Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1319 Waterfall View Room Rubber Tree

Outside, a contest has been launched.

And on the island, the 200th day officially begins.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi set off again to find a suitable place to build a house.

Yesterday can be said to have achieved nothing, which made many viewers feel a little disappointed.

This is not Ye Han.

However, during the two hundred days, this situation has also occurred, which is a normal phenomenon.

Continue to look at it next, and there will definitely be discoveries, after all, it is a new area.

After breakfast, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi led the team to Bisheng Mountain Waterfall.

As usual, rest for a while at the big bluestone next to the waterfall, and two buffaloes go to take a shower.

"Boss, there were still many good places yesterday."

"You just don't look down on it."

Su Xiaoqi sat beside Ye Han and rubbed Ye Han's back and shoulders.

"Go to the left."

"It's a little itchy here, yes, it's here, use a little force, it's comfortable."

"Xiao Qi, those places all look okay, but they all have shortcomings."

"Don't worry, we live in the house, and I can't fool you."

Ye Han said while enjoying Su Xiaoqi's massage service.

Su Xiaoqi also nodded.

The main reason was that there was no gain at all yesterday, and she couldn't find a suitable place, so she was a little anxious.

But Ye Han is right, this matter can't be rushed or fooled.

Next, they move on.

There is no need to check the places that have been passed yesterday, so the speed is very fast.

When it was near noon, they had come to the new area.

But for now, stop and eat.

Su Xiaoqi started cooking, and the aroma spread.

Ye Han was watching the movement around him, in case any dangerous creatures approached.

However, no danger has yet been found.

But Ye Han knew that this was only temporary.

As you move on, you will surely encounter some dangerous creatures, impossible not to.

"It's already noon, why hasn't Ye Han found out yet?"

"There isn't even a suitable place to live. Could it be that Ye Han's luck has failed?"

"Okay, everyone says that every time, can't you be a little more patient?"

"Let's see, I feel that the harvest is coming soon, and the place to live has to be chosen."

"I still think there's no need to come here to build a house, just because Su Xiaoqi, she is such a troublesome woman!"

"You don't have a girlfriend, so that's why you say that?"

"I came to watch their live broadcast, just to watch their daily life. I dream of having a boyfriend like Ye Han. How good he is to Xiao Qi."

"People who say Xiao Qi is bad, pay attention to me, don't let me scold you!"


Some people started to blame Su Xiaoqi, it is true that everyone has it.

What does Ye Han want to do, is it his turn to point fingers?

Su Xiaoqi wanted a house where she could see the waterfall, and Ye Han would definitely satisfy her if she could.

For Ye Han, the most precious thing in his life is not the luck bonus given by the will of the world, nor is it a lot of wealth or fiery popularity.

It was Su Xiaoqi.

A person, if he is not good to the woman he loves, what should he do?

After lunch, Ye Han led the team onwards.

Although I was doing this yesterday and today, in fact, the progress is not high.

Because this is a new area, you need to be more careful, and when you move forward, you have to open the way, chop off the plants in the way, and open a way.

Therefore, the speed of advancement is not fast, and it is not far from the position of Bisheng Mountain Waterfall.

Another hour or so passed.

Ye Han stopped to look back at Bisheng Mountain, looked back at the waterfall, and looked at the surrounding situation.

He felt that he should have found a good place.

Now, in the area where he is standing, the plants are of course dense, but it will be better than the place where he is standing, and it is easier to clean up.

And here is a bifurcation of the river, branching out into a stream.

Standing here and looking back, you can see the waterfall of Bisheng Mountain, which is flying straight down, and the scenery is quite good.

At the same time, it meets the conditions of low water noise and moderate humidity.

It's totally feasible to build a house here.

"Little Qi, take a look."

"I think this position is good." M..

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi quickly looked at it, her expression became surprised. "Wow!"

"This place is so good! Boss, you are amazing. I looked at it just now, but I didn't find it good!"

Su Xiaoqi exclaimed.

Ye Han stinks all of a sudden.


"It's strange if you can find it. I've been looking for a place, but I don't know what you're doing."

Ye Han said.

What he meant was to mock Su Xiaoqi for being stupid.

Su Xiaoqi gritted her teeth and glared at him.

"I'm not making ice cream for you today!"

She threatened Ye Han with ice cream.

"Deduct your 10,000-year salary!"

Ye Han's salary deduction method seems very weak.

The audience all laughed.

"Ye Han is just that. It's too pale."

"Hahaha, what is the salary deduction, it doesn't hurt or itches, little Ye Han, it's ridiculous."

"Don't talk nonsense, our boss Ye is not small at all. I saw it last time."

"Yes, yes, I saw it too, I can see it through my pants, it's so big!"

"No, why are you driving again?"

"Sure enough, if a woman becomes lustful, then there is nothing to do with a man."

"But they finally found a good place, and they're going to build a house here."

"Yes, yes, there is a sea view room on the other side of the tidal flat, so should this be called a waterfall view room?"


The audience is talking.

Everyone was also very emotional, and finally found a suitable place.

Indeed, they looked at it from the perspective of Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, and found that this place is indeed suitable for building a house, and they can just see the waterfall.

But Ye Han wasn't in a hurry to start building a house.

For the rest of the day, he plans to continue exploring the surrounding area, and then go back to the wooden house at the foot of Bisheng Mountain to rest.

Building a house is definitely not a matter of one or two days, so take your time.

They moved on, and this time Su Xiaoqi's mood finally brightened.

I finally found a suitable place. I will come here from time to time for a few days in the future, and I can see the waterfall through the window. How beautiful!

She was still humming, bouncing behind Ye Han's ass.

Seeing her so happy, Ye Han also showed a doting smile.

The audience is naturally the aunt laughing.

At this time, there were tall trees in front of them.

Ye Han glanced at it, stopped, and raised his eyebrows.

"Tsk, I finally found it."

Ye Han said with a smile.

Su Xiaoqi also stopped and looked around, but found nothing.

"Boss, what did you say you found?"

"Why didn't I see anything?"

Su Xiaoqi asked.

Ye Han turned around and pinched Su Xiaoqi's little nose.

"Little fool."

"I'm talking about trees."

"Look at those trees in front of you, do you know them?"

Ye Han said with a smile.

Hearing the words "little fool", Su Xiaoqi's face flushed.

Such a doting title is really...

But she looked carefully and didn't know what kind of tree it was.

To her, the trees were actually all the same, and it was difficult to tell them apart.

It's the same for most viewers.

There are so many types of trees, how to distinguish them?

In addition to the more obvious features, there are many similar in appearance.

"do not know!"

Su Xiaoqi pouted and said to Ye Han.

Ye Han didn't continue to whet her appetite, but told her.

"It's a rubber tree!"

After listening, Su Xiaoqi opened her mouth in surprise.

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