Ye Qing, who roughly guessed the meaning of the other party from Furni’s expression and movement, said lightly: “I didn’t promise to release you, why am I so excited!” ”

Zhao Ling looked at him and did not immediately translate this sentence, his eyes were a little strange, and he seemed to be impressed by his shamelessness.

Ye Qing did not feel shameless at all, looked at her, and wondered: “What’s wrong with you, quickly translate it to her!” ”


Zhao Ling only felt a breath in his chest, but he didn’t know how to get out, so he could only turn to Funi helplessly and repeat Ye Qing’s words in English.

And then…… Gone then.

Just kidding, just like just chatted, this female pirate is going to fight and kill as soon as they meet, and now he has experienced the fact that he tied her up for a day and a night, the devil knows if he will find trouble if he releases her, in short, the current female pirate is not a person who can be trusted in Ye Qing’s heart, and the danger warning has not been lifted.

Although Ye Qing is not very afraid of her, but trouble is always trouble, and if you have that time to control her, it is better to go to bed early and recharge for tomorrow.

And now that she knows that she came ashore with a boatload of people, and I don’t know if those people are still on the island, did she let her bring people to destroy herself after releasing her?

Ye Qing didn’t think he would be stupid to that extent.

After letting Zhao Ling translate the last sentence, Ye Qing lay down on the bed and closed his eyes to rest.

Because I came back too late, I missed the best time slot for the radio signal, and asked Zhao Ling, I still haven’t contacted the outside today, and it’s dark outside, and it’s impossible to finish the wooden table that wasn’t finished yesterday.

There is nothing to do but sleep.

By the way, the system mall has been updated again, but this time there is still nothing that Ye Qing can see, what water, fish and the like, now everything is lacking, that is, there is no shortage of these things.

And Ye Qing also found that three of the eight items were duplicated, and the points required were not the same, which was more and more like the pit daddy’s brain was kicked by a donkey in the game.

After silently complaining, he fell asleep directly.

As for Furni’s side, she shouted again, and found that Ye Qing really didn’t plan to ignore her, and remembered with a slight snoring, she didn’t call anymore, and no matter what Zhao Ling told her, she lowered her head, and returned to the previous state of not saying a word, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

Sympathy is sympathy, in fact, Zhao Ling still understands why Ye Qing did this, so after comforting Funi and finding that the other birds did not bird her, she didn’t bother to care, cleaned up, and went to sleep.

Xiao Lan was watching outside, and Xiao Hei’s huge body was lying horizontally at the mouth of the cave, such a double defense made Ye Qing and Zhao Ling feel at ease, and they both slept soundly.

One night without a word.

After getting up the next morning and eating breakfast, Ye Qing explained some things to Zhao Ling before going out, most of which were related to Funi, the female pirate.

The general meaning converges into one sentence: eat and drink and be full, but don’t look at her pitifully and let her go, if the other party has abnormal actions, start first!

Today, Ye Qing plans to first complete the exploration of the two places [Spring Water] and [Green Bamboo Forest] and receive the reward.

Then go and find out if there is a new shelter around to complete the task of [Three Caves of the Rabbit].

The exploration degree of [Spring Water] has reached 85%, this is nothing to say, when it was first discovered before, it had already been carefully checked around, so this time Ye Qing just briefly investigated the missing place before, and it was quickly completed.

Bring up the map, the small gift icon on it has indeed been lit, and after clicking it, the system prompt will appear immediately.

“Complete the [Spring Water] Exploration Degree achievement and obtain the talent [Hawkeye]*1.”

“Huh? Becoming a talent again? ”

Ye Qing immediately became excited, every time his talent improved his body was very huge, no wonder he was so happy.

The talent thing was used directly after it was obtained, and after the system’s prompt, Ye Qing quickly felt that his eyes were a little hot and a little swollen.

But soon, this discomfort disappeared, and when he opened his eyes again, a burst of surprise struck.

The vision is strengthened, and it is only a basic operation to see farther and clearer, and to Ye Qing’s surprise, he found that he could clearly see the process of a mosquito flapping its wings after a hundred meters.

Miraculously, it seemed that in his eyes, time became very slow, and every time that mosquito flapped its wings, in Ye Qing’s eyes, it seemed to be in slow motion.

Ye Qing had a feeling that as long as he was willing, it seemed that the scene in the movie where an arrow went over to knock off the mosquito’s wings without harming the rest of the mosquito was not impossible.

At the same time, he also found that this talent does not appear at any time, only when he wants to use it, usually except for better eyesight, there is no difference from normal people.

This makes Ye Qing a lot easier, otherwise thinking about it will even become slow motion in his eyes after thinking about it, and if you eat something, you can see that there are bacteria crawling inside, and the feeling is chilly just thinking about it.

“That’s a good skill.”

With a sigh, Ye Qing began to move towards the [Green Bamboo Forest].

In the process, passing by the open space in front of the bamboo forest, Ye Qing observed it again and found that this place was really suitable for building a house.

There are three main reasons for this:

First, it is located on a mountain ridge, even if it encounters heavy rain, it is not easy to be washed by rain, and the terrain is gentle, and it will not encounter natural disasters such as mudslides;

Second, all around are towering trees, even if the wind on the sea hits, it will be much reduced here, you know, the weather on the island is fickle, although Ye Qing has not encountered any extreme weather so far, but he still understands the truth of being prepared;

Third, surrounded by green bamboo forest, it is very convenient to obtain materials. Before Ye Qing has always planned to build a wooden house, but after seeing this bamboo forest, he changed his mind, bamboo houses can be much more comfortable to live in than wooden houses, and it is very convenient to build, roughly calculated, now with stone axes, including materials, Ye Qing is confident that he can build a building within two days, of course, excluding capping, since there is such a good material as green bamboo, the top can not be casually covered with leaves, Ye Qing’s favorite thing is thatch, but there is no thatch in this vicinity for the time being, If you want to build it, you may have to go back to the back of the previous cliff to get it, which is another time-consuming task.

The amount of work to build a house is relatively large, and now Ye Qing can only think about it first, and the most urgent thing at the moment is to complete the exploration of [Green Bamboo Forest] as soon as possible.

The green bamboo forest is not known how many times larger than [Spring Water], when he came to take bamboo before, Ye Qing had already explored a large area, and the result was only 40% exploration, you can imagine how big this bamboo forest is.

It took nearly a morning to finally complete the exploration of [Green Bamboo Forest], even if his body was strengthened by the system, Ye Qing had to sit down temporarily to rest, this continuous morning of exploration could make him tired a lot.

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