finally came out of Shandong, she found that the mouth of the cave had been covered by various vines, and it took a lot of effort to get out of it.

When I went in before, there were obviously not so many vines outside the cave, and the surrounding trees seemed to be denser, and the trunk looked thicker several times, if it weren’t for the special mark Redbeard made at the entrance of the cave before entering, Furny thought that she had gone wrong.

But she didn’t have time to think about why all this was, so she followed the way she came to the seashore where the boat stopped, but found nothing.

Although Redbeard is cruel to his subordinates, he loves his only daughter immensely.

He just slept, and he couldn’t even wait for this time to leave first.

Furney thinks they must have gone somewhere else to find the treasure, so she starts searching the island, hoping to find Redbeard and find her father.

However, after a day and a night of hiking, I still found nothing, let alone people, not even a single boat floating over the sea.

Loneliness and hunger made Furney feel hopeless than ever.

For as long as she can remember, she has spent most of her time on the boat, at sea, but at this time, even if she can still hear the sound of the waves, she does not have the familiar rocking feeling of the hull under her feet.

The stability of the land made her extremely uneasy.

In this anxiety, it took another day for Furni, who was really hungry, to start thinking about what she should do next.

She was lucky, and it didn’t take long to find fresh water, and she pounced directly on it to drink a full water before continuing to look for food.

But until then, she first observed and recorded the situation around her.

Her father, Redbeard, once warned her that as a pirate, even if she slept, she had to turn a blind eye, otherwise she would not know how she would die in the future.

So for her own safety, Furney thought about it.

She had to make sure that this fresh water was her private property, and if anyone approached, she would find it as soon as possible.

It wasn’t until after the investigation was done that she left to hunt.

Unexpectedly, it was just a rabbit time, and when she returned to the water’s edge, she found a line of footprints, and they were human footprints.

This discovery made her so happy that she thought it was someone on the boat, or it was directly Redbeard.

But even if he was happy, he did not forget Redbeard’s words, so the first time she found the footprints, she hid the rabbit in her hand under a tree, then drew her saber and cautiously approached the spring.

Soon, she saw someone by the water, but unfortunately, it was not anyone she knew.

The man was fetching water, using a transparent container that he had never seen before, and it looked light.

This discovery made Furney quickly dispel the idea that the other party was indigenous, he had been to many islands, he had seen countless natives, those natives would only run naked in leaves around the mountains, and better, they would also use coconut shells to fill water, but they would definitely not have such advanced vessels.

Moreover, this person was wearing clothes that he had never seen before, and seemed to be more convenient and comfortable than he recognized.

Furney quickly judged that this person was definitely from outside!

She slowed down, lowered her body, held her breath, and slowly approached.

She planned to arrest this person first.

The pirate’s style is like this, if the situation is not clear, first arrest the person, beat it, and the other party will obediently tell you everything.

But Furni, who has always rushed directly to fight when encountering enemies at sea, really does not sneak attack.

Just as she approached the man, drew her saber and was about to slash the other person first, she was spotted by the man and swung a knife at herself at an incredible speed.

The speed and power of this knife are far beyond Furny’s imagination, so after dodging this knife, she does not dare to attack rashly, but just revolves around the other party, hoping to find a flaw so that she can hit with one blow.

But the other party obviously did not have the idea of killing herself immediately, and seeing that she was not moving, she also stopped.

Then he said something in a language that Furney never stopped.

Furney felt the urge to ask him if he had seen his crew, or his father.

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