At this time, there are still people discussing on the Internet, three people have withdrawn from the competition today, will there be a fourth.

Therefore, for some players who may be eliminated, there are many people guarding them in the live broadcast room.

For example, the current elimination favorite Bileg.

He had been walking alone, looking for a new place to live, for several days, and now that the food had run out, he was at the end of the road.

So he is currently the most likely player to retire.

Maybe everyone was expecting him to retire, so something really went wrong with Bleger.

At this time, Bileg felt like a fire in his stomach.

He is so hungry!

When he left, he took half of the remaining crocodile meat and only ate one meal a day, barely holding on until now.

But if he stopped eating, he felt like he would starve to death!

"Damn it, that idiot Batu is all to blame!"

Bilge couldn't help but curse.

It would be better if Batu moved with him. The two of them also took care of each other. They took turns to open the way, and the speed of progress would be faster.

The chances of getting prey on the way also increase.

But Batu's one tendon insisted to stay and deal with the hippopotamus.

"Maybe Batu has been trampled to death by a hippo!"

Bileg thought to himself.

At the same time, he was also searching around, looking forward to finding food.

In fact, there are quite a few things to eat around him.

There are audiences who are summarizing.

"Look at that bug, it's not poisonous, it's rich in protein, it's grilled, it tastes like chicken."

"Yes, yes, I can still dig earthworms if I can't. Now I have joined the KFC luxury lunch."

"There are some plants here that can be eaten, even if the taste is not very good, but at least they are not poisonous and can fill the stomach."

"You all checked the information, and Bilege couldn't check the information, and he didn't dare to eat anything he didn't know!"

"It's right not to eat things you don't know, but it's a pity that Bileg didn't find a bug that eats earthworms."

"I have a hunch that Beleg is finished."


A large number of viewers thought that Beleg was fast.

In the official live broadcast room, Lord Bei and Lord De are also explaining the current situation of Bileg.

"A large number of audience friends are now paying attention to the situation of Blegg players."

"We can see that Blegge is looking for food, but unfortunately, there are a lot of delicious food around him."

Bei Ye said regretfully.

In his eyes, there is food everywhere, and there is no starvation.

But his good partner De Ye thinks otherwise.

"I don't think Blegg can starve very much."

"If it were me, I would still be hungry for at least three days. If you don't eat and drink only water, you can live for at least seven days. He is still early."

Lord De shared his experience of starvation.

And at this moment, something happened in the live broadcast screen.

I saw Blegg was climbing a tree!

Many viewers were sweating for him.

Are you going to climb a tree with your current physical condition?

Can it work?

But Blegg had a reason to climb the tree, because he saw a bird's nest in the tree!

This is good stuff!

There are either baby birds or eggs in it.

Must climb up!

Blegg gritted his teeth and began to climb the tree slowly.

Under normal circumstances, he would have no problem climbing trees.

But now he is hungry, weak, and has no strength.

Looking at his trembling appearance, the audience was afraid that he would fall off in the next second.

Fortunately, Bileg did not fall, but insisted on climbing up!

"Good job, Bileg!" "It's amazing how stupid Bileg climbed this tree!"

"Blegg said just now that Batu is a stupid Batu!"

"No problem, old iron, both of them are stupid."

"There are young birds in this bird's nest, there are three in total, and it's not enough to stick between the teeth!"

"Just kidding, with these three birds, Master De can last for at least ten days!"


The audience continued to send a large number of barrages, and there was a lot of discussion.

At this time, Bileg also showed a strong look of joy on his face.

He immediately reached for the young bird in the nest.

The baby bird made a terrified sound, but couldn't escape from Bileg's clutches.

The hairs of these young birds have not yet grown, and they basically have no ability to move. They can only open their mouths and wait for their parents to feed.

In the face of Bileg, they have no power to resist.

The first chick had already been caught by Bileg.


Bilge couldn't help laughing.

He thought for a while, swallowed, and resisted the urge to eat it raw.

He put the baby bird in his pocket, intending to go down and make a fire for roasting later.

Then he started catching the second one.

The second young bird was also caught by him and put into his pocket.

Everything is going smooth.

But at this time, the accident happened!

Bileg just reached out to catch the third young bird, when a big bird flew over in front of him!

There is no doubt that this must be the owner of the nest, the mother or father of the three young birds.

The big bird was so angry that it uttered a cry and pecked directly on Bileg's eyes!

The speed was very fast. Between the electric light and flint, Bileg let out a scream and fell directly from the tree!


"Blegg has been attacked!"

"It's over, Bileg's eyes are blind, and he's bleeding a lot!"

"Blegg fell to his death, he died!"

"What are you doing, can you see clearly before you speak?"

"Let's talk about rumors! I really convinced you people, look carefully!"


The number of barrages surged again.

This sudden change also attracted a large number of audiences to watch.

In fact, Bileg wasn't blind, and he wasn't dead.

Otherwise, the live bracelet will definitely call the police.

But at this time, Bileg's situation was indeed not very good.

He was attacked, the corner of his eye was pecked, and a blood hole came out. Although it was not big, it was very painful and was still bleeding.

Then he fell from the tree, and he was in so much pain that he felt like he was about to fall apart.

Luckily I didn't break any bones, otherwise I'd have to retire.

Before he could catch his breath, he saw the damn bird coming again, and he was going to continue to attack it!

Yes, Bileg wants to steal other people's children, which is a deadly vengeance.


Bilege let out a roar, he directly stretched out his hands to grab the bird, then turned over and pinned the bird under him! .

In the process, his hand was pecked again.

Then he snapped the bird's neck violently, and lay on the ground gasping for breath.

This wave is okay, although it was injured a little, but it has harvested three small birds and one big bird!

Of course, the size of this big bird is only in comparison with the small bird.

In fact, this big adult bird is about the size of a mobile phone and is small in size.

But don't look down on others, at least he must have been pecked.

Next, Bileg lay there and rested for a while, then got up with difficulty to make a fire. He wanted to eat these birds to replenish his strength!

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