After resting for a while, the next step is to collect the task.

Click on the small gift bag flashing on [Green Bamboo Forest], and the system prompt will arrive again.

“Acquire [Language] talent*1.”

“Language talent?”

Ye Qing was puzzled for a while, and then some more information suddenly came out of his mind, and various words surrounded his eyes like spells.

Then he also understood what the hell this [language] talent was, which probably meant that he could quickly master this language through learning.

To be honest, although he felt that this talent was more chicken than the previous strengthening of the body, Ye Qing still felt more satisfied.

After all, there is still a female pirate in the cave who does not understand the language, with this talent, if Zhao Ling teaches himself, he will soon be able to communicate with the other party, and Zhao Ling will not have to work so hard.

Thinking of the pain when she used to learn English, Ye Qing felt that her current talent was simply a blessing for all students.

At this time, it was only noon, because he brought lunch out, Ye Qing did not plan to go back for the time being, and wanted to continue to explore.

However, the three locations in the vicinity that can get exploration rewards have all been explored by themselves, and there will be no rewards if they continue to explore, so Ye Qing plans to find a suitable place to live as the main purpose first.

From this point of view, there are many things that need to be noted.

It should not be too far from the cave where you live now, otherwise it will be more troublesome if there is really any emergency that needs to be transferred.

Secondly, the place found must be hidden enough, preferably the kind that is not easy for ordinary people to find. Although the previous vacant land was in good condition in all aspects, to be honest, it could not be regarded as the first choice in Ye Qing’s heart, after all, it was next to the spring water, even if no one found it, all kinds of beasts who came to drink water were enough to have a headache, but if you change a house here to distract others, it is still okay.

The last point is to consider whether there are still suitable places to live around, the more the better, in the future, Ye Qing plans to occupy several suitable places to live around, and then open a rapid transfer channel between these places, even if someone comes to attack, he can use this passage to deal with the enemy.

This is not that Ye Qing is too cautious, but the current situation makes him have to plan so.

Originally thought that he only needed to guard against the beast that would appear at an unknown time and the owner of the thatched hut over there, who knew that now there was another pirate, and there might be a ship of pirates.

This means that no matter how you move, as long as you are on this island, you and Zhao Ling will not be safe.

And now this cave is quite comfortable to live in, at least for now, Ye Qing has no plans to move.

It is necessary to build a complete set of defense mechanisms around the cave with the cave as the core.

If he could, Ye Qing also wanted to build a city defense mechanism near this area that included defense, reconnaissance, and attack, but this project was very large, at least under the current conditions, it was impossible to do it.

After eating and drinking, Ye Qing packed up his things and prepared to continue exploring.

But just then, something fell out.

It is the map in the treasure chest that was rewarded when completing the [Mandala Growth Land] exploration degree before.

Originally, Ye Qing couldn’t understand this map, so there was no need to bring it with her, but the female pirate Funi would have red eyes every time she saw it, and in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Ye Qing hid the treasure chest, and the map was always on her body.

When eating, Ye Qing accidentally spilled some water on the ground, this map just fell in that small pool of stagnant water, fortunately it was sheepskin, otherwise it would be wasted.

Ye Qing picked it up and wiped the mud on it, and found that on the back of the map, the piece that was soaked with water seemed to have something, and upon closer inspection, it seemed to be another map.

This is more interesting, there are actually two maps drawn on a piece of parchment, and one of them is also protected.

Take out the bamboo tube with water, pour some water on it, and the whole map is fully revealed.

The one on the front he still couldn’t understand, but the one that had just been shown with water on the reverse side had no marks on it, and there were some landforms and the like, but after observing, Ye Qing found that there was a place he had actually visited, the place where he had picked up the treasure chest last time.

The depiction on the map is exactly the same as the last time I saw it.

Not far from the place where the treasure chest was found, it was marked with a red dot.

Could this be where the female pirate Furny said the cave she escaped from was located?

According to Furney, she slept in it and woke up hundreds of years later.

It’s a pity not to see such a magical place.

After thinking about it, it was far away, but after I had been there, I finally decided to take a look.

Greeting Xiao Hei, Ye Qing cleaned up and went directly to the place marked on the map.

He first found the way to the original [Mandala Growth Land], and then followed this road to the [Mandala Growth Land] first, and then went up from here to pick up the box, at least to ensure that he would not get lost when he returned.

Not long after, Ye Qing arrived at the place where he had picked up the treasure chest last time, studied the map on the parchment, and quickly determined the direction and continued to move forward.

In fact, the reason why Ye Qing came was not that he wanted to find any treasure, but since this map was rewarded by the mission, it must have its intention.

Go first, confirm the location, and mark a location on the system map

After walking again, I saw a hole covered in vines.

To be honest, if it weren’t for the map, Ye Qing felt that even if he passed by here, he might not be able to find a cave here.

There were so many of these vines that the entrance to the cave had been tightly blocked, but someone had ripped it a little in the middle before he could see that this was the entrance to a cave.

This should be what the female pirate Furney did.

Ye Qing brought up the map of the system and found that the place he walked around had been lit up, and his guess was indeed correct, the location of the cave had been marked, showing the words [Mysterious Cave], and the degree of exploration was 0%.

Walk to the entrance of the cave, stretch out your head and lean inside, through the faint light, you can see that from the entrance of the cave, there is a long passage, and the traces of artificial construction are very obvious.

I wanted to go into the cave to take a look and complete the exploration by the way, but after thinking about it, Ye Qing drove this thought out of his mind again.

He was already satisfied with being able to let the system’s map light up this place and new exploration points appear, and as for the exploration, it was never too late to do it later.

The main thing is that he doesn’t know what is going on in this cave, if what the female pirate Furny said is true, then what kind of mechanism is inside, maybe it will cost his own life, and in the absence of preparation, it is better not to take this risk for the time being.

Thinking so, without any hesitation, Ye Qing directly beckoned Xiao Hei to go back.

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