Just now on the first day of the first year, Juju went to visit, so I left for a while.

During this time, something happened on Ye Han's side.

Out of curiosity, Chu Yi Ju hurried to find a playback.

Then I understood the current situation.

"I see!"

On the first day of the first year, he sighed with emotion, and a smile appeared on his face.

This also confirms some of the speculations of many viewers before this.

The screen returned to Ye Han's live broadcast room.

Just now, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had finished eating and were packing up. After finishing packing, they planned to take a break and continue to dig coal.

And at this time, Nine Heavens came back.

You don't need to bring Nine Heavens when you go into the cave to dig coal.

So, every time Ye Han came to dig coal, he let Nine Heavens go out to play by himself.

And Nine Heavens can bring back some harvests from time to time.

This time it was like that, Nine Heavens came back with something still in his claws.

Like offering a treasure, it offered what it was holding in its claws to Ye Han.

This scene immediately made Rhubarb, who was squatting in the corner and drawing circles, feel very nervous. .

This damn guy, what did he bring back?

Rhubarb immediately ran over to take a look.

You know, this has happened before.

Nine Heavens offered treasures, and Rhubarb was scolded.

Rhubarb had no choice but to roll it up, and also went everywhere to find the harvest and dedicated it to Ye Han.

But don't forget, rhubarb has contributed quite a lot, especially that pistol!

Many viewers are complaining about Da Huang.

But in fact, everyone knows that Ye Han is very good to Rhubarb. He usually scolds Rhubarb, mainly for jokes.


At this moment, seeing what Nine Heavens brought back, Ye Han couldn't help widening his eyes and let out an exclamation.

Su Xiaoqi couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Boss, is this gold?"

Su Xiaoqi asked.

Nine Heavens brought back a piece of gold!

Ye Han brought the piece of gold over, weighed it in his hand a few times, checked it carefully, and finally took a bite.

"It seems that it is really gold, and it is still such a big piece!"

"Nine Heavens, where did you get it?"

Ye Han looked at Nine Heavens and asked.

At the same time, he scratched the rhubarb with his feet, forbidding the rhubarb to approach.

"Rhubarb, stay away."

"This thing is very precious, you can't touch it."

Ye Han's words made Da Huang feel cold.

"Hahahaha, Ye Han, are you still human? After the game is over, you will give the big golden chain and you will draw cakes!"

"Damn capitalists, don't give rhubarb food, and humiliate rhubarb!"

"Is that really gold, why don't I believe it!"

"I have been dealing with gold for more than 20 years, and I am basically certain that this is gold!"

"Is there really a gold mine on the island? I remember someone on the Internet once speculated that there may be other mineral resources on the island."

"How many minerals have Ye Han discovered now? There are coal mines, iron mines, and now gold mines?"

"Gold miner Ye Han will be online soon!"


A large number of viewers will not care about the lottery at this meeting, and they are all paying attention to the dynamics in the live broadcast room.

Ye Han might have to find gold!

This is a big news that quickly spread all over the world!

The value of gold is expensive, and there is a cold knowledge that gold cannot be produced on this planet, so all the gold in existence actually comes from Universe!

Gold has been a symbol of dignity since ancient times.

Many people who invest now also buy gold for investment.

Not to mention, all kinds of gold jewelry are also very popular, such as the three golds that must be obtained when getting married.

Hearing Ye Han's words at this time, Nine Heavens immediately flapped their wings and planned to bring Ye Han over. But Ye Han hurriedly greeted it.

"Wait, don't fly."

"Just remember, we can't go now."

"Dig coal first, then go to gold tomorrow."

Ye Han said to Nine Heavens.

This immediately made the audience anxious.

It is obvious that a gold mine may be discovered, but there is no rush to find it!

Ye Han is not in a hurry, everyone is in a hurry!

"Boss, why don't you go?"

"I want gold!"

Su Xiaoqi was also anxious, pulling Ye Han's arm and said.

"You want gold, it's no use looking for gold mines now."

"We're on the island, and it's hard to make things like gold jewelry by ourselves."

"Look at this piece, there are actually Impurities in it. It needs to go through repeated smelting and many steps. This is really impossible."

Ye Han spread his hands and said to Su Xiaoqi.

From mining gold to turning it into jewelry in gold shops, it requires a lot of process steps, which is not an easy task.

Hearing what Ye Han said, Su Xiaoqi's enthusiasm immediately faded.

She thought she could make something like a gold bracelet on the island.

Now that it can't be built, don't rush to find gold.

Next, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi continued to look at the gold nugget.

Then continue digging coal.

"Don't leave gold, you have to dig coal!"

"What Ye Han said also makes sense. It is difficult to make gold jewelry on the island."

"Have you forgotten, Ye Han doesn't care about gold mines at all!"

"Yeah, Ye Han already has money, and he wants to buy gold, so why not just buy it?"

"The case has been solved, but we are still too poor. Look at the bright and giant, motionless like a mountain!"

"Yeah, Cheerful Ju is not very envious, he has money."


A large number of barrages surged, and the audience discussed it.

Some viewers also specially searched the Internet and learned about the technological process of gold. It does require many steps, which are basically impossible to do on the island.

From mining it to becoming 999 gold, it is really not an easy task!

Next, Ye Han continued to mine coal.

His mood didn't fluctuate too much, isn't it possible that there is a gold mine?

Like Cheerful Ju, he's the kind of guy who doesn't care about money.

For him in this life, the most precious wealth is Su Xiaoqi, not money.

"Player Ye Han is so lucky, his goshawk may have found a gold mine!"

"I have survived in the wild for so many years, and I have never encountered such a thing!"

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye explained.

Lord De on the side was also full of envy.

Not to mention the money thing, just this kind of experience is worth bragging about for a lifetime!

How cool is it to mention it when drinking with friends!

With the passage of time, Lord Bei is also gradually adjusting his own mentality.

Although he is still worried about Bill in his heart, at least the audience can't see it very much.

Life and death are destiny, wealth is in heaven.

What happens to Bill is not something he can decide. It depends entirely on Bill's fate.

King Yama wants you to die at the third watch, how can he keep you at the fifth watch?

Now that Master Bei can't control this matter, he can only watch it and wait for the result.

Maybe one day he'll be notified to go to Bill's funeral.

Or Bill will suddenly appear in front of him, or stand, it's all possible.

"Competitor Ye Han was unmoved and continued to dig coal."

"But to be honest, this is survival in the wilderness on the island, and coal mines are more useful than gold mines."

"Next, let's look at the treehouse group."

Master De said another sentence, then switched the director screen and came to the live broadcast room of the treehouse group.

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