Under the escort of this group of rescuers and medical staff, Hillman was taken to the hospital.

In fact, after the indiscriminate bombing on the plane, Hillman felt very good at this time.

The whole body is smooth and relaxed.

What's more, I got a promise from these people just now, and I will never tell this matter.

This made Hillman walk briskly, with a smile on his face, into the hospital.

What greeted him next was a series of medical examinations.

And it was not long after Hillman entered the hospital.

Lots of posts are starting to appear on the web!

"Revelation! What exactly did Hillman do after getting on the plane, people and gods are outraged!"

"First-hand insider information! Because of Hillman, the plane almost crashed!"

"The terrible Hillman, he pulled ten pounds!"

"Have you ever fallen into a septic tank? Thank you Hillman for giving me that experience."

"Hillman, the strongest shit king in history!"


In these posts, what happened after Hillman boarded the plane was described in detail, and the description was so detailed that it gave people a sense of being there.

Audiences all over the Internet are also discussing this matter intensely.

Hillman became famous in the first battle and became famous.

On the other hand, Batu was also sent to the hospital at the fastest speed.

In contrast, it is natural that Batu's situation is even worse.

There is basically no problem with Hillman, but Batu needs to be treated quickly.

On the plane, he received an infusion and slept.

It feels pretty good now.

However, there are still many problems in his body that require follow-up treatment.

Of course, these problems can be fatal on the island, but in the hospital, they are all minor problems.

It's not a terminal illness, just conditioning, taking injections, and taking medicine will be fine.

After getting off the plane, Batu was carried away by a stretcher at the hospital.

Before leaving, he was still thinking about his hippo meat.

"My hippo meat!"

Batu cried weakly.

"Don't worry, Batu, your hippo meat, we will bring it over immediately and put it in your ward."

"When you recover, you can eat these hippo meat."

said a rescuer.

Hearing this, Batu felt relieved and was carried into the hospital.

What he didn't know was that when he turned his head, he was sold!

After seeing Batu leave, the rescuers immediately returned to the helicopter.

"What do we do now, Captain, how much do we keep?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, this is an illegal act, and none of us can leak it out!"

"Let me see, let's keep a pack and divide it equally, how about it?"

"Okay, okay, I haven't eaten hippo meat yet. I'll take it back and let my wife braise it." M..

"Hahaha, we also have a chance to eat the things on the island!"

"Remember, this matter is rotten in the stomach, no one can say it, or else they will lose their jobs!"

"Yes, yes, this job is quite good, don't tell anyone!"


The gang secretly left behind a packet of hippo meat.

If there is one bag missing, it is estimated that Batu will not find it.

The two retired players were sold by their respective rescuers.

Batu is actually okay, just missing a pack of hippo meat.

But Hillman, has now been ridiculed by the whole network.

And he doesn't know yet, when he sees it online, he really doesn't know how he will feel!

At this point the screen returns to the island.

"Now Ye Han and Xiao Qi are still on their way, and are about to return to the waterfall view room." "It's almost noon, time flies so fast."

"How is the big beauty now, I think it has adapted to it."

"This adaptability is quite strong, similar to rhubarb, as expected of a couple."

"Look, we are beautiful, and we are really pretty, and they are a good match for rhubarb!"

"Excessive, a monkey, how can it look beautiful?"


The audience chatted in Ye Han's live broadcast room.

A lot of barrage scrolling, but also mixed with a lot of gifts.

On Ye Han's side, the waterfall view room can already be seen in front, and the sound of the waterfall can be vaguely heard.

"It's finally coming back."

"How is Xiao Qi, are you tired?"

Ye Han asked.

Su Xiaoqi shook her head.

"Not tired."

"For such a long time, my body is much better than when I went to the island."

Su Xiaoqi said.

Indeed, the audience can see this.

If you look back at this time, the video of the two of them when they first arrived on the island will be more obvious.

"Indeed! I still remember when I first went to the island, Ye Han and Xiao Qi's physiques were not very good, and they would feel tired after walking for a while."

"But now, they won't have any problem walking all morning, and they have to walk another afternoon in the afternoon!"

In the live broadcast room, Teacher Piao said.

He has a great say in this matter, after all, it has been explained since the beginning of the broadcast.

Today's commentator with Teacher Piao's partner is Teacher Ma.

When these two get together, the show is naturally full of effects.

It happened that Ye Han was basically on his way today, and there was nothing to watch. At this time, the strength of the commentator was even more highlighted.

The two of you say a word, and I say a word, and there is basically no time to be in the cold.

"Hey? Why do some players get sick after living on the island for so long, but Ye Han's health is better?"

Teacher Ma asked.

This is also a question on the minds of many netizens.

"Isn't that easy?"

"Just because Ye Han is doing well!"

Teacher Piao said with a smile, and spread out his hands.

It does.

Ye Han is doing well, so he is in good health!

Nowadays, many people regard hardship as a virtue, and feel that one must endure hardship.

But to be honest, who the hell is willing to suffer?

Is your brain sick? You have a good life, but you have to endure hardship?

Endure hardship, that is a last resort, endure hardship for the sake of life!

People live a good life, eat well, live well, sleep well, dress well, and have no worries, and their health will naturally be healthy.

And people live a hard life, eating steamed buns and pickles, and working hard, can they be healthy?

The gap between Ye Han and most of the other players is here.

For example, Ye Han eats delicious food made by Su Xiaoqi, and the ingredients are also very good.

But some players eat bugs and mouse meat. Is it okay to eat these things?

For example, Wen Song and Kun Tai, who are now sick and suffering from acute gastroenteritis.

The rat meat they ate at noon yesterday still felt fragrant, but the rat meat was not clean.

The tiger meat and sambar meat that Ye Han eats are all good meats, so they will naturally be healthier.

So Ye Han won't get sick, Moon Song and Kun Tae will.

At this time, Ye Han led the team back to the waterfall view room, took a rest, and Su Xiaoqi started to cook.

Rhubarb is playing around with Damei, who has never been here before and thinks everything is novel.

When it was time to eat, Rhubarb brought it back to eat, and the two monkeys were very happy.

On the other side, poor Kuntai finally couldn't hold on anymore.

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