"Wen Song is going to quack!"

"Don't talk nonsense, don't you mean dead?"

"It's okay to retire from the competition. It's fine."

"His acute gastroenteritis hasn't healed yet, and he ate a pot of mushy meat again. I'm afraid it's hard to digest now!"

"Wow, I once had acute gastroenteritis and then ate millet porridge for two days."

"Is Wen Song stupid, or did he deliberately want to retire?"


The barrage was surging, and the audience was discussing this matter.

In the live broadcast at this time, Wen Song felt more and more painful.

Eventually he couldn't help but run out of the cabin and started vomiting.

Just ate something and vomited it all.

Wen Song's face was pale and his mood was very low.

"It seems that my stomach is currently unable to digest these things, not even meat paste."

"But I can't just drink water, and I don't have any other food!"

Wen Song frowned and thought.

These meats are also accumulated in the past, and they are reluctant to eat!

It's all wasted now and vomited as soon as I ate it.

There was still a dull pain in his stomach, Wen Song boiled some hot water and drank it, then went back to the house and continued to lie down.

The audience feels that he has now replaced Belegg as the most hopeful person to retire!

Other than that, there's Dibbs.

So far, Dibbs, who has lost his teammates, is doing pretty well.

There was still a lot of bear meat left, and he was the only one who could eat it for a while.

And Dibbs is in good health, and there are no problems.

So his audience is the least.

Since he has no chance of withdrawing from the competition in a short time, there is no need to come and watch.

Let's see when he's about to retire.

As a result, a large number of viewers gathered in the live broadcast rooms of Wen Song and Bileg, waiting for the two to retire.

As for Ye Han's side, he led the team to have a seafood dinner by the sea, and then he did nothing, just lay there and rest and chat with Su Xiaoqi.

Really comfortable, so many viewers are even more envious.

At this time, some viewers said that there was finally a movement in the scenery CP group!

Immediately, a large number of viewers poured into the live broadcast room of the scenery CP group.

"I feel like I haven't seen it for a long time, what's the situation now?"

"Alas, I feel that there is a gap between Leng Feng and Li Guang, and they are not as close as they used to be."

"My fan's cp collapsed, sad."

"It's alright, it's okay, anyway, it's not because of the PC that the house collapsed."

"What does pc mean? I understand, it turned out to be a pinyin abbreviation."

"Isn't there another star who has an accident recently, who is bright and beautiful on the surface, I didn't expect to play so much behind the scenes!"

"I said earlier, don't chase stars! You worship a scientist, an Olympic champion or something, that's fine. What do you worship a star for?"

"It doesn't mean that stars are not worthy of being sought after. Our milk tea Jay Chou has no problem. I admire his musical talent the most. He is my idol for a lifetime."


In the midst of a lot of discussion, the audience also clearly saw the situation in the live broadcast room.

It turned out to be the scenery CP group, and finally found a fairly suitable place to live.

Although it is not as good as the environment of the fourth base, but the resources are quite rich, you can stop and live.

"Aguang, what do you think of this place?"

said the cold wind.

Li Guang nodded.

"It's good, you can stay here."

"I saw a rabbit running over just now, and I seem to have heard a chicken crowing. It's a good place," Li Guang said.

"Okay, here it is, let's get to work!"

Leng Feng said, put down his backpack, and took the engineer shovel to chop down trees.

Seeing his anxious look, Li Guang couldn't help sighing.

There is no doubt that Lengfeng wants to get this thing done as soon as possible, and then let him live here and go out on his own.

The two have different game concepts, and this communication is useless.

If you really want to say it, I'm afraid it will cause a quarrel.

Li Guang also took the shovel and chose a tree to start cutting it down.

Only Huzi is still so heartless, playing with himself.

"When this wooden house is built, Brother Feng will probably leave alone and embark on the road of doing things."

In the live broadcast room, Professor Yuan said.

Next to him is Xiao Liang. Today, they are in the same frame to explain, which makes many audiences shout for Ye Qing Hui.

During this time, Professor Yuan seems to be very busy, so he did not participate in the live broadcast commentary very much.

It is said that it is some family affairs, and the audience is not easy to ask in detail.

"Everyone has been discussing this matter, and everything is said."

"I won't say too much. I'm afraid everyone will be annoying. In short, I'll just say a word, everyone can rest assured. No matter what happens, we still have Ye Han in Shenzhou, and he will definitely win the championship."

"Ye Han is our Shenzhou Kingdom's Dinghai Shenzhen!"

Xiao Liang said.

There's nothing wrong with that, and the audience agrees.

With Ye Han around, even if the Lengfeng team really had a problem and retire, that would be acceptable.

The matter of winning the championship is left to Ye Han!

However, even though the words were said, the audience still felt uncomfortable in their hearts.

They don't want to see the scenery CP group have problems, so they come to blame Lengfeng, which is also a love to hate.

Next, Leng Feng and Li Guang began to work hard.

The communication between the two also decreased a lot, so many viewers left and didn't want to watch anymore.

At this time, on the Internet, an auction is finally about to start.

Batu's Hippo Meat Auction is about to begin!

I have to say, this action is really fast!

The auction will be conducted online and on an international platform.

Anyone in the world only needs to pay a certain deposit to participate.

In order to make more money, Batu, who was mad, actually set each serving of hippo meat at 100 grams!

In this case, the hippopotamus meat he brought back is enough to be divided into a large number of shares, auctioned, and made more money!

Many people think that a serving is only 100 grams, how expensive can it be sold?

Maybe if you grit your teeth and spend a month's salary, you can buy a taste!

But soon, they knew that they were too naive.

Every auction of hippo meat has a big shot, monopolizing it at a completely unreasonable price!

Ordinary people don't even think about it, the price is prohibitive!

And this hippo meat auction started fast and ended fast.

When the auction ended, Batu, who was lying on the hospital bed, was surprised to find that he seemed to be a billionaire!

He had an unreal feeling that he seemed to be dreaming.

"Mom, you slap me."

Batu said to his mother who came to escort him next to him.

"Batu, Mom wants you to slap Mom too!"

Batu's mother said.

Both of them were completely dumbfounded!

Are there so many rich people in this world?

Is there any difference between buying hippo meat at such a price and throwing money directly?

The premium is too serious!

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