Because the environment of the tropical rain forest is not suitable for human survival, some netizens have said it for a long time.

After living for a long time, there will definitely be problems with the players' bodies and various diseases.

It's just a matter of sooner or later.

Now, with the withdrawal of the two patients, Batu and Hillman, the audience found that other players started to get sick!

This is a group of Siamese players.

On the Siam side, there are two groups of contestants.

A group of players that everyone is familiar with is Ngawang and Ava.

Of course, this is everyone's abbreviation. The names of the two are Charunwang and Valarillo, which are really inconvenient to pronounce.

Both Ngawang and Ava have already retired from the competition, and now there is a group of players left in Siam.

The two players are called Wen Song and Kun Tai.

It's still the same, this group of players has always been unpopular, basically the kind that eats and sleeps honestly.

In the more than 200 days, there were no special circumstances, no fierce battles, adventures and so on.

Therefore, the live broadcast content is relatively boring, there is no bright spot, and the audience is very small.

But now, there are many viewers gathered in this live broadcast room to watch the live broadcast of these two people.

The reason is very simple, that is, both of them are sick!

"Why are two people sick at the same time?"

"This situation is generally related to what the two of them eat, their eating habits, and their living habits."

"I've also heard of people in their entire family who had cancer, and I came to the conclusion that there was something wrong with the family's eating habits."

"Ask everyone, the older generation is reluctant to throw away the leftovers. They can always heat it for several days and eat seven or eight meals. This is easy to eat cancer. How should I persuade it?"

"There's no good way. The old man is used to saving. It's really impossible to keep a dog. Every day, the leftovers are all for the dog to eat."

"You stay with the old man more, eat together, try not to leave any leftovers, and have a meal on a CD, wouldn't there be no such problem?"


In the live broadcast room, a large number of viewers are constantly discussing and sending barrages.

The screen shows that the situation of the two players is not very good.

Illness is coming!

The abnormality between the two happened this morning. Originally, the audience didn't take it seriously, but regarded it as a small problem, such as diarrhea.

But it is not yet noon, and the situation of the two is getting worse.

The live bracelet began to prompt, and an alarm was issued, saying that Kuntai's body was very dehydrated and the electrolyte was out of balance!

Wen Song's situation is a little better than Kun Tai, but not much.

Some viewers speculated that the two should have acute gastroenteritis.

In fact, many people suffer from this disease.

The basic symptoms are also very simple, that is, vomiting and diarrhea, through injections and medicines, you can quickly recover.

In contrast, some chronic gastroenteritis is called grinding.

Chronic diseases can only be supported by care, and the usual diet needs to be very careful, and the cycle of slowly conditioning the body will also be very long.

The acute gastroenteritis, although painful, but also fast.

Just don't forget, it's on the island now!

Acute gastroenteritis can also kill people!

Especially in the case of Kuntai, the live broadcast bracelets have begun to call the police!

"Wen Song, I feel like I'm dying!"

"Ah, my stomach hurts!"

Kuntai was lying in the wooden house, his face pale and in pain.

He has been vomiting and diarrhoea all morning, and the situation is getting worse. M..

"I'm sick too!"

"What happened to us, did we eat something wrong?"

Wen Song gritted his teeth and said. Some viewers were also very curious and began to look back.

I want to see what they have eaten.

"This morning, before they had time to eat, their stomachs started hurting."

"Last night, they drank a pot of soup. Is the soup poisonous?"

"They ate some roasted rat meat and wild fruits at noon yesterday. I think there may be a problem. Is the rat meat undercooked?"

"It's all possible. Anyway, this is the situation now. I feel that the program team will send a helicopter to pick up people again."

"There are still several groups of foreign players. I have been observing them all the time. I see that their faces are not very good. Sooner or later, they will get sick."

"As far as the tropical rain forest environment is concerned, I'm afraid I can't stay for ten minutes. Living here for more than 200 days, it's no wonder that I don't get sick!"


A large number of barrages are surging, and the program team has also made preparations, and a group of rescuers has been arranged on standby, ready to fly to the island to pick up people at any time.

At this time, Wen Song felt that he could still struggle.

So he got up and walked outside the cabin.

The sun was warm on him, making him feel a little better.

Then he started to make a fire and boil water.

Drink lots of hot water!

Sick people should drink more hot water.

He can still move, but Kuntai has basically lost the ability to move.

Venus appeared in front of him, and he was dizzy, and the feeling of hypoxia completely wrapped him!

"Kuntai, hold on for a while, I've boiled hot water."

Wen Song said weakly.

But Kuntai didn't respond because he didn't even have the strength to speak and was in a state of complete collapse.

At the same time, two helicopters continued to fly to take the two retired players to the hospital.

The first is Hillman's side.

There was an indescribable smell on the plane, and many people wore gas masks on their faces and could not see their expressions clearly.

Hillman was so embarrassed that he couldn't keep his head up.

There are still many people on the Internet saying that he is pretending, but in fact he just wants to retire.

But God is pitiful, Hillman can swear to God, even if he really wants to retire, he will not use such an excuse.

Some viewers also analyzed a wave. It should be that after Hillman retired, he suddenly relaxed, and there was no pressure.

Naturally, it is smooth.

Many physical conditions are actually inseparable from psychological factors.

People who are often angry and often unhappy are more likely to get sick. These are all scientifically based things.

"Okay, it's almost there."

"Hillman, don't be sad, no one blames you."

At this time, the team leader of the rescue team comforted Hillman.

"Thank you everyone, I'm really sorry!"

"Please don't talk about this, please!"

Hillman prayed.

"Don't worry Hillman, my mouth is the tightest!"

"I will definitely keep this secret for you!"

"Yes, you have turned off the live broadcast, and the audience doesn't know about it, so if you don't say it, we don't say it, then no one will know!"

"We won't let you die, even the closest person, I won't say it!"

"Trust us, the plane is here, and we'll take you to the hospital for treatment!"

This group of rescuers spoke up one by one, including the medical staff, all comforting Hillman.

Hillman's heart is filled with emotion, there are still many good people!

These are some good people who are almost vomited by themselves, and are willing to keep this secret for themselves!

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