Because the audience wants to know how long it will take for the gold medal team to reach the place where the Blood Sealed Throat Tree is located.

Therefore, the Shenzhouguo program group finally gave an answer.

"If there is no accident, tomorrow morning, the two gold medal team can arrive at their destination."

"In addition, tomorrow morning, the big guy whose id is a cheerful netizen will come to the live broadcast room as a guest."

The announcement immediately made the audience excited.

Good things come in pairs!

Tomorrow, the Gold Squad can get a replenishment of Venom.

And there will also be big bosses coming to the live broadcast room to give everyone benefits.

A large number of spectators are all eager to try and gear up.

And many people started to burn incense to worship Ye Han.

There are also people who worship orphans...

It's not that people are crazy, it's because it's so rare to get huge rewards without a threshold!

Last time, there were ten Mercedes-Benz cars that Miaoju gave away, and they were given to ten lucky audiences.

Among them, two people who were not poor in money chose to ask for this car.

The remaining eight people all chose to discount.

According to some of the information they themselves revealed, they all changed their lives with this award.

For those who owe a mortgage, the 800,000 yuan was paid back, and it was almost finished, which greatly relieved the pressure and felt that my breathing was much easier.

Those who didn’t want to go to work immediately quit their jobs and traveled across the country with 800,000 yuan. They were at ease.

There are those who can't get a wife, and they get 800,000 yuan. Even if the woman has a Little Brother at home, she can still give it a try!

Of course, it is not recommended to marry Fudimo here, because it is a bottomless pit.

Although I still don't know what Cheerful Ju wants to give everyone, I guess it's not bad.

The audience is all looking forward to it.


In the various live broadcast rooms at this time, there is nothing wrong for the time being.

Netizens are discussing fiercely and sending barrages constantly.

There are also foreign netizens who also join in the fun in the live broadcast room, looking forward to tomorrow's lottery draw.

So far, no foreign netizens have won the grand prize.

They have won some small prizes, but they also want big prizes!

In fact, the poor in foreign countries are not much better off than the poor in China, or even worse.

They also need a lot of money to change their lives.

But there is no doubt that in terms of the population of China, the probability of them winning the grand prize is higher.

At this time, in the official live broadcast room, the picture was given to Batu and Bileg.

Although the two have separated, the live broadcast room is still one live broadcast room, not divided into two live broadcast rooms.

It's just that the live screen is split into two pieces.

"Batu, the hippo rider, is carrying his hippo meat."

"The hippo died on the 231st day. Today is the 232nd day. This hippo has been completely disposed of."

"And this transportation process is likely to take at least two days."

In the official live broadcast room, De Ye explained.

Batu alone, the amount of hippo meat that can be transported in each trip is likely to be relatively limited.

This can also be seen from Batu's ugly face at this time.

In the live broadcast, Batu was carrying a vine backpack filled with hippopotamus meat behind his back.

There is a bag hanging on his chest, and each hand is also carrying a bag.

There are four packs of hippo meat in total.

He was carrying a heavy load in the jungle, and after a while, his whole body was soaked.

After walking for another half an hour, he finally stopped, panting and sitting on the ground.

Take a look at his own hand, which has been strangled with red marks.

The shoulders are also very painful, you don't need to look at them to know that they are pressed and ground. "hiss!"

"Is it so difficult to carry four packs of meat at a time?"

Batu has some doubts about life.

How can his homemade vine bag be compared to the backpack distributed by the show team?

In terms of capacity and comfort, it is far from enough.

So the moving process will be very difficult.

"He made sixteen packets of hippo meat in total."

"When you bring four packs at a time, you have to go back and forth four times, but in this situation, I think he's about the same with two packs at a time."

Bei Ye also shook his head and said.

Batu never imagined that he killed the hippo with all his strength, but the problem he is facing now is even more difficult than killing the hippo!

"Blegg, I tick you!"

Batu slammed the ground with his fist and scolded.

After resting for a while, he sighed and continued on the hard way.

At this time, Lord Bei and Lord De also began to explain the other half of the pictures in the live broadcast room, that is, the pictures belonging to Bileger.

Bileg doesn't know yet, but Batu scolds him every day.

During this period of time, Bileg also often thought about Batu and guessed Batu's situation.

But it's not enough to scold Batu.

In Bileg's view, this is because the two people parted ways due to different ideas, and there is really nothing to be angry about.

Batu wants to continue to deal with the hippo, and Bileg wants to seek stability and chooses to move.

There's nothing wrong with either of them.

"It's too hot, rinse in the stream, cool down."

Bileg wiped the sweat from his forehead, found a stream, and lay directly in it.


The cool stream washed over his body, causing Bileg to let out a sigh of relief.

"It's so comfortable!"

Blegg lay there, narrowing his eyes.

He doesn't yet know what his own teammates are going through.

"Bleger is currently resting in the stream."

"However, there is little progress on his side, because he is going to move, and everyone knows that finding a suitable place to live is not an easy task."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye explained.

From the current point of view, it must be that Batu's situation is better.

Although Batu is very tired now, at least he has a lot of food in his hands, and he only eats it by himself.

That's enough for a long time.

But Bileg had no food in his hands, only enough for him to eat for two or three days, so he had to save it.

Now there are many viewers online who are betting on which of the two will retire first.

Most of the audience chose Beleg.

I think Blegg will retire first, and Batu can hold on for a longer period of time.

Of course, everyone thought that from the time the two separated, it had been determined that they would both be eliminated, and it was impossible to persist until the end.

"It hurts to death!"

Just as everyone was discussing, Batu couldn't hold on anymore.

He threw the vine bag full of hippo meat in his hand to the ground, kicked it hard, and cursed.

The audience also saw that both of his hands were covered with red streaks, and some of them were even purple.

Many said painful memories began to take hold.

Because this kind of thing, basically everyone has experienced it.

Go to the supermarket and go home with a big plastic bag. When you go back, your hands will be strangled like this, so you have to take a while.

At this time, Batu collapsed a little. He sat on the ground panting heavily, doubting his life.

If this goes on, when will I be able to complete the transfer?

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