Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1502 Rounding Up Is One Hundred Million

After seeing the expression on the cheerful and giant face, many viewers immediately understood.

It turns out that he really forgot to change his shoes!

Immediately, everyone laughed.

"Small problem, small problem."

"Let's draw a lottery first and send gifts!"

With a big wave of cheerful hands, he went straight to the point.

good, very good!

The audience immediately stopped bothering about the sandals.

All of them are swiping the screen, saying that they are cheerful and awesome!

This makes Cheongju very happy.

"Hahaha, everyone praises me so much, I want to change my screen name."

"I can't be called cheerful netizens in the future, but happy netizens, hahahaha!"

Cheerful said with a big smile.

Next, he started the lottery.

It's still the old rule, come up first to warm up and serve some small appetizers.

Send the computer first!

"That's right, I have a computer city under my name."

"Anyone with a lot of computers in hand, a desktop, a laptop, or a tablet is fine."

"Well, let's send a thousand units of each type first."

Cheerful Ju said, and started the lottery.

Send a thousand units first, desktop computers.

A lot of viewers jumped right in.

A lot of people want a desktop computer, but only get a cheap laptop and make do with it.

If you want to play a game, will that work?

To play the game, you have to use a desktop computer with a big screen, so that's fun!

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room is very explosive. Even people who don't need a computer can choose to discount it and exchange it for a sum of money.

Desktops, laptops, tablets, all delivered quickly.

"It seems a bit small, it's not enough to send!"

"It took less than ten minutes, and it was all delivered?"

Cheerful scratched his head and frowned.

"Cheerful Ju, you delivered it too fast."

The small group whispered to him.

This guy doesn't stop, crazy screenshots and lottery draws, which is of course faster.

"oh oh."

"It seems to be a bit fast, then I'll add something."

"I recently bought a vr game console. It's a head-mounted vr glasses and two controllers. There are a lot of games in it. It's very fun."

"I'll send another thousand of this game console!"

Having said that, he continued to start the lottery.

good guy!

Many people know this thing and want it very much, but are reluctant to buy it.

Because the price is also two or three thousand, and many people's salary is only two or three thousand a month, where would they be willing to buy it?

Well now, Cheerful Giant is giving away directly!

The live broadcast room was full of barrage, surging frantically.

As for the content of the live broadcast, not many people care.

Poor Ye Han, was leading the team to the coal mine cave.

He made arrangements yesterday to dig coal today.

Ye Han's team was very large, with a total of four cows, an eagle, and a monkey.

In this terrifying lineup, if they encounter other players at this time, I am afraid that other players will immediately cross the robbery, and they will be cut to the outside and tender.

At this time Ye Han had come to the entrance of the cave.

"Tsk, time flies so fast, it feels like dealing with the wild boar family and the tigers here is like yesterday."

Ye Han sighed with emotion.

Time flies really fast.

Then, he turned on the flashlight and led the team inside.

Jiutian flew away directly, Ye Han let it play by himself.

All other animals followed into the cave, especially cattle, which could act as laborers and be responsible for transporting coal mines.

Big girl, little Hanhan, Da Huang, all of them have been here.

But Er Niu'er and Little Lightning came for the first time.

Er Niu'er was a little resistant at first, after all, this is a cave, a little narrow and a little dark. As for Little Lightning, her eyes widened and she was very curious.

This little guy opened his eyes soon and wanted to take a closer look at everything.

"It's alright, second girl."

"do not be afraid."

Su Xiaoqi comforted Er Niuer softly.

And under the leadership of the big sister, the big girl, the second girl quickly calmed down and followed Ye Han forward.

Soon, they came to the location of the coal mine.

"Go to work!"

"You can just wait here."

Ye Han said, the coal mining has already started.

In the dim cave, there is only the light of the flashlight, let alone the feeling of working in the mine.

What Ye Han doesn't know yet is that no one is watching him dig coal now.

Everyone's attention is on the cheerful giant.

Qian Neng was able to communicate with God, and this wave of Cheerful Ju directly stole Ye Han's fans.

The vr game consoles were all sent out soon, and Cheerful Ju still felt unsatisfied.

"The quantity is too small, it's not fun to send it, and it will be gone in a while!"

"Wait a minute, everyone, I'll make a call and ask about the warehouse."

Saying that, Cheerful Ju started making calls in the live broadcast room.

"Hey, um, it's me."

"Hahaha, how is it, have you seen me, am I handsome?"

"Okay, I'll give you a raise!"

Cheerful Ju patted his thighs and laughed. It seemed that the employee on the other end of the phone was very happy.

Then he compared to the camera.

"We've drawn four kinds of prizes earlier, and now we'll add 2,000 prizes to each!"

"If it weren't for my lack of strength, I would even want to give one to every audience!"

Said with great regret.

The audience was moved to tears.

Good man!

How can there be such a good person?


The little dumpling on the side couldn't help taking a deep breath.

She calculated it in her heart, and she had already sent 4,000 pieces.

Now add 2,000 of each, that's 8,000, and then add up, 12,000!

Just sending all these things out, the total value is tens of millions!

Can this be called an appetizer?

What is the grand prize?

Just outrageous!

How much money does the cheerful giant have in his hands?

Some viewers also calculated in their hearts, and then they were shocked.

"Wait, have you ever thought that this wave of cheerful giants will send gifts worth tens of millions!"

"Round up, that's one hundred million!"

"Fuck, is it true?"

"Me too, that's about it!"

"Don't worry, when we bought it, the price must be high, but for Cheerful Giant, the cost price should not be so exaggerated."

"That's not much less, no matter how you say it, it has to be in the tens of millions!"

"Boss, please accept my knee, do you still have a toilet in your house?"


Not that I don't know, but I was startled.

Cheerful giant is invincible!

"Hahaha, as long as you are happy, money is a trivial matter!"

"To be honest, I don't care about money, and I haven't seen it before. Money is something that you don't bring in life or death. If you care too much, you won't be happy."

Cheerful giant said lightly.

Many viewers burst into tears with envy, if only I could be as free and easy as you.

Next, the process of this lottery began to be done by the small group.

This is also the latest request from the show team, because Cheong-Gi-Oh sent it too fast. The show team is afraid that if he is happy, he will give away all his family property. What should we do?

So, the small group began to control the rhythm and slowly draw the lottery.

Time passed slowly, and on the other side, in the live broadcast room of the gold medal team, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong finally came to the front of the tree that sees blood and seals the throat.

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