“Who are you? Where is this? ”

Since the other party had no intention of attacking, Furney also spoke, but in English, and then repeated it in five or six languages she had learned over the years.

But the man on the other side obviously didn’t understand, because after she spoke, the other party’s eyes became more vigilant.

“Well, if nothing else, I’m leaving.” Furney said again.

No way, the man in front of her is too strong, and she is not sure that she can defeat the other party.

And now, it’s a good time to leave.

After waiting for a while and finding that the other party did not respond, Furney first inserted the sword in her hand back into the sheath, but still held the hilt tightly with her right hand to prevent the opponent from suddenly attacking.

The man still looked at him warily, but the strangely shaped dagger in his hand was also slowly pinned to his waist.

This should be considered fine.

Furney thought.

Then slowly retreated, and when she was out of a safe distance, she turned and ran, jumping a few times, and blended into the jungle.



Looking at the direction in which the woman disappeared, Ye Qing was stunned for a moment.

This woman… It’s so fast!

When the other party spoke to him earlier, in fact, he could probably understand some words, but the meaning of the whole sentence could not be understood, so he chose silence.

Then when the other party began to retreat, Ye Qing probably understood what she meant.

He didn’t chase, it’s not that he couldn’t catch up, but he didn’t know how many people were on the other side, and he was a little worried that this was a plan to move the tiger away from the mountain, in case after he went to chase this woman, her accomplice ran to the cave to be unfavorable to Zhao Ling.

However, the others did not move, but made a look towards a grass not far away, and then saw the grass stir for a while, and after a moment returned to calm.

That was Xiao Hei, when the woman appeared before, Ye Qing’s alarm increased greatly, Xiao Hei had some kind of special connection with him, he felt it at that time, and hurriedly rushed to this side, but was stopped by Ye Qing, let it hide on the side now.

This will let it track just right, this panther itself is known for its speed, plus this is a jungle, throwing this cargo in, it is like a tiger wings, like a fish in water.

No longer caring about the woman, Ye Qing packed up the water and hurriedly carried it back.

However, this time he made a mental eye and did not go back directly, but began to circle around.

It wasn’t until I was sure that I was confused enough that I picked a shortcut to go back.

Rao is so, even on the way back, Ye Qing was also very careful not to let himself leave footprints on the ground, and faced with being followed by people to find his hiding place.

As he walked, he was annoyed.

I went step by step, every step carefully, but I didn’t expect that there were still loopholes.

I thought that moving away from the original cave would be far from danger, so when I went to cut bamboo before, for convenience, I cleared a road from the side of the spring, but now it is good, this road has undoubtedly become a directional sign, telling my enemies which way to go.

But at this time, Ye Qing couldn’t care so much, he first had to confirm Zhao Ling’s safety.

As for the future, it seems that we will have to think about the task of the [Three Caves of Rabbits] of the system.

Otherwise, everything is placed in a cave, and once discovered, things are gone or a trifle, in case someone suddenly attacks while you are sleeping, it will be completely finished.

Thinking so, the speed under Ye Qing’s feet became a little faster.

The journey that originally took about half an hour to arrive, but he arrived in fifteen minutes, including circling.

Zhao Ling had just made dinner, and when he saw him come back, he showed a smile: “It’s hard, come and eat.” ”

Ye Qing put the water down and looked at her with a serious expression: “Did you find anything abnormal here just now?” ”

“Abnormal? What anomaly and what do you mean? Zhao Ling was stunned by his question.

Seeing her like this, it is estimated that there is really nothing wrong, Ye Qing breathed a sigh of relief, took out the bamboo tube cup that he had just made yesterday, poured a full cup of boiled water from another bucket, and poured it down.

He didn’t put it down until the cup bottomed out, and then briefly described his encounter at the edge of the spring.

“Huh? Are you saying you saw a living person?? ”

Zhao Ling’s attention was not on the same channel as Ye Qing at all, and she immediately said, “Then have you seen where she went?” Could it be on a plane with us? ”

Ye Qing shook his head speechlessly, and said weakly: “Little old sister, how does your brain grow?” Didn’t I say that the woman looked like a pirate costume in the Middle Ages, and she was carrying an old antique sword, and she would almost kill me, do you think it would be on the same plane as us? ”

“What? Almost killed you? Have you been injured? Show me. ”

Zhao Ling heard it clearly, and suddenly whispered again, lifting Ye Qing’s clothes to do a full body examination.

Ye Qing rolled her eyes sharply, stopped her move, and then said seriously: “Don’t worry, I’m fine, seeing that I also have a saber in my hand, she ran away.” ”

“Ran away… Eh, by the way, you just said that she used to talk to you and changed languages halfway, right? Zhao Ling said again.

Ye Qing thought for a while and said, “Yes, I heard English, French and several other different languages, but I don’t understand what she said…”

Zhao Ling tilted his head and thought for a while, “Then do you think there is such a possibility, that is, she actually wanted to negotiate with you, but because of the language barrier, she left in order to avoid deepening the misunderstanding?” ”

“Probably.” Ye Qing said, thinking that he had let Xiao Hei follow him, and it would be good if he could see the scene that Xiao Hei saw like Xiao Lan.

I tried it with my eyes closed, but I didn’t expect that it was really possible, and I was suddenly a little excited.

Xiao Hei had followed him for so long, and to be honest, Ye Qing really hadn’t discovered this.

The main thing is that Xiaolan is sent directly to himself by the system, and it will not be strange to have any strange functions.

Xiao Hei is different, it was his own hard work to surrender, who will have nothing to try this.

In Xiao Hei’s line of sight, the woman seemed to be not moving, because Xiao Hei did not move, hiding behind a bush, observing through the gap in the leaves.

The woman crouched on the ground and seemed to be looking for something.

Looking at it, Ye Qing felt that this place seemed to be a little familiar, and after recalling the meeting, a cold sweat suddenly broke out.

This woman… I was actually looking at his footprints!

And while looking, he also pointed at something with his finger in mid-air, which is obviously identifying the direction!

At this time, Ye Qing was so glad that when he came back earlier, he deliberately circled around the perimeter, and sent Xiao Hei out, and after copying the shortcut, he was also very careful to cover up the traces, otherwise he came back directly like two hundred and five, and this woman followed the footprints to find here… Ye Qing didn’t dare to imagine that he slept halfway, and then woke up suddenly with a cold and sharp sword against his throat.

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