Regarding the life and death of the owner of the diary, the two discussed casually and did not continue, now they have enough trouble, and they are World War II soldiers and islands, it can be said that there are more lice and are not afraid of itching, and they may not be suspicious to find trouble.

Remembering the generator he saw earlier, Ye Qing said: “By the way, I found a diesel generator today, which should be used to drive boats, it is relatively large, it is marked with a weight of 700KG, or I have to find a way to move it over.” ”

“If it comes with it on the ship, it must be fixed with the hull, and it takes a lot of effort to disassemble it.” Zhao Ling analyzed.

Ye Qing nodded and said, “Yes, and now we don’t have tools, and we haven’t found the toolbox before, I plan to take a look tomorrow, by the way, I found that the door panels on that ship are all wooden, maybe they can also be removed for our use.” ”

“Are we robbing like this?” Zhao Ling suddenly shrunk his head and said this.

Ye Qing was stunned, and thought carefully, if the owner of the diary, that is, the owner of the ship, was still alive, he really robbed himself by doing so.

Of course, Ye Qing would never admit this.

Stubbornly necked: “How can the survival thing be said to be robbery, it is borrowing, borrowing is good.” ”

Zhao Ling was amused by his appearance, and said with a smile: “Yes, yes, yes, yes, but if people really ask for it, can you still return it?” ”

“Then I have to fight with him!” Ye Qing said without hesitation, and then seemed to feel inappropriate, and said: “When it comes to the things in our hands, it is ours, and we still come to ask for it, it’s not robbery… Oh, no, which one are you? ”

“Hee-hee, of course it’s yours.”

Zhao Ling said with a smile, and then his face suddenly became serious, and said: “Ye Qing, you said that we have so many materials, all put together, will it be too unsafe?” ”

“What do you say?”

Ye Qing’s eyes narrowed, recently, this girl’s sense of danger has grown, and he plans to hear what Zhao Ling plans to do.

Zhao Ling said: “Look, we are not short of food and water now, it can be said that the basic survival is no problem, but there may be many people on the island now, not everyone may have our conditions, if our cave is discovered by others… Of course, I don’t want to speculate on others with the worst malice, but I just think that if only one person finds out that we have so many supplies, if they think badly… The so-called open gun is easy to dodge and the dark arrow is difficult to prevent, and if we are not careful to give us a sneak attack, then don’t we have to return to the pre-liberation overnight? Even lives are threatened. ”

After saying so much in one breath, Zhao Ling looked a little breathless, and then looked at Ye Qing nervously.

After all, she had been preparing for this idea for a long time, and she had no hope that the search and rescue team would find them.

She was a little worried that Ye Qing would reproach her for not having perseverance.

In fact, where would Ye Qing blame her, and she couldn’t wait to give this girl thirty likes.

Since this time, because of the existence of the system, Ye Qing can intuitively understand the mystery of this island more intuitively than Zhao Ling, and he is also the first to have the idea that the search and rescue team will not find himself.

And there are also cryptic transmission of this information to Zhao Ling, after all, if it is too blunt, this girl may not be able to accept it and collapse.

Unexpectedly, she actually figured it out by herself tonight, which is a good thing.

After Zhao Ling’s words fell, Ye Qing quickly answered: “You are right, I have actually been thinking about this for the past few days, and when I go out, I am also looking for a suitable place to be our second stronghold, or even the third and fourth strongholds, but I haven’t found anything satisfactory yet, so I still have to take this as the main task next.” ”

“Well, let’s go to that ship tomorrow and explore after one last wave.”

Zhao Ling said, as if he had thought of something, and said, “By the way, if we want to do this, do we have to classify the existing materials first, and then decide what to put where?” ”

This proposal was approved by Ye Qing’s hands again, if a new stronghold was found, then it would definitely be necessary to divert things out, at least to ensure that even if only one of the strongholds remained in the end, they would be able to recover quickly.

Anyway, the time was still early, and the two were not tired, and immediately began to count the materials.

After this calculation, even if the two guarded these things every day, they couldn’t help but be startled by their assets.

More than half a bag of rice, a large iron pot, almost a whole bag of potatoes, two radios, a pistol, a double-barreled shotgun, a sabre, a machete, three kitchen knives, two barrels of diesel, half a barrel of vegetable oil, a suitcase, several clothes, eighteen cans of cans, two boxes of whiskey, and some miscellaneous things.

For the background of being displaced to a desert island, these things can be regarded as local tyrants, not counting those wooden bed shelves and other things made on the island, after all, these things can be made at any time.

The two of them totaled, felt that the food was divided in half, and then machetes and kitchen knives and the like, there were many of them divided out as storage, if not, they were temporarily used, as for the steel pipes and steel bars and other iron products removed from the ship, they could not be used for the time being, and they were also classified as storage.

In short, what is currently used, half of what is used, and then what is not used, if you find a stronghold, save it all.

However, these things do not include potatoes, because this thing is not good to store, the environment is slightly humid, it is easy to germinate, and the sprouted potatoes are easy to poison if eaten.

So before that, you have to find a hidden place to open up, plant most of these potatoes, and leave only a small part to eat, anyway, there is no shortage of food now.

After discussing these, the time is not early, at least from the mechanical watch that Zhao Ling is carrying, it can be seen that it is already ten o’clock in the evening, although this time is not known to be accurate, but I believe it is similar.

However, because they were moving things and counting materials, both of them sweated, and after letting Xiao Hei look after the female pirate Furny in the cave, the two were ready to go out to take a bath and then come back to sleep.

Of course, it is washed separately.

Xiaolan was sent by Ye Qing to follow Zhao Ling, and if she had something, she could know it for the first time.

Well, it seems that Xiaolan can transmit the picture to her own mind? Do you want to peek?

Ye Qing thought badly, of course, he didn’t do that, and he seemed too obscene.

When taking a bath, Ye Qing looked at the system mall again, and found that there was still one day to refresh, and he could only look at the remaining 166 points and sigh, he had always felt that he wanted to buy everything, but he didn’t expect that there was still a surplus now.

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