There are too many doubts, they can only be solved one by one, the system one put it away first, ask the female pirate about this side before talking, thinking so Ye Qing looked at her.

Although he had speculated before that this female pirate must have companions, but really confirmed, Ye Qing still felt a little heavy.

Pirates brought here hundreds of years ago, what else doesn’t this island have?

In this way, on this island this means more people or beasts, and it also means more enemies.

The female pirate wants to mix up dinner with a word? That, of course, is impossible.

After eating dinner, Ye Qing walked over, moved a stone and sat down in front of the female pirate, looked into her eyes, and said to Zhao Ling: “I’ll talk to her, you will be the translator.” ”

Zhao Ling nodded, and then also found a place to sit.

Ye Qing said: “I don’t know what you think, and I don’t care, the fact now is that you were caught by me, and I don’t shy away from saying that this island is a land that cannot be used, and if I want, I can even kill you directly, instead of returning you something to eat like now.” ”

“Of course, I didn’t kill you directly, I also have my own considerations, one is that I am not a murderous person, on the contrary, I have a very good personality and am very friendly, and the other is to get more information from you, but now you have not told me anything except opening your mouth to eat, this is a problem that makes me feel very bad.”

“I’m sure we’ll find a way to solve this problem, but it will take some time, but I’m not going to wait, time is urgent, I have to know everything about you, including your father, and this box and the map inside… I have to know what you are doing here, how many people there are, and where you are now. ”

“Of course, I know that you still don’t trust us, even wary, but I also ask you to think back to yourself, the first time we met, you took a sword and wanted to cut me, if I hadn’t reacted quickly, maybe I would have been cut or hacked to death by you, to be fair, would I be better off than you are now after being captured by you?”

“I think that you are now a prisoner, in addition to restricted movement, not only have you not been persecuted, but you also have delicious food and a place to shelter from the wind and rain, which is already considered an imperial level treatment, so… Are you ready to tell us where you’re coming from? ”

When he said these words, Ye Qing’s tone was very calm, as if he was just telling an ordinary thing to an old friend, and did not give people the feeling of pressure.

Zhao Ling translated his words on the side, and the female pirate listened quietly, and the look in her eyes gradually became flat.

In fact, Furney was moved.

Or rather, she was persuaded by Ye Qing.

Looking back on my experience day and night, I really didn’t suffer anything other than not feeding myself in the morning and tying myself to a tree at noon to intimidate myself.

Compared with her previous use on pirate ships to deal with prisoners captured from other ships, Furni felt that Ye Qing was right, and she was indeed treated like an emperor.

And for her father and crew, Furney still has many doubts to solve, if she doesn’t say anything, does nothing, and even has difficulty getting out of this cave, what can she talk about finding them?

Just as she was thinking so, Ye Qing spoke again: “In fact, I actually quite understand that you didn’t hesitate to do it when you first saw me, if it were me, maybe I would do it, and even, I still admire your determination a little… But we are not enemies in the end, and there is no deep hatred, and it will be okay to explain the misunderstanding clearly, don’t you say? ”

Zhao Ling dutifully translated these words to the female pirate in front of the translator.

Originally, Furni was already a little shaken, and after hearing this, after hesitating for a moment, she finally spoke: “My name is Furni…”

After a few minutes, Furney briefly recounted her experience, and finally said, “… The box you found today is my father’s Redbeard, for this box, or the map inside, he values it very much, never leaving him, even as his daughter, I will be very angry even if I move it, and now, the box is here, and the others are gone…”

Speaking of this, Furney had begun to choke up a little, in her opinion, this box was even more important to her father than herself, but now, the box was scattered in the jungle, maybe his father was dead.

Ye Qing and Zhao Ling looked at each other, and both fell into silence.

Furni’s origin, in fact, Ye Qing probably guessed some.

A pirate, appeared on an island, for two reasons, one is that the ship is damaged and docked for repair; The second is the treasure.

Of course, it is also possible that this island was used as a stronghold by pirates, but it was already known that this female pirate came from hundreds of years ago, so naturally it could not have occupied this place.

But what Ye Qing didn’t expect was that Funi’s experience was as mysterious and bloody as in the movie, what treasures, organs, etc., plus a lot of people died halfway, but they haven’t given up, which is completely not taking their lives seriously.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Ye Qing, and what he cares about is not the story of the story.

What he cared about was whether what Furny said was true.

Assuming that what she said was true, then it was certain that their pirate ship was definitely not at this point in time, after all, when Furny came out of the cave, the mouth of the cave was already covered with vines and the trees outside were much thicker.

To be precise, when this woman went to the island at that time, it may still be 1523, but after sleeping, she directly traveled hundreds of years to the present.

If this view holds, then a new question arises: did Furney cross alone, or did a whole ship of them cross?

If yes, where are the others?

Why did Fernie’s father, Redbeard, see a map heavier than life in his hands?

Countless questions almost burst Ye Qing’s head.

When he was struggling with distress, he felt that someone was pulling the corners of his clothes, and when he looked back, it was Zhao Ling.

“Ye Qing, Furni asked if we could release her.”

Ye Qing was stunned, then looked at Furni, gave her a finger, and then shook it.

It means: no!

Between the two, the language is not clear, but Ye Qing’s gesture, the fool knows what it means.

Originally, there was still an expectant look in her eyes, but after seeing this gesture, Furni was slightly startled, and then slammed towards Ye Qing.

It’s a pity that she is now tied to a stone by Ye Qing, and she can’t move at all, she can only stare at Ye Qing with red teeth, and a string of English in her mouth, listen carefully, it’s just an infinite repetition of a few simple words.

Without Zhao Ling’s translation, Ye Qing knew what it meant: You actually lied to me!

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