There is no doubt that it is not acceptable to carry it like this.

Batu felt that if he really carried it like this, he might die in the process of carrying it.

It's so deadly!

He threw all the packages full of hippo meat on the ground and lay there to rest.

This scene also made the audience all start to discuss.

"Look at how tired he is, I can see the sweat on his face."

"Even if this hippo is dead, he will continue to torture Batu. How much hatred is this?"

"It's terrifying. In fact, Hippo has already calculated everything and foreseen the future!"

"It's not right, am I the only one who thinks it's wrong? Logically speaking, Batu won't be so tired!"

"To be honest, I also think it's a bit outrageous, and I feel that Batu is a bit false!"

"It should be because I used up too much physical strength before, and I haven't recovered yet."


A large number of barrages are surging, and the audience is constantly discussing.

Some viewers feel that Batu's situation seems not quite right.

Even if the consumption was relatively large before, it is not as it is now.

It's completely understandable that my hand hurts from being strangled. It will definitely hurt my hand.

But not so tired that he lay on the ground panting heavily.

So some people speculate that Batu may be suffering from heat stroke!

You know, before that, some players on the island had already retired due to heat stroke.

Heat stroke, the most severe form of heat stroke, is essentially the same condition.

Could it be that Batu is hot?

It would be much better if a teammate could take care of him at such a time.

It's a pity that Batu and Bileg have already branched house, and the two are no longer teammates fighting side by side, but parted ways.

In contrast, although the current Batu has more food in his hands, Bileg is more relaxed and more comfortable.

On the other side, Bileg took a dip in the stream for a while, then got up and moved on.

"To be honest, after the two separated, the status quo is actually not good."

"Although Batu has a lot of food, he can't support it alone, and now it's a big problem just how to transport the meat back.".

"As for Bileg, he has no place to live and no food."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye explained.

"Well, it does."

"If Bileg changes his mind at this time and goes back to find Batu, then the problem will be solved."

"But I don't think Bileg will go back."

Dee said.

The audience also agrees with this.

Bileg's temper is indeed not as violent as Batu's, but everyone can see that the things he looks for will not change easily.

To put it bluntly, he is also very pivotal, otherwise he would not have ended up retire from the competition.

Maybe when the game is over in the future, both of them will retire, and when they meet again, there will be a smile and a grudge.

But definitely not now.

Time passed, and Batu returned to the place where he killed the hippo.

The big hole has been buried by him with soil, and there are some hippo bones and other things in it, all buried.

At this time, Batu was thinking about how to transport the hippo meat.

He has two ideas.

The first is to live here directly and build a small shack to live here.

But after careful consideration, he rejected the idea.

In contrast, it is definitely more comfortable and safer to live in that wooden house.

If he lived here, he couldn't guarantee that there were no dangerous creatures in the river.

Second, that is to find a labor-saving way to transport.

But this is also quite difficult. Now many viewers are discussing online, if you put yourself in the role of Batu, how to solve this problem?

Some people say that it takes a few more trips, the big deal is that it takes ten days and a half months, and it can always be shipped back.

Some people say, go to the river to find a hippo, tame the hippo, and let the hippo help carry it.

Someone else said to send Ye Han a WeChat message and ask Ye Han to help.

This is purely a joke, after all that, no one can think of a good way to come out.

Batu couldn't think of any better way.

Because usually the people in the team who make plans are basically Bileg, otherwise the family is a wise man.


Batu sat there, nibbling on the hippo meat, and scolded.

He killed all the hippos, and now he is stumped by the problem of transporting hippo meat, which is outrageous!

"No matter how much, just move it directly!"

Batu bit the hippo meat fiercely and muttered to himself.

And this also gave a bad premonition in the hearts of many viewers.

He is so reckless, it feels like an accident could easily happen!

After eating a meal of hippo meat, Batu lay down by the campfire and went to sleep.

As the sky darkened, most of the players on the island began to sleep and rest.

And nothing happened all night.

One night passed, the next day came, and the time for the competition came to the 233rd day.

Many viewers stayed up all night because they were waiting for the big guy to come to the live broadcast room to send money.

And fantasize about what to spend if you hit the jackpot.

So excited all night can not sleep well, can not sleep.

"Hahaha, it's finally my turn to play!"

Outside Ye Han's live studio studio, a man in a tailored suit rubs his hands.

But on his feet, he was wearing a pair of flip-flops.

This contrast made many staff members who passed by couldn't help but take a second glance, which turned heads.

He didn't know why, and he didn't even notice he was wearing a pair of sandals.

This is the cheerful netizen, referred to as cheerful giant.

Next, he took a deep breath, opened the door and walked into the studio.

Today his partner is Xiao Tuanzi, and Xiao Tuanzi has long been waiting in the studio.

"Wow, it's a cheerful giant!"

Seeing the cheerful giant, the small group immediately welcomed it, and the audience in the live broadcast room welcomed it even more, and the barrage began to roll wildly.

"Hahaha, hello little dumpling, hello everyone, I'm a cheerful netizen!"

"It doesn't matter whether it is huge or not, I just want to come here to give everyone welfare!"

Cheerful said with a big smile.

His words just touched the hearts of the audience.

"The Cheerful Giant is real!"

"Yes, yes, hurry up and send benefits, I can't wait!"

"Cheerful Ju is so handsome, even the flip-flops on his feet look so tasteful!"

"Huh? I didn't find out if you didn't tell me, the suit is equipped with flip-flops, what kind of match is this?"

"Did you go out in a hurry and forgot to wear leather shoes?"

"How is it possible, the boss must have done it on purpose, we poor people don't understand this kind of taste, wait for the lottery!"


After seeing everyone's barrage, Cheerful Ju then looked down.

Only then did he realize that he was wearing sandals!


Because he usually wears it like this, flip-flops, big pants, this suit is specially customized for him to be a guest.

And also customized a pair of expensive leather shoes, but forgot to wear them!

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