Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1320 Unable To Wait For The Encounter

rubber tree!

It turned out to be a rubber tree!

No wonder, no wonder Ye Han said just now that he had finally found it.

There's a reason for this.

Long before going to the island, Ye Han told Su Xiaoqi that there must be rubber trees on the island, and they can try to make rubber at that time.

However, until now, it has been two hundred and one days before Ye Han finally discovered the rubber tree.

Su Xiaoqi had forgotten all about it, but now that Ye Han said this, she remembered it.

The audience was also excited, Ye Han finally made a big discovery!

There are still many rubber trees here, one after another, which can produce a large amount of natural latex.

In fact, the audience has already done relevant statistics.

There should be sixteen groups of players who have encountered rubber trees on the island.

Among the contestants who recognized the rubber tree, there were eight groups, and only half of them recognized the rubber tree.

The other eight groups just walked over without recognizing the rubber tree.

Among the eight groups of contestants who recognized the rubber tree, there were only two groups that exploited the rubber tree.

That's Leng Feng and Li Guang, and Bill of Pretty Country.

Now, I will add Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi.

"Rubber is very useful."

"Things like wheels, soles, these things are made of rubber."

"There is another very important thing, and that is a family planning product."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi with a smile.

Su Xiaoqi was already an adult, not a child, of course she knew what Ye Han was talking about.

She suddenly became vigilant.

Ye Han is indeed a responsible man and didn't do that kind of thing to her on the island.

One of the reasons is because there are no security measures.

If Su Xiaoqi becomes pregnant, then basically say goodbye to the game.

But now, having discovered the rubber tree, Su Xiaoqi suddenly felt a little nervous.

If Ye Han had made something similar out of rubber, would he have...  

"Xiao Qi, what are you thinking about?"

"Tell me about it?"

Ye Han came over with a wicked smile.

Suddenly, Su Xiaoqi widened her eyes and stared at Ye Han.

"What do you think! What do you say!"

"Nothing at all!"

Su Xiaoqi shouted sternly.


"Don't think about it, I don't have that ability."

"You can come and tap the rubber later, but the biggest use is to strengthen the sole of the shoe, or to waterproof the house."

"Some other functions can't be done on the island."

Ye Han spread his hands and said.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoqi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But on the surface, she just hummed and taunted Ye Han.


"I know all this, I don't need you to tell me."

In fact, she really didn't know.

Ye Han didn't pierce her either.

There are some other little knowledge that Ye Han didn't tell her at all.

For example, the ancients did not have the current family planning products, and the ancients used strange things.

Like what kind of sheep intestines, fish bubbles these things.

Just thinking about it makes me sick, which is unacceptable to modern people.

Like some people in other countries, some seem to be taking some special plants, which can achieve the effect of contraception.

Afterwards, Ye Han looked at the large number of rubber trees in front of him, and he had already listed the step-by-step process of making rubber.

He felt that the problem was not a big deal, mainly because he had sulphur in his hand, which should be the focus.

The audience is also talking. "Ye Han found the rubber tree, and he still has sulfur!"

"Yes, if Ye Han makes rubber, then what he makes must be the best."

"The ones made by Bill before, and those made by Brother Feng, are all pirated rubber."

"The pirated version is actually okay, now Brother Feng doesn't have to worry about the soles of the shoes."

"What is Brother Feng doing today, when will they return to the fourth base?"

"Speaking of this, I just came over from Brother Feng. Brother Feng and the others plan to leave tomorrow."

"What about the big wild boar in the cave, has it been killed?"

"Well, the one who just died should still be hot, so pitiful!"


The picture came to the cold wind side.

As the little tiger is completely weaned and starts to eat meat, the big wild boar without milk is useless.

Just now, Leng Feng made a move and killed the big wild boar.

Now, Leng Feng and Li Guang are dealing with wild boar.

After the processing is completed, it can be taken away tomorrow and returned to their fourth base.

Some viewers call this place the fifth base, which is actually a bit reluctant, because there is only a shack built here.

And don't forget, they have five little pigs!

During this time, the piglets also grew up.

But it was not yet time to slaughter, so Leng Feng and Li Guang decided to bring all the five little pigs back to raise them.

At that time, we will get a pigsty out and raise piglets, and then slaughter and eat meat when the piglets grow up.

There is the other side, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong.

The two of them went again today and brought back all the beef they couldn't bring back yesterday.

After Tang Hong recovered, she was very strong, and it was no problem to carry such a trip.

It is completely relieved to have all the beef back.

Otherwise, you always have to worry about the beef, for fear that the animals in the jungle will steal the beef.

In fact, the beef did lose some.

But for the beef base, very little was lost, so neither of them noticed anything.

Then there are a lot of them, and there is one missing piece, who can see it?

Time passed, and Ye Han had already led the team to go back.

Not bad today, found a suitable place to build a house and also found rubber trees.

You can come over tomorrow to perform various operations, prepare first, and then go back to your hometown the day after tomorrow.

At this time, a large number of viewers gathered in Abigail's live broadcast room.

Because tonight, Abigail will be able to meet the Chinese Buddhism and Taoism group!

This thing, that's a lot of attention.

Many believed that this would represent the end of Abigail.

Everyone was very excited and stayed in Abigail's live broadcast room.

No way, there is no picture in the live broadcast room of the Buddhist and Taoist group.

Go and see a black screen.

What makes people uncomfortable is that soon, Abigail's side also becomes a black screen!

Abigail didn't even eat earthworms, so she closed the live broadcast!

"What's the situation?"

"Grass, have you waited for so long?"

"We didn't meet, why did Abigail turn off the live broadcast and didn't eat the earthworms?"

"Is it because he's not hungry, so he doesn't eat?"

"It's gone, the two sides have rested, and we can't meet tonight."

"I'm looking forward to it. Let's see it tomorrow. We should be able to meet tomorrow."

"I can only wait for tomorrow, how can I sleep tonight, I won't sleep!"


There was a lot of scolding all over the net. .

Because of the long-awaited encounter, I can't see it tonight.

Have to wait until tomorrow to see it.

In fact, what everyone doesn't know is that there will be no meeting tomorrow.

Because Abigail is going to start tonight, to steal meat, and then escape from here, and meet a fart!

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