Open the diary at will, looking at the dense English on it, Ye Qing is speechless, why does this crooked nut like to write a diary?

Seeing that he was rummaging through the diary, Zhao Ling said: “I saw it before and thought it should be useful and picked it up, or do you try to translate and translate?” ”

Ye Qing glanced at his lips, this girl is really vengeful, isn’t she a little more studious, speaks more English in front of you, and needs to ridicule herself so much?

He learned English quickly, but this has only been learning for a long time, less than two hours, where can he translate.

Handing the diary to Zhao Ling, he said, “Come on, you have to be a role model for your students as a teacher.” ”

Zhao Ling smiled and did not continue this topic, took the diary, and said: “Actually, I think this is a good learning tool for you, although your pronunciation and grammar are learned quickly, and there will be no more problems after almost speaking, but the amount of words is still very small, and this diary just allows you to remember more words.” ”

This time Ye Qing nodded seriously, Zhao Ling was right, if he followed Zhao Ling for a while, he believed that it was no problem for him to communicate with people, but Zhao Ling could not take every word apart for him to spell slowly, so he could only learn oral language from Zhao Ling, and now the appearance of this diary just made up for Ye Qing’s written learning.

Otherwise, although you can speak fluent English in the future, but you can’t understand the words, it will be a joke.

But this is all for later, and the priority now is to look at the contents of this diary, and maybe find some information about the fishing boat.

“The first part of the diary has been lost, and I can only read it from the middle.”

Zhao Ling said to Ye Qing after taking a look, and then began to translate the contents of the diary:

“The war is finally over, I can go back home in a week, many people are packing, and I want to be busy like them, but in fact, I don’t have anything to pack, I feel like I’m doing nothing…”

“…… After retiring, I always wanted to leave the army life quickly and go home, but the moment I took off my military uniform, I still couldn’t help crying, many people cried, I think the tears at this time are not shameful at all…”

“Life after retirement is not as good as I imagined, I don’t know anything except war over the years, the times have developed too fast, all kinds of new things are overwhelmed, shuttling between high-rise buildings every day, making me feel that this is more terrifying than the battlefield…”

“Another interview failed, this situation has been going on for half a year, the subsidies issued when I retired are almost exhausted, and if I can’t find a job, I’m afraid I will be exiled to the street to beg, the evil capital society!”

“I contacted my former comrades-in-arms, and their situation was similar to mine, a comrade-in-arms who lived on the West Coast Nate suggested whether to go over to his side to fish shrimp with him, and Sam and I readily agreed, I felt that after being silent for so long, my life should improve a little.”

“We used Nate’s house as collateral, borrowed a lot of money from the bank, and bought a shrimp boat from an old fisherman, probably because of the economic downturn, which cost a third less than we expected, which made us all happy, which is a good start.”

“The shrimp fishing business doesn’t seem to be as rosy as we thought, we didn’t catch a single shrimp for a whole month, and the only time we found something when we closed the net was a broken shoe… Our confidence was battered, and Sam complained all day about how nice it would be to stay in the troops…”

“It’s really fun to finally catch shrimp, does that mean we’re starting to start our business? If yes, then go ahead! I am full of confidence in the future! ”

“Nate left the shrimp boat, he still has a big son to feed, Sam and I didn’t stop him, in fact, our business is very bad, Sam already has a tendency to give up, I feel very painful, the bullets and bullets have not been able to make us abandon each other, and now a shrimp boat has made us part ways, and I am starting to hate the ship a little.”

“Today I had a big fight with Sam, he left angrily with things, finally I was left alone on the shrimp fishing boat, I also wanted to give up, but I don’t know why, there was always a force in my heart that pushed me forward, for Sam, I am sorry, for three months, the shrimp fishing business has been negative profits, Nate said that the bank has come several times, if you can’t repay the loan, you have to recycle his house, does our shrimp fishing business stop here?”

“…… I gave all the money to Nate, let him go to pay off part of the loan first, I decided to fight again, I heard that someone has a good harvest in the far sea, I plan to go and see, if there is no harvest, maybe I will sell the shrimp boat, I can’t let Nate go to hell with me…”

“I regretted it, I shouldn’t have driven so far, the weather at sea was changing rapidly, the storm was overwhelming, I had completely lost my way, the dark clouds were like a huge black marshmallow pressing towards my shrimp fishing boat, the air was desperate, layer after layer of waves were roaring at me, as if I had violated the majesty of the sea… My rudder is broken, and I’ll have to resign myself to fate…”

The diary ends here, a thick one, of course, it is impossible to finish reading, Zhao Ling just selected some more in line with the main line to read, but still showed the sadness and stubbornness of the hero who hit a wall everywhere after retiring from military service and finally decided to give it a go.

After Ye Qing listened, he was silent for a long time.

For every decision of the diary owner, he respects, but does not fully agree.

For example, sticking to a completely negative shrimp fishing boat is not a wise choice.

But he can’t say that this is wrong, if he changes to himself, after encountering ashes everywhere in his job search, he may die like the other party for this last life-saving straw.

I don’t know how long has passed, the two of them did not speak, Ye Qing and the others eased a little before faintly said: “It turns out that the net before was not used for fishing but for fishing, no wonder the mesh is so small.” ”

Zhao Ling rolled his eyes, ignored his nonsense, and frowned, “Do you say that the owner of this diary will also come to the island?” ”

Ye Qingdao: “I don’t rule out this possibility, I didn’t see the body on the boat, and I probably swam to the island like us, of course, I may have sunk to the bottom of the sea.” ”

…… The dividing line…

Group number: 701907629


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