Hillman's words made the crew on the helicopter panic.

Now how to do?

People have three urgent needs, you can't stop them, right?

Besides, as far as Hillman's situation is concerned, it's in a hurry!

"Well, let's see if you can find something to put it on."

"Player Hillman, remember to turn off the live broadcast."

The leader of the rescue team sighed and said.

But the question is, what to use?

It seems that after this incident, it is necessary to give feedback to the program team.

On the helicopter that rescues the contestants, at least a toilet bowl should be arranged.

In the end, it was the medical staff who contributed a medicine box.

Hillman took the medicine box, walked to the rear of the cabin, and crouched down behind a seat.

After a while, he made a violent noise...  

All the staff are miserable at this moment, and their faces are extremely ugly.

They hold their breath, but it's no use at all.

How long can the average person hold their breath?

It's up in two minutes!

But this time Hillman was definitely not something that could be over in two minutes.

"Captain, I remember we had gas masks in our gear!"

A flash of light flashed in one of the team members' minds and quickly said.

Hearing this, the leader of the rescue team slapped his thigh.


"Get out the gas mask!"

Saying that, they took out gas masks and put them on their faces.

In order to cope with the various environments on the island, there are indeed gas masks in the equipment of the rescuers.

On this point, the program team has done details.

But it's not that detailed.

Because paramedics and helicopter pilots are not equipped with gas masks!

"Give me my gas mask to the driver!"

"He can't go wrong, or what if the plane crashes?"

A player spoke up.

When everyone heard it, it made sense.

"Give it to him. I'm the captain. You should give up your gas mask at this time."

Having said that, the captain was righteous, took off the gas mask on his face, and gave it to the helicopter pilot.

"thanks, thanks!"

The driver took the gas mask and quickly put it on his face before he dared to take a deep breath.

Then other team members gave up their own gas masks and gave them to the medical staff.

After all, two of the medical staff are ladies. Of course, at this time, you must be humble, take care of the ladies, and show your gentlemanly demeanor.

And all of this made Hillman want to bury his face in that medicine box.

What a shame!

This wave of social death made him unable to lift his head.

And no matter how hard you tried before, you couldn't do it, why did you feel it as soon as you got on the plane?

Just outrageous!

At this time, netizens all over the world are also discussing and discussing this matter on the Internet.

"Why did Hillman pull it as soon as he got on the plane?"

"It's normal. He was too nervous about this before, but he can't. Now that he has retired, he relaxes and naturally feels it."

"Then he will definitely regret withdrawing now."

"Regret is useless, he has already retired, there is no regret medicine in the world."

"Anyway, this at least proves that Hillman's condition is okay. Go to the hospital for a physical examination and adjust his body."

"That's right, it's up to Batu now. When will he retire?"


The helicopter continued to fly, leaving the island and coming to the sea.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Hillman kept apologizing.

Now he is completely comfortable and feels relieved. He took the heavy medicine box and asked everyone what to do with it.

This thing is left on the plane and will continue to smell.

So someone wanted to throw the medicine box down, and it happened to be thrown into the sea.

But at this time, the captain of the rescue team spoke.

"There is an order above, you must take this medicine box back."

The rescue captain got the news from above, and then said with a very strange expression.

What do you want this thing for?

Can't figure it out!

But in fact, the superiors who messaged him also felt very puzzled.

In fact, this is what the beautiful country wants, and it is natural to take it back for research.

It's not easy for researchers in beautiful countries...

The picture at this time came to Batu.

After Batu had breakfast, he continued to lie there and rest.

He also wanted to continue to carry the hippo meat, but he couldn't get the least bit of strength at all.

Now he feels very weak, has a feeling of collapse, and is sweating profusely.

Breathing is also very fast, and there is even a sense of near-death!

This made Batu's heart extremely uncomfortable and extremely unwilling.

The hippos were killed and they got so much meat, but he fell ill!

"Damn, damn it!"

"It's all because of that idiot Blegg!"

Batu lay there, scolding Bilge weakly.

In the end, he made a decision.

Must retire!

Otherwise, if it goes on like this, you may die on the island.

Therefore, no matter how unwilling he was, he still pressed the distress button and chose to retire.

"Batu has retired!"

"Wow, today it's Hillman and then Batu. Both patients have retired."

"Sure, I made a big profit this time, hahaha!"

"It's a pity that these hippopotamus meat, can Batu bring back the hippo meat? If possible, I want to buy some and try it."

"When you say that, I'm also curious about the taste of hippo meat."

"I feel that Batu will bring it with him. This hippo meat was obtained by him desperately, so he shouldn't just throw it away."


At this time, the helicopter of the program group had already set off, and even on the way, they encountered the helicopter with Hillman.

The two sides met in the air and greeted each other as they passed by.

All are colleagues.

Soon, the helicopter came to Batu's location.

Rescue workers and medical staff came to Batu's side.

"Don't worry, Batu player, your condition is not serious, just take care of it and you can recover soon."

"Now I'll give you some saline and glucose, and then get some oxygen."

After bringing Batu to the helicopter, the paramedics said after a brief inspection.

"Wait, don't go!"

Batu said weakly.

"Player Batu, is there anything else?"

The leader of the rescue team asked.

"My hippo meat!"

"Can you bring my hippo meat?"

Batu asked.

This is naturally possible.

The things that the players get on the island are the right to take away and belong to the players' personal belongings.

So, several rescuers made two more trips and carried all the hippo meat to the helicopter.

Seeing this, Batu was relieved, let out a long breath, and closed his eyes.

After closing their eyes, many viewers thought that Batu had made a wish, but he was already dead!

But in fact, people just close their eyes and rest.

So far, the two existing patients on the island have all withdrawn from the competition.

But then, the audience discovered that another new player began to get sick!

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