After a long journey, the gold medal team finally returned to see the Blood Sealed Throat Tree.

Seeing the tree in front of them, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's finally here."

"It's time for lunch, Qingqing, let's have lunch first, rest for a while, and then collect the venom."

Tang Hong let out a long breath and said.

Yang Qingqing also nodded, the two put down their backpacks, loosened their shoulders, and began to prepare for lunch.

But there is one thing to be aware of, and that is the rust Madara leopard cat.

"Little Mimi, don't go near that tree."

"You go there to play, be obedient."

Yang Qingqing told Xiao Mimi.

Because she saw that Xiao Mimi wanted to lean over and use the trunk of the blood-stained throat tree to sharpen her claws.

This startled her.

Not only her, but the audience also became nervous.

You know, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong usually play with it, so they will have some scratches on their hands and legs more or less.

Anyone who owns cats knows this.

As long as it's a cat owner, who doesn't have a few scratches on their hands?

There are even more serious ones, all of which are scratched by cats and even bitten. Those who need to get vaccinated quickly.

So, if Mimi scratches the trunk of the Bloody Throat Tree, and then grabs them both, she might kill them both!

This is absolutely not to be sloppy.

Fortunately, Little Mimi was very obedient, and it immediately stayed away from the tree.

Although I don't know why, it can sense the emotions of Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong, which is very spiritual.

"Huh, scared me to death!"

"I didn't even think of this, it seems that it has to be careful Qingqing, my wife."

"Fart, Qingqing and I have a marriage contract, and I still have a marriage certificate in my hand!" M..

"You can print the wedding book yourself, don't make fun of it, hahaha!"

"Qingqing is back, tear up the marriage contract, you shouted angrily, don't bully the poor!"

"This venom has to be kept properly at ordinary times, and Mimi must not be allowed to touch it."


The audience is also constantly sending the barrage to say.

But it's only a matter of time, and Ye Han sent out a lot of tablet computers in the live broadcast room.

So after these audiences finished speaking, they hurried back to continue participating in the lottery.

In such a short period of time, many people have already earned more than 10,000 yuan!

I usually don’t dare to think that I earn more than 10,000 a month, but now I directly earn more than 10,000 a day, and I have achieved the peak of my life!

At this time, Ye Han also started to eat lunch.

He led the team out of the cave, went to the stream to cool off, and then just had a meal.

When he was digging coal, Su Xiaoqi had come out ahead of time to cook for him.

Considering that Ye Han's coal mining would consume a lot of energy, Su Xiaoqi made tiger meat for Ye Han to eat.

Regardless of whether it was psychological or not, Ye Han felt full of energy after eating it.

"One day of coal mining today is enough for a long time."

"Xiao Qi, I'll take you around again tomorrow."

"Hey, rhubarb, what are you doing, be careful I eat your monkey brain!"

Ye Han was chatting with Su Xiaoqi, but Da Huang was so greedy that he almost put his hand into the pot!

This scene made the audience happy.

Rhubarb was actually hungry a long time ago, but Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were also hungry now.

That's why Rhubarb was in a hurry and planned to reach for the meat in the pot by himself.

"I was patronizing the lottery and almost missed it!"

"It has to be rhubarb, and today's laugh is given by rhubarb again." "It's over, Ye Han won't give rhubarb rice, and has to drive away rhubarb!"

"The air is cold, when will Da Huang stand up?"

"I also want to taste this tiger meat, so where did the tiger who was killed by the show team go?"

"Here, Aite Floating Giant, there are rumors that the tiger whip has been soaked into the wine jar by the Floating Giant."


Some viewers mentioned the tiger at the time.

It was the tiger that caused Di Tian and Xue Liang to retire from the competition and almost survived.

The tiger was killed and taken away by the show crew who rushed to the scene. Many people are speculating on the tiger's whereabouts.

Killed all killed, that designation can not be wasted.

Therefore, netizens think that the meat of the tiger was either eaten by the senior members of the program team, or it was distributed to some bigwigs, such as Fushengju.

It just so happens that there is also a Hanqi hot pot restaurant under the name of Fushengju. Isn't this a coincidence, go and cook a tiger meat hotpot, how fragrant!

But in fact, everyone guessed wrong, and the general public did not know at all. In fact, the tiger was sent to the research base of Shenzhou Kingdom long ago.

During this period of time, Ah Le and her team were so busy that they didn't touch the ground!

In contrast, the first-year giant is really busy, because there is nothing to study about earthquakes.

So bored, in the first year of junior high, Ju often came to visit and see the progress of Aleju's research.

"Oh, don't mention it, my hair is falling out one by one."

"I also want to take the time to be a guest on the show team and give everyone some benefits, but I don't have time at all, alas!"

Seeing that the first-year giant came to visit again, Ah Le couldn't help complaining.

"It's hard work for those who can, hahaha!"

"I also want to be busy, but unfortunately I have nothing to do. I don't understand the things on your side."

On the first day of the first year, his hands were behind his back, like a leader who came to inspect.

But in fact, it is no problem to say that he is the leader, because he invested a lot of money in this base.

The person who wanted to report him secretly before, didn't think about it at all, so he suffered a big loss.

Report, report to the boss, isn't this courting death?

You are late for work yourself, and you meet the same late boss in the elevator. Just thinking about it makes your scalp tingle.

"I can smell Versailles."

Aleu gave Chu Yiju a faint glance and said.

The two briefly chatted for a few words, and Chu Yiju left here without disturbing her.

About that tiger, which has been thoroughly sliced ​​and studied, a conclusion has also been drawn.

That is this tiger, and there are indeed some abnormalities.

Even if it did not grow up in the radiation area, the influence of radiation has definitely spread throughout the island through the food web.

So, the tiger's body has also become stronger.

It's not like it's written in some novels, it's directly upgraded, or it will breathe fire or something, that's not it.

But the body's bones, cells, and so on, are stronger than the average tiger.

The target of the comparison is the blood of tigers in zoos across the country, and some wild tigers in nature reserves also have special personnel set out to draw blood.

for comparison and research.

Shenzhou Kingdom and Beautiful Country are all conducting research in this area, and each has made progress.

At present, both parties have a common conclusion, that is, it has not yet been found that this kind of radiation will cause negative effects on living things!

The meaning here is too great.

Once this kind of radiation can be applied to farming and planting, it will bring about a major leap!

Of course, this requires more rigorous results, so Ah Le's team is working around the clock to continue research.

In a short period of time, it will never be used on a large scale, but will only be limited to the laboratory.

Returning to his seat, Chu Yiju continued to watch Ye Han's live broadcast.

He didn't participate in the lottery, because he didn't lack any of these things, and he didn't lack money, so there was no need to grab prizes with other audience members.

So he directly blocked the barrage and gift special effects, and watched the live broadcast cleanly and refreshingly.

At this time, he saw what seemed to be happening on Ye Han's side.

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