Ye Han's rubber has been developed successfully!

This is also the third time someone has made rubber on the island.

The first two times, one was Bill, and the other was Lengfeng and Li Guang.

It's just that they don't have sulfur in their hands, so the rubber they make is even worse.

Nothing compares to Ye Han's rubber.

Ye Han has sulfur and his rubber is vulcanized.

The vulcanized rubber has high elasticity, heat resistance, no stickiness, and is not easy to break.

The rubber on the market is basically vulcanized.

In fact, there are only two simple words for vulcanization, but there is also a lot of knowledge in it.

For example, there are direct and indirect vulcanization, as well as hot vulcanization and cold vulcanization, as well as the amount of vulcanizing agent, the length of vulcanization time, and so on.

Any change in data will also cause a change in the quality of the final rubber product.

A modern factory assembly line naturally has strict restrictions and qualitative requirements, and you can get the excuse you want in the end.

But Ye Han's side is purely based on feeling, relying on luck.

As it turns out, Ye Han's luck was no problem.

He casually threw a handful of sulphur powder into the pot, and after stirring it evenly, the vulcanization was completed.

"We'll have rubber in the future!"

"Hahaha, first mend all the soles of all the shoes."

Ye Han said with a smile.

He and Su Xiaoqi have a total of four pairs of shoes. In addition to the two pairs originally distributed by the program group, there are also two pairs from two Asan.

As for Ye Han shooting Abigail later, neither he nor Su Xiaoqi thought to pick up Abigail's clothes and shoes.

Soon, all four pairs of shoes were repaired.

The bottom of the shoe is covered with a layer of rubber that slowly solidifies.

"Ye Han's rubber, as you can tell, is better than Bill's, Leng Feng's and Li Guang's."

"Nonsense, this step of vulcanization is quite critical."

"Yes, I work in a rubber factory. Vulcanized and unvulcanized are two completely different things."

"From my experience, Ye Han still has a lot of steps to be done, but it's not bad to be like this."

"What else do you need a bike for? It's fine now. I want it all. My soles are broken, and I don't have the money to buy new shoes."

"I wear slippers all year round, and they are still disposable slippers from the hotel. My mother brought them back to me as a cleaning agent in the hotel. I think they are really good to wear."


Then, the audience began to discuss another issue.

Now the rubber thing has also been taken care of by Ye Han.

So what should Ye Han do?

There is food to eat, a place to live, and there is nothing left. Ye Han has no goals!

This program group also got a vote here for everyone to choose.

First, lie flat.

Second, continue to explore new areas.

In fact, there are only two options.

You can never retire.

The vast majority of the audience chose the second place and continued to explore new areas. Everyone also hoped that Ye Han could continue to explore new areas.

Although it may be dangerous to explore new areas, but for Ye Han, it really doesn't matter.

There are not many things on the island that can threaten Ye Han's safety now.

For ordinary danger, Ye Han didn't need to take action, and the animals under his command would deal with it.

The audience is still talking a lot here, looking forward to Ye Han exploring the new area quickly and bringing you more highlights.

Others expressed their hope that Ye Han could win steadily.

For the remaining more than 100 days, I can't take risks without taking risks.

Both sides hold their own words, and what they say also makes sense.

As for Ye Han, he planned to slow down first.

For the rest of the day, we will drink tea and chat.

Then go dig some coal tomorrow. Now Ye Han still has some coal in his hand, which can be used for a while.

But definitely not enough to use until the end of the game.

So sooner or later, we have to dig coal.

With coal, most of the time, there is no need to pick up firewood and cut branches, which is very convenient.

Intermittent coal mining, then going back and forth between the hometown and Bisheng Mountain, and then exploring new areas, this is Ye Han's plan.

"Okay, Ye Han has got the rubber."

"Then he started drinking tea, and there is nothing to watch for the time being."

"Let's gossip about small talk, and let's inquire about intelligence, gogogo!"

In Ye Han's live broadcast room, Sister Zhou, who was in charge of today's commentary, shouted.

At the same time, he also made exaggerated movements, waving his own arms.

Today, she is wearing cooler clothes, and the audience is quite feasted.

Unfortunately, she can speak.

Sister Zhou, who can talk, really makes people feel very contradictory!

This can be seen from Teacher Ma's expression on the side.

Teacher Ma was speechless.

On the other side, the picture came to Leng Feng and Li Guang.

Now most of the audience are coming for Huzi, all to see Huzi.

Li Guang finally failed to persuade the cold wind.

In desperation, he followed Leng Feng and went on a journey to find other players' houses.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, if he is willing to settle down in one place, his life will not be worse than Ye Han."

"He's like this now, I'm really afraid that one day he will overturn the car."

In the hospital, Di Tian watched the live broadcast and said.

He got two mobile phones and one tablet to watch live broadcasts, and he was very busy every day.

People in the hospital ward are busier than anyone else.

Eyes are going to bloom!

In contrast, Xue Liang appears to be more Buddhist.

Take it slow, you can always finish it, don't be in such a hurry.

Anyway, for the current situation, I already know it in my heart. Shenzhou Kingdom has a very large chance of winning, and it can even be said that the championship has been locked in advance, so there is no panic at all.

"Brother Feng is such a character."

"If he wasn't like that, then he wouldn't have the strength."

Xue Liang said while drinking a bottle of Master Kong's green tea.

The two were visibly rounded up.

Even the things that I used to have some taboos and were not very willing to eat can now be eaten very fragrantly.

No matter what, it's better than eating on the island!

Basically, everyone who comes back from the island and is still alive will gain weight.

"makes sense."

"Do you still have that green tea? Bring me a bottle."

Di Tian said, asked Xue Liang for a bottle of green tea, and drank it.

"It's delicious!"

"Ye Han is drinking tea too, but it's definitely not as good as our green tea."

Di Tian said with a smile.

"That's different. People drink tea, and we drink beverages."

"You're staring at the scenery CP group, I'm going to see the two female generals in the gold medal team!"

Xue Liang said and came to the live broadcast room of the gold medal team.

Counting the time, the gold medal team should be about to arrive at the location where the Blood Sealed Throat Tree is located, right?

After entering the live broadcast room, Xue Liang saw that many viewers like him were waiting.

At present, it has not yet reached the place, and how long it will take. It is estimated that only the program team and a few big bosses like cat detectives can know.

However, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong had a smooth journey and never encountered any danger. Instead, they obtained some prey to supplement their food reserves.

In response to the audience's request, the program team also issued a statement.

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