Regarding the tree house group, their popularity is not low recently.

It was mainly brought by the scenery CP group.

From the program group's announcement, when the scenery CP group was about to meet the treehouse group, a large number of viewers came to watch the live broadcast of the treehouse group.

And after burning, the heat is even higher.

Because the tree house group looks down on Neon Country!

If you look down on Neon Country, then we are good friends!

The treehouse group has gained the friendship of the audience in China, and they have made a lot of money in the past few days.

It's just that they don't know it yet, but their families are all overjoyed.

And the picture returns to the treehouse group, and they have just finished lunch and are working.

Not to mention their lunch, they are basically mosaics.

Originally, the two of them also had some meat in storage, but they were not willing to eat it, and they were burned by the cold wind.

Well now, there is absolutely no meat to eat, let's continue to eat bugs.

When Pei Ye saw this scene, he had to give him a thumbs up!

Lord Bei in the official live broadcast room really gave a thumbs up.

"To be honest, if these two people had contacted the wilderness earlier to survive, they might have threatened my status."

Bei Ye gave such an evaluation.

After all, Grandpa Bei still frowned when he ate a big caterpillar, but Morgan and Ke from the treehouse group ate it with a smile!


"And did you find out that the two of them were the only ones who were not affected after the house was burned down!"

Dean exclaimed.

Yes, it is.

The tree house of the tree house group was burned by the cold wind, and they chased for a while and then came back.

And still live as usual, not so frustrated and angry.

Now they are working on rebuilding the house.

"Treehouse group, yyds!"

"I've already tipped the treehouse team 100 yuan, and that's 100 yuan!"

"One hundred yuan is a fart, I gave five hundred as a reward, and I can go for a massage!"

"I gave a dollar as a reward, mainly because they were ugly, otherwise I could give more."

"Ugly is really ugly, stupid is really stupid, but people are not bad, they are quite funny, and they are worth rewarding."

"It seems that the new house still needs to build a tree house. Is this against the tree house?"


It can be seen that Morgan and Ke like tree houses very much, and they will continue to build a new tree house.

The current progress is also quite good. It is estimated that in two days, the tree house can be completed.

In fact, it's not that the construction level of the two of them is so good, but that the tree house they built is very small.

Generally speaking, the smaller the house, the simpler it is.

The bigger and more complex, the harder it is to build.

Back then, Leng Feng and Li Guang wanted to build a huge tree house in one step, but they failed.

But if they just want to build a small treehouse, that's fine.

"After reading the situation of the tree house group, let's look at the situation of the scenery cp group."

"After they burned the tree house, they kept going, but nothing has happened so far, and we can see that the cold wind has been a little irritable."

"This soldier king can't stand loneliness!"

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye said.

At the same time, the director screen was also switched to the scenery cp group.

At present, there are not many viewers in this live broadcast room, because there is nothing to do here, just hurrying through the trees.

The audience who still stayed here basically came to see Huzi.

"Huzi, slow down!"

The cold wind greeted.

Huzi always likes to run in front of him. And this little guy is growing very fast now, it can be said that he is the same every day, eating meat every day, and growing fat.

"Brother Feng, when are we going to go?"

"The area of ​​this island is very large. A hundred groups of players are scattered on it, and the distance between them is quite far."

"What's more, it's been more than two hundred days now, and I feel that there may be less than half of the remaining players." M..

"When will we meet the other players?"

Li Guang sighed and said to Leng Feng.

He still wanted to find a place to stop and live in peace.

"Let's go and see, Aguang."

"Even if you want to stop, there must be a suitable place, right?"

"dont you agree?"

Leng Feng fanned with a hat made of folded leaves in his hand.

He was soaked with sweat because the weather was so hot.

Hearing Leng Feng's words, Li Guang didn't say anything else, but hurried on his way.

It can be seen that the two actually have some differences.

Of course, this disagreement has always existed.

It's just that Li Guang basically followed the cold wind.

"Oh, Brother Feng really shouldn't do this."

"Yeah, I also don't think it's good. I'd better find a suitable place as soon as possible and stop honestly."

"Why are you so timid, this is survival in the wilderness, not the life you yearn for!"

"But for the sake of the game, shouldn't it be necessary to win with stability?"

"That's right, if you go on like this, who knows what accidents will happen?"

"On this island, a single leaf can take a person's life. Leng Feng's actions are irresponsible to himself, Li Guang, and Shenzhou!"

"Then why don't you talk about Zhang Haoran, he has been running around all the time, it's really funny, why are you targeting Lengfeng?"

The audience had already quarreled.

Both sides are right, and it's hard to say whether this is right or wrong.

At this time, the cold wind became more and more irritable.

He had already thought of a solution in his mind.

That is to wait for a suitable place to live, build a house, and then let Li Guang stay, and he goes out to find something to do!

"Isn't this Ye Han's live broadcast room, why are there people arguing about Leng Feng and Li Guang?"

At this time, in Ye Han's live broadcast room, Cheerful Ju was very puzzled.

Because he saw a lot of people arguing in the barrage.

"That's right, cheerful."

"These people must be double-opening, and they are also watching Leng Feng and Li Guang's live broadcast room."

"But they don't chat there, they go here to chat to facilitate the lottery."

The small group has experience in this matter, and she told Cheerful Ju the real reason.

Cheerful giants didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't be so angry."

"What Leng Feng wants to do, that's his freedom, we can't kidnap him."

"And I still say that, no matter what, just keep an eye on it, even if they are eliminated in an accident, we still have Ye Han in Shenzhou!"

Cheerful Ju persuaded a few words, and then began to draw the lottery.

In the morning, he gave out a lot of prizes.

In the afternoon he started sending money again.

The audience has started to keep him, and hope he can come every day.

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, hahaha!"

"No matter how rich I am, I don't dare to come every day. If I don't tell you from a distance, it means that tomorrow, if I send less things, you should scold me."

Cheerful Ju sees very clearly and hits the nail on the head.

After giving away a large sum of money, he was finally about to start drawing the final grand prize.

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