Ye Han is eating here.

The food was quite rich, and many spectators ran away.

On the poor side of Wen Song and Kun Tai, the number of viewers is quite large, and everyone is waiting for their ending.

If nothing else, there will be results today.

"Two players have withdrawn today, will there be a third and fourth place?" M..

"I think it's almost there, especially Kun Tai, his situation is not optimistic."

"Just now Wen Song boiled some hot water and they drank it. It seems that Wen Song can get better."

"I am a doctor and I think they are acute gastroenteritis caused by improper diet."

"Look, is Kuntai dying?"


A large number of barrages surged, and the audience kept staring at poor Kuntai.

He doesn't know yet that he has ushered in the peak of his life and the moment with the most audience.

"Wen...Wen Song..."

Kuntai was lying in the wooden house and said weakly.

Before he finished speaking, he opened his mouth and spit it out.

I drank some hot water just now, and I threw up all over the place.

Seeing this, Wen Song, who was lying on the side, hurriedly rolled on the ground and ducked.

Otherwise, he will vomit on himself.

"Why did you vomit again?"

Wen Song sighed and said weakly.

"I can not make it."

"Goodbye, Wen Song."

Kuntai said.

I didn't know he thought he was going to die!

But the next moment, Kuntai pressed the button for help.

"Kuntai has retired!"

"I almost thought he was going to die just now!"

"You can't die, you can't die, it's just acute gastroenteritis, and you can't die."

"If he had been dragging on the island, he might have died."

"He has called for help now. It's not a big problem. Just go to the hospital and get some water."

"What about Wen Song, should Wen Song retire?"


The audience continued to talk.

At this time, the helicopter of the program group had already set off and came to the island to pick up people.

If there are players who are in the right position, then you can hear the sound of all three helicopters!

I don't know what happened, why so many players withdraw from the competition.

"Kuntai, are you quitting the competition now?"

"No longer insist?"

Wen Song suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Kun Tai.

Kuntai didn't have the strength to speak, he lay there and shook his head.


Wen Song was heartbroken.

"We have persisted for more than 200 days, and we are very hopeful to win the championship!"

"How can I keep going on my own when you retire?"

Wen Song was so angry that he beat the ground with his fist and said.

Wen Song felt much better after drinking some hot water just now, and there were bursts of warmth in his body, which made him very comfortable.

He had planned to keep going, but now Kuntai suddenly withdrew from the competition, what should he do?

Wen Song felt confused for a while.

There are still more than 100 days left to let him live here by himself?

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle!


Seeing that Kuntai still didn't speak, Wen Song could only sigh.

With Khun Tai opting to retire, Siam was left with a single seedling like Wen Song.

He himself can't hold on for long, and he will definitely have to retire. Therefore, the annihilation of the Siam Kingdom has become a doomed thing.

In fact, the most uncomfortable thing in this matter is Wen Song, because he has always insisted and wants to win the championship.

But in fact, the audience on this side of Siam has long given up any hope.

No matter how persistent you are, can you still beat Ye Han?

The championship is basically locked by others, let's not think about it.

Soon, the helicopter came to the island and picked up Kuntai.

A rescue worker from Siam also asked Wen Song if he wanted to go together.

To be honest, Wen Song was very moved.

He is still ill, and of course wants to retire and go home.

But in the end he refused.

"Thank you, I want to keep going."

Wen Song said.

Although he also knew in his heart, he must be cool too.

But he was still not reconciled and wanted to try.

His choice has also won the respect of many audiences.

If nothing else, this player's attitude is very correct!

This perseverance to the end is admirable.

So, the helicopter took Kuntai away and sent it to the hospital.

The hospital did not arrange a physical examination for Kuntai for the time being, but directly diagnosed his condition and arranged for an infusion.

Kun Tai fell asleep on the hospital bed and felt much better.

If nothing else, these three players should have retired today.

To be honest, there have been quite a few, and three people have withdrawn from the competition.

And the situation of these three groups is also very similar, they all withdraw one person and leave one person.

Now there are three more lone wolves on the island, namely Bileg, Dibus, and Wensong.

The three of them have become retired players in the eyes of the audience, because they definitely won't last long.

The worst of them all is Blegg, because he and Batu split up a few days ago.

So he hadn't spoken to anyone for days, and the food was gone.

The audience believed that the next person to retire should be him.

Then there is Wen Song. His illness is not yet healed. If his condition worsens, he will have to retire.

The best of the three lone wolves has to be Dibbs.

Because Dibbs is not sick, he still has food, and there is a lot of bear meat in his hand, which can be eaten for a while.

The withdrawal of the three players caused heated discussions on the Internet.

Some people speculate that in the future, players may get sick every three or five years.

For example, Wen Song and Kun Tai, if they had just arrived on the island, they might not have suffered from acute gastroenteritis.

But after staying on the island for so long, the body is no longer as good as when it was on the island, and the immunity and resistance will decline.

Other players, more or less, will also face the same problem.

Among the three retired players, the most popular right now is undoubtedly Hillman.

He never dreamed that the so-called keeping secrets of those rescuers turned out to be asking the whole world to keep secrets for him!

At this time, the screen returned to Ye Han's side.

After lunch and rest for a while, the two packed up and started walking towards their hometown.

Rhubarb and Dabei were exhausted, and now they are sitting on Xiaohanhan's back and chatting.

Everyone can't understand their monkey language, but don't forget, we have a royal translator!

"What the beauty is saying now is, where are we going now?"

"Yes, yes, Rhubarb replied, let's go back to our hometown."

"Damei said what kind of meat was that you just ate, why is it so delicious?"

"Your translation is too boring, let's have something interesting!"

"Rhubarb said dear, let's go to the woods to play tonight!"

"Hahahaha! The big beauty smiled shyly, if she wanted to refuse, she would welcome..."

"Don't do this, it will be harmonious if you continue!"


It's really hard for the audience to get serious, because seriousness means boredom.

Next, Ye Han continued on his way with the team.

At the same time, something happened on Bileg's side.

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